A measure of the overall efficiency of an optical system. For optical telescope/spectrograph combinations this will be of the order of a few to tens of percent.
Any measure of the speed of data transmission.
commonly used as a synonym to data transfer rate or bandwidth. In wireless applications it refers to the actual quantity of data that can be transmitted over a wireless link.
A warehousing output measure that considers the volume (weight, number of units) of items stored during a given time period.
Total amount of freight imported or exported through a seaport measured in tons or TEUs.
The amount of aircraft flying through the National Airspace System in a given period.
The amount of gas traveling through the natural gas delivery system.
Measure of work performed by a device over a given period of time
The number of cows that can be milked in a parlor in a given period of time.
The amount of data a computer can process in a specific period of time. Today, this term is used to refer to a true or actual speed of data communication rather than a so-called "theoretical" rate. For instance, an ISP may provide an ISDN service whose theoretical data speed is 128Kbps but its throughput may be less when the line is busy. The term is also used in expressions including "throughput BOD" which is the ability to release one of the two B channels to accept an incoming call. In this case, the term refers to theoretical speeds such as 128Kbps and 64Kbps as in "the throughput drops from 128Kbps to 64Kbps to take a call". It can be found in many configuration screens for terminal adapters and dial-up routers.
Measure for the number of assays or data points per time unit, i.e., 1,000 assays per day.
The amount of data that can be transmitted over a network in a given period of time.
The amount of data that can be transferred in a given amount of time. Usually expressed in bps (bits per second), Kbps, or Mbps. Synomyn for bandwidth.
Any measure of speed for data transmission. See also Bandwidth.
The amount passing through a system from input to output. Used in document finishing, often describes the number of finished pieces over a set period of time.
Total useful information processed or communicated during a specified time period.
The amount of useful, non-redundant, accurate information that gets transmitted and processed. The total throughput is the final outcome of a communications session. The actual throughput may be a lot less data than was originally transmitted, but these are problems with line quality, outside interference, speed, etc.
The speed at which a modem or fax machine or other communications device can "put through" information. A V.42bis modem can communicate with another modem of the same protocol at 14,400 bits per second. But, by using data compression routines, the effective throughput can be up to 38,400 bits per second under ideal conditions.
The number of bits, characters, or blocks which can pass through a data communications system, or portion thereof, when the system is working at saturation.
The amount of data passing through a network from one node to another in a given time period. Also see jitter and latency.
The amount of natural gas transported through a pipeline system.
The actual speed of a plotter in completing a job. Difficult to measure, but it represents a plotter's ability to process information and then cut an image.
A measure of a network's or computer's overall performance that is a function of all the configuration components of a system.
The actual amount of information that is passed between computers and or programs.
The rate of production of a defined process over a stated period of time. Rates may be expressed in terms of units of products, batches produced, turnover, or other meaningful measurements.
The number of efficaciously served requirements (packets/commands/transactions/Calls per time unit for a given network Resource offered a given rate of service requirements according to a given Call Type Distribution . In the case of a switch the ITU-T Rec. Q.543 states the following definition: "The number of Call attempts processed successfully by an exchange per unit time." Synonymous with Network Traffic Handling Capacity . source: ITU-T Q.543 domain: Performance usage: EU-P308 EU-P308
(1) a user-oriented performance quality requirement specifying the number of times that an application or component shall be able to execute a specific operation or use case path in a specific unit of time (e.g., second, minute, hour, or business day).(2) a quality factor measuring the actual number of times that an application or component executes a specific operation or use case path in a specific unit of time. Contrast with capacity, , and response time.
The actual speed at which data is transmitted in a wireless network. Because of communication and protocol overhead, throughout is generally less than the data rate. (See also: Data Rate)
Refers to the average length of label stock that a printer can process and print in a given amount of time. Throughput differs from print speed in that throughput includes the label transmission, formatting and printing times. Due to these factors, a 12 ips machine may have lower throughput than a 10 ips printer.
The number of transactions completed by the system or by a server per unit time.
The rate at which user data is transferred between applications. Usually kilobyte s per second. This is distinct from bandwidth or link speed, which describes the signaling rate of network hardware. The maximum possible throughput is always less than the signaling rate. Also known as speed.
For file systems, this typically refers to the number of I/O operations in a given unit of time.
The amount of data moved successfully from one node to another in a given time period.
The amount of data transferred from one place to another or processed in a specified amount of time. Data transfer rates for disk drives and networks are measured in terms of throughput. Typically, throughputs are measured in kbps, Mbps and Gbps. Throughput under 36 kbps is usually classified as "Dial-up" or "Narrowband" connections, where higher throughputs are considered "Broadband".
output relative to input; the amount passing through a system from input to output (especially of a computer program over a period of time)
The amount of data that pass from a server or through network. Often a gauge of raw processing power or network performance.
Amount of useful data bandwidth transported through a system. Usually measured in Kbps, Mbps, or Gbps.
Amount of data transferred from one place to another in a specified period of time. Also called data transfer rate.
The actual amount of useful and non-redundant information which is transmitted or processed. The relationship of what when in one end and what came out the other is a measure of the efficiency of that communications link - a function of cleanliness, speed, etc.
the feature which characterises the amount of information that can be transferred by a telecommunications system in a time unit; amount of information transferred in accoredance with a clocking system; measured in bits per second (bps) Transmission connection - a telecommunications connection which allows the transfer of signals over a long distance
The actual amount of data carried on a channel. It is usually measured in terms of bits per second.
A measure of the volume of data which can be transmitted (typically per second) through a given communications system.
The number of disks processed on a given production machine per unit of time.
The actual amount of useful and non-redundant information that is transmitted or processed. Throughput is the end result of a data call. Throughput is a measure of the efficiency of a communications link.
the amount of information processed in a given time.
The total of all natural gas volume moved through a pipeline system, including sales, company use, storage, transportation and exchange.
The amount of information transferred through the network between two users in a given period, usually measured in the number of packets per second (pps).
The amount of data transferred over a network
The amount of liquid that can be distilled in a given time period.
The aggregate user data carried by the channel during a specified time period. Expressed in bps or packets per second.
The data transfer rate of a network, measured as the number of kilobytes per second transmitted.
(n.) A measure of the work of a computer system in a set period. An example is floating-point instructions per second.
Usually measured in bps, Kbps, Mbps or Gbps, throughput is the amount of data that can be sent from one location to another in a specific amount of time. (See bps, Mbps). close
In computers, it is a measurement of the amount of work that can be processed within a set time period. In networking, it is a measurement of the amount of data that can be successfully transferred with a set time period.
Throughput refers to how much data can be transferred from one location to ...
The amount of work (measured in number of jobs completed, disk requests handled, and so on) that a system processes in a specified time.
A measure of system efficiency.
Number of results produced per unit time.
The amount of merchandise shipped through a system or warehouse in a given time. This is referred to in cases, lines, or tons of product.
Throughput is just another word for "communications speed." If you uploaded a megabyte in 10 minutes, the throughput would have been 13,981 bits per second — close to the best-case throughput of a 14.4Kbps modem, but relatively slow by modern standards.
Throughput means transmission performance that means actually transmitted or received characters during certain period of time. Figure of throughput depends on CPU, Memory, performance between 2 devices, pattern of measurement, as well as performance of the operating system. It's usually measured in BPS (Byte Per Second).
The number of wafers processed on a given production machine during a measured period of time.
The rate at which data can travel through an entire system.
A performance measure defined here as the number of client requests processed by a Network Load Balancing cluster per unit time (higher is better). Throughput increases with additional client traffic that the cluster can handle prior to saturating its hosts.
the amount of work that can be performed by a computer system or component in a given period of time [ IEEE 90].
Measure of data transmission speed (in Kbps).
The maximum potential of a device or machine, expressed in amount per time.
The average amount of raw material that is processed in a given period by a facility, such as a natural gas processing plant, an oil refinery or a petrochemical plant.
The number of bits, characters, or blocks passing through a data communication system, or portion of that system. Note 1: Throughput may vary greatly from its theoretical maximum. Note 2: Throughput is expressed in data units per period of time; e.g., in the DDN, as blocks per second. The maximum capacity of a communications channel or system. 3. A measure of the amount of work performed by a system over a period of time, e.g., the number of jobs per day.
A measure of warehousing output volume (weight, number of units). Also, the total amount of units received plus the total amount of units shipped, divided by two.
The rate at which data may be transferred from one computer to another via some sort of electronic medium. Usually measured in bits per second, kilobytes per second or megabytes per second.
The total amount of raw materials processed by a refinery or other plant in a given period.
The rate at which equipment processes or transmits data.
The number of requests processed by Oracle Internet Directory for each unit of time. This is typically represented as "operations per second."
Measures the number of service requests on the I/O channel per unit of time.
A measure of the performance of a network for large data transfer (such as FTP, NFS, HTTP 1.1). This speed is expressed in bits per seconds or a multiple.
The total useful information processed or communicated in a specified amount of time. Data compression increases the throughput of your modem by allowing you to send more information in the same number of bits.
The amount of information that is pulled from a persons Website each month. Sometimes called Bandwidth. Throughput is measured in bytes. The average ISP allows 100MB of bandwidth per month. So, if you had a 25MB site, only 4 people would be allowed to fully download your site.
The number of items completed in a process such as scanning or character recognition, usually measured in pages per minute.
The amount of gas that is transported by a pipeline or distribution system over a period of time. It includes gas owned by the pipeline/distributor as well as gas owned by the pipeline/distributor's customers. In a completely bundled system, all of the throughput would be owned by the pipeline/distributor. In a completely unbundled system, transportation customers would own the entire throughput. [ débit
The number of wafers per hour through a machine, assuming 100% equipment uptime and a fully loaded machine.
A measure of the data transfer rate through a typically complex communications system or of the data-processing rate in a computer system.
the number of units completed through a process per unit time.
The maximum rate at which a data conversion system can perform repetitive conversions within a specified accuracy. It is determined by summing the various times required for each part of the conversion system and then taking the inverse of this time. The throughput rate takes into account the total time required to process a signal and store the value in either on-board or system memory.
The amount of data that can be sent from one location to another in a specific amount of time usually measured in Kbps Mbps or Gbps.
Amount of material conveyed in a specific amount of time.
For NGLs: The amount of liquid hydrocarbons flowing past a given point on the Enbridge Lakehead System, usually measured as barrels per day. For natural gas: The amount of natural gas flowing past a given point located on systems operated by Enbridge Partners, usually measured in Dths/MMBtus per day.
The end result of data transmission (for a given period of time). It is a measure of the overall efficiency, quality and performance of a communications link and its software / protocols.
A term used to describe the amount of data which can be processed by a system in a given amount of time.
The amount of data transmitted between two points in a given amount of time, e.g., 10 Mbps.
The actual speed of transmission of uncluttered data.
The number of quality finished parts produced per hour. Generally throughput consists of cut speed, acceleration and other process parameters.
A measure of the amount of data transferred in a specific amount of time, usually expressed as bits per second (bps).
The amount of data that can be transferred through a medium within a certain time period.
The amount of information carried by a communication system. Data rate equals information rate plus overhead.
A measure of data transfer rate; see Speed.
The speed at which data travels through a network.
Throughput is the output or production of a computer program over a period of time.
Net data transfer rate between an information source and an information destination.
The amount of data that can be transmitted in a given amount of time. Throughput is commonly measured in bits per second. (Although throughput is not really a measurement of speed, most people, including us, use the word "speed" when talking about a high- throughput network.)
The amount of data transmitted through internet connectors in response to a given request. Neat term. The more "throughput" you deliver to your customers, the better (if you're charging enough).
The quantity or amount of product moved on a conveyor at a given time.
The amount of actual user data transmitted per second without the overhead of protocol information such as start/stop bits or frame headers and trailers. Compare it with characters per second.
Throughput is the amount of data transferred from one place to another or processed in a specified amount of time. Data transfer rates for disk drives and networks are measured in terms of throughput - typically, in kilobits per second (Kbps), Megabits per second (Mbps) and Gigabits per second (Gbps).
Normally is used with bandwidth and speed to indicate how fast a network device is.
The ammount of data that passes though a device/point in a given ammount of time.
The number of items that can be processed in a given time.
The amount of material processsed by a production unit in a year or other period as indicated
Number of ballot papers per hour a scanner can read and interpret, in electronic counting.
The useful information processed or communicated during a specific time period; expressed in bits per second or packets per second.
The amount of data transmitted end-to-end successfully, per limit of time (usually in a one-second interval).
The amount of work accomplished in a given time interval. Some examples: a given database may perform 200 transactions per minute; or a program may insert 1000 rows per second.
The speed at which the data is received. Throughput can be increased by compressing data before it is transmitted, then decompressed when it is received, or by using a more efficient transmission protocol.
The amount of solution which will pass through a filter prior to clogging.
In communication networks, throughput is the amount of digital data per time unit that is delivered to a certain terminal in a network, from a network node, or from one node to another, for example via a communication link. The throughput is usually measured in bit per second (bit/s or bps).