Information that is represented in a digital form by a constant stream of bits is said to have a constant bit rate. Traditional formats for encoding digital voice generate CBR traffic. Compare with variable bit rate.
In a video material, each recorded frame (picture) is allocated the same amount of data. This means the image quality will vary, according to the complexity of the recording (motion, color spectrum, misty backgrounds etc).
Digital information, such as video and digitized voice, that must be represented by a continuous stream of bits. CBR traffic requires guaranteed throughput rates and service levels.
An ATM service category that is used for time-sensitive traffic suchas audio and video. CBR guarantees that audio and video cells arrive ontime, with a minimal variation in the spacing between cells, by reservingbandwidth for a virtual circuit.
Offers constant throughput. When CBR is defined, the system will not allow traffic to exceed the maximum boundary defined.
A traffic type that generates a continuous flow of information, e.g., 64 Kbps voice or fixed rate video.
CBR) CBR is an ATM quality of service category. It is used for applications that require low loss and delay guarantees, such as full-motion video and voice where delays cannot be tolerated. In a CBR connection a constant amount of bandwidth is reserved allowing for no statistical multiplexing (sharing) gains.
(CBR) - bit rate remains the same throughout the audio file. Compare with variable bit rate (VBR)
A characteristic of a data stream in which the bit rate remains nearly uniform for the duration of the stream.
Constant Bit Rate is an encoding method that maintains the same bit rate across the entire audio file.
CBR network traffic is a fixed amount of bandwidth. CBR is consistent, both upstream and downstream. It is a dedicated 2-way connection.
A uniform transmission rate (the bit rate remains the same throughout the audio file). To be compared with variable bit rate (VBR).
Delay intensive applications such as video and voice, that must be digitized and represented by a continuous bit stream. CBR traffic requires guaranteed levels of service and throughput.
A type of encoding that maintains a fixed bit rate throughout a file, so that data is sent in a steady stream. But because more complex passages may be encoded with fewer than necessary bits, and relatively simple passages may be encoded with more bits than are necessary, CBR can potentially result in lower-quality sound. See also: Variable Bit Rate (VBR).
An ATM service type that supports constant bandwidth allocation. This service type is used for voice and video transmissions that require little or no cell loss and rigorous timing controls during transmission. See also: Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
A service class intended for real-time applications, or those requiring tightly constrained delay and delay variation, as would be appropriate for voice and video applications. The constant availability of a fixed quantity of bandwidth is considered appropriate for CBR service.