The ITU standard for 14400 bps modulation.
CCITT industry standard for 14,400-bps modem communications
An international standard for synchronous and asynchronous transfer of data of up to 14,400 bps over dial-up telephone lines.
A CCITT Recommendation for modem communication over standard commercially available voice-grade channels at 14.4 kb/s and below.
the CCITT data modulation protocol for 14,400 bps. Not all 14,400 bps modems can communicate with one another at 9600 bps. For example, U.S. Robotics' HST (High Speed Transfer) protocol is not compatible with the CCITT standard. However, most modems can "step down" to the highest protocol they have in common, which is usually at least 2400 bps.
14400 (/1200/9600/7200/4800) bps
a 14400 bpx full-duplex modem modulation scheme with fallback to 12000, 9600, 7200, and 4800 bps.
CCITT analog modem signaling standard providing up to 14400 kbps data rates.
ITU-T standard that extends V.32 to speeds up to 14.4 Kbps. See also V.32.
The ITU standard for 14.4 kbs modem communications.