The art and science of designing buildings. Another word to describe specific styles of buildings. For example, modern architecture is the style of a group of buildings.
Defines the design of a system or elements of a system so that developers conform to overall characteristics, specifications, principles, and values.
(IEEE) The organizational structure of a system or component. See: component, module, subprogram, routine.
the particular method and/or arrangement of system hardware components used a given DCC system (or other computer based system) for communication within the system. Examples of system architecture in the DCC context are peer-to peer communication and polled communication.
Refers to the design of software, hardware, or how software and hardware work together to perform tasks. The architecture of a software program maps out the complete functionality of the application.
The arrangement of devices in a computer network (network architecture) or a computer's central processing unit (CPU architecture).
An observable style adopted in building systems of some complexity. It has a set concepts, a set of rules and recipes (solutions). source: Race Open Service Architecture ROSA domain: usage: EU-P103
A term applied to both the process and the outcome of thinking out and specifying the overall structure, logical components, and the logical interrelationships of a computer, its operating system, a network, or other conception.
The overall design and construction of all or part of a computer, particularly the processor hardware an the size and ordering sequence of its bytes. Also used to describe the overall design of software.
Components of a Web site's visual design and navigation scheme, content management and distribution.
Here's a definition that we're working with for software architecture, from the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering's Special Issue on Software Architecture: The structure of the components of a program/system, their interrelationships, and principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time.
The structure of the software, or the system of software components, responsible for the creation, storage, and playback of multimedia content. An architecture may include such things such as encoders, compression/decompression support, file formats, server software, and browser plug-ins. Different multi-media architectures offer different features and options, and store data in different file formats. QuickTime, Real Video, and Windows Media are examples of streaming media architectures.
The term architecture can refer to either hardware (computers or network gear) or software or combination of hardware and software. A system's architecture always defines its broad outlines, and may define precise mechanisms as well. An open architecture permits the system to be connected easily to devices and programs made by other manufacturers. An open architecture uses off-the-shelf components and conforms to approved standards. A system with a closed architecture, on the other hand, is one whose design is proprietary, making it difficult to connect the system to other systems. Networks can also be broadly classified as using either a peer-to-peer or client/server architecture
Overall building wiring. Local Area Network topology (bus, ring, star, etc.)
The description of how a system's component parts interact and the protocols and interfaces used for communication throughout the system.
The highest level concept of a system in its environment [ IEEE]. The architecture of a software system (at a given point in time) is its organization or structure of significant components interacting through interface s, those components being composed of successively smaller components and interfaces. The organizational structure of a system. An architecture can be recursively decomposed into parts that interact through interfaces, relationships that connect parts, and constraints for assembling parts. Parts that interact through interfaces include classes, components and subsystems.
Typically the components of a computer system ( hardware, bus, software, peripherals, etc.) and how they interact with one another.
The art and science of designing and building structures, or large groups of structures, in keeping with aesthetic and functional criteria.
The specific components of a computer system and the way they interact with one another.
Used in a computing context to refer usually to a specifically developed and/or customised hardware/platform/software environment created for a specific project or task. Also used to refer to the structuring and placing of information within virtual 'space' on a web page.
This describes computer systems and networks and how they work together.
A design which can refer to either hardware or software, or to a combination of hardware and software. The architecture of a system always defines its broad outlines, and may define precise mechanisms as well.
The structure of specific components (such as hardware and database platforms) and the way they interact, that forms a computer system. 4 Guys Interactive's "open" architecture enables you to choose from a variety of components and structure your system according to your needs.
A system's architecture is described by the type of components, interfaces, and protocols it uses and how these elements fit together.
an image of a computing system as seen by a programmer capable of programming in machine language. Includes all registers accessible by any instruction, including the privileg instructions, the complete instruction set, all instruction and data formats, addressing modes, and other details that are necessary in order to write a machine language program. [SILC99
Architecture is the design and method of construction of a particular entity. Within computer networks, common architectures were developed, or constructed, for a particular purpose. Examples are IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA) and Apple's AppleTalk.
The outline design of a system, identifying the major components and their functionalities – can be applied to applications, systems and networks
A definition of the interconnection of computer components, network components or system components. ()
A model composed of hardware and software components that forms the framework for deploying information technology.
Those technical infrastructure components which may include security, computing architecture, data base products, or operating systems.
The art of designing and constructing buildings, and other environmental features. Return to: / Home / Context / Styles / Purpose / Media / Help
The physical structure of a computer"s internal operations, including its registers, memory, instruction set, and I/O structure.
This keyword defines the "architecture" attribute for the product object. It refers to the operating system platform on which the product runs.
A design that shows the logical and physical building blocks of a distributed application (or some other software system) and their relationships to one another. In the case of a distributed enterprise application, the architectural design generally includes both the application's logical architecture and deployment architecture.
The art of designing and planning the construction of buildings, cities, and bridges.
Design; the way components fit together. May be conceived of any complex system such as "software architecture" or "network architecture" [Free On-line Dictionary of Computing]. An IT architecture is a design for the arrangement and interoperation of technical components that together provide an organization its information and communication infrastructure. See component and enterprise.
the discipline dealing with the principles of design and construction and ornamentation of fine buildings; "architecture and eloquence are mixed arts whose end is sometimes beauty and sometimes use"
the profession of designing buildings and environments with consideration for their esthetic effect
(computer science) the structure and organization of a computer's hardware or system software; "the architecture of a computer's system software"
a blueprint or framework for guiding development and evolution of all Customs automated information systems, including ACE, and is a critical component of any modernization effort
a collection of rules (for creating and processing a class of documents) that application designers can apply in defining their XML vocabularies
a combination of multiple, independent systems that have to be integrated for each installation
a description of the fundamental components of a solution and their structural relationships to each other
a design completed early in a project that encompasses (but does not necessarily detail) all aspects of the finished product
a design, specifically that of hardware or software
a formal description of a system, defining its purpose, functions, externally visible properties, and interfaces
a full service architectural design studio located in Cambridge, Massachusetts
a high level or general view of something that conveys an overall understanding of its various components and how those components inter-relate
a multi-media architectural firm experienced in the design of residential, commercial, institutional, transportation, cultural and entertainment environment design
a picture of the types of objects in a system plus a list of the attributes and operations that these object will perform to meet the users needs
a progressive, design-oriented architectural, interiors and planning firm located in Rochester, New York
a secondary design unit of the corresponding entity declaration primary design unit
a set of components and structures that can be used to build a wide variety of vehicles
a set of systems and components that forms the basis for a wide variety of vehicles
a single set of components and structures from which a variety of different cars can be built
a specification of the components of a system and the communication between them
a style that incorporates specific design elements
a system design that specifies how the overall functionality of the design is to be decomposed into individual functional components and the way in which these components are to interact to provide the overall functionality of the system
a template in which building-blocks can be plugged
a unifying or coherent form or structure
The art or science of building; specifically: the art or practice of designing and building structures and especially habitable ones.
The design of a computer system. It sets the standard for all devices that connect to it and all the software that runs on it. It is based on the type of programs that will run (business, scientific) and the number of them that run concurrently.
The design of a communications system, which includes the hardware, software, access methods and protocols used. It also defines the method of control; for example, whether computers can act independently or are controlled by other computers monitoring the network.
The design of application or system software that incorporates protocols and interfaces for interacting with other programs and for future flexibility and expandability. A self-contained, stand-alone program would have program logic, but not a software architecture.
In Web design, architecture means the arrangement of a Web site's components. Taking the analogy of a physical building, if a Web site's individual pages are rooms, its architecture is the hypertextual relationship between the rooms within the structure.
the overall structure of a system, including its partitioning into subsystems and their allocation to tasks and processors
a structured set of protocols implementing the functions of the system. Artificial intelligence The concept that computers can be programmed to assume capabilities such as learning, reasoning, adaptation and self-correction.
The arrangement and design orchestrating the interaction of different elements of a complex communications system.
That part of design that deals with appearance, function, location, and materials.
All the different kinds of buildings that people construct.
A set of design structures that characterize a system and each associated artifact (i.e., work products).
Architectural services with regard to sustainable energy includes concept design services that explore energy efficiency and offer sustainable solutions (e.g. ecologically sustainable development design review), incorporation of passive solar design principles into architectural projects, and practicing permaculture principles and incorporating these into project design and landscaping.
The fundamental design for a computer system.
describes how a system is constructed and how its components are put together.
An organised framework consisting of principles, rules, conventions, and standards that serve to guide development and construction activities such that all components of the intended structure will work together to satisfy the ultimate objective of the structure.
The structure and interrelation of a system's components, including the relation of the interface to its operational environment.
The overall design of a computer in terms of its major components: memory, processing, I/O, and communication.
Deals with the structuring paradigms, style and patterns that describe or make up, either soft ware systems or Internet/intranet systems. More generally, architectures are overall structures for systems.
The internal configuration of a computer (processor), including its registers, instruction set, and input/output structure.
The organizational structure of a system or component (IEEE 90).
The art and science of designing and constructing buildings for human use.
A term used to describe the design of processors, both individual and in general. It may also be used to describe any complex system, eg. "software architecture", "network architecture".
The specifications of a system and how its subcomponents interconnect, interact and cooperate. Architectures are often described in multiple levels of abstraction from low-level physical to higher-level logical application and end-user views.
The structure of components, their relationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time. (DoD Integrated Architecture Panel,1995, based on IEEE STD 610.12)
The components of a system, their behavior and interaction.
refers to the layout of a web site or piece of software. It is the design structure of how the pieces of a site or software fit together. i.e., The home page is at the top of the architecture and the pages below it branch out like an upside down tree.
Traditionally, the term "architecture" has meant the total art and science of building of all man's habitable environment, including the design disciplines involved. More recently, however, the term has come to mean only the visual, aesthetic portion of a total system of building design, which is also but separately includes planning, economic analysis, engineering, etc.
Term used to describe any defined set of widely-used computer hardware specifications. For example, PCI expansion slots conform to what is called the PCI Bus Architecture.
The organizational structure of a system or component, their relationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time. (IEEE 610.12)
A general term referring to the structure of all or part of a computer system. Also covers the design of system software, such as the operating system, as well as referring to the combination of hardware and basic software that links machines on a computer network.
Architecture is the common logic structure of a family of programmable integrated circuits. The same architecture can be realized in different manufacturing processes. Examples of Xilinx architectures are the XC4000, Spartan, and XC9500 devices.
It is the design or construction of a computer systems and it's components.
The process and outcome of designing and specifying the overall structure or design of a computer system, its network, and the interrelations of the system.
A structured set of protocols that implement the functions of the system.
Architecture has two meanings depending upon its contextual usage: A formal description of a system, or a detailed plan of the system at component level to guide its implementation. The structure of components, their inter-relationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time.
The design that that determines how individual components of the CPU, motherboard, etc... are put together.
Describes how hardware and software is applied and which protocols and interlocks are required for communication. Network architecture denotes the functions and transmission required to carry information across a network.
See Computer Architecture.
Design, or the way components fit together. It can be used to describe any system, as in "software architecture" or "network architecture".
A structure that records information about an object. There are different architectures for different objects. Each object is composed of groups that contain attributes. An example of an architecture is the Systems architecture.
The term 'technical architecture', refers to the core technologies deployed across a computing resource / network. For example an organisation's technical architecture may comprise UNIX servers running on RISC hardware, Windows® NT servers running on Intel CISC processors; over a 100BASE-T network using CAT 5 cabling. The application's architecture can refer to a range of components but, in the corporate environment, identifies the foundational database upon which the majority of business applications are built. For example an organisation's applications architecture could be Oracle relational database (running on the UNIX servers identified above in the technical architecture) for business applications, and Microsoft Office® for all office and inter-organisation communications.
Study of buildings including methods and materials of construction; Shadows architecture is Greek Revival and French Colonial
The structure of all or part of a computer system. Also refers to the design of system software.
the design of an IT system, network, software or computer.
Computing structure or platform used to execute the algorithm
The overall structure, components, and interrelationships of a program.
How components of a system are connected to, and operate with, each other. Architecture manages voice, video, data and text--everything that travels on a network. Descriptions of architecture include the ability of the system to carry narrow, medium and broadband signals. It also describes how seamlessly a system can grow--or, in other words, how much it will cost to make it grow.
A specification that identifies components and their associated functionality, describes connectivity of components, and describes the mapping of functionality onto components. Architectures can be of different types, e.g., hardware, software, or system, and can be domain-specific, e.g., networking.
Architecture describes the manner in which the hardware, system software and applications software integrate to achieve a desired result.
A general term for describing the design and look of a electronic component; can either describe hardware or software.
The configuration of the hardware and software in a computer system.
n. 1. The physical construction or design of a computer system and its components. See also cache, CISC, closed architecture, network architecture, open architecture, pipelining, RISC. 2. The data-handling capacity of a microprocessor. 3. The design of application software incorporating protocols and the means for expansion and interfacing with other programs.
A structured set of protocols that implements a systemâ€(tm)s functions.
Ddefined as the design of both static and dynamic pages and the connection between them, to incorporate the navigation system.
The organizational structure and operating environment of the CGDI, including the relationships between its parts, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution.
The internal structure of a computer system or a chip that determines its operational functionality and performance.
The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system. This structure includes software components, the externally visible properties of those components, the relationships among them and the constraints on their use. (based on the definition of architecture in [Soft Arch Pract]) A software architecture is an abstraction of the run-time elements of a software system during some phase of its operation. A system may be composed of many levels of abstraction and many phases of operation, each with its own software architecture. [Fielding
The structure of a computer system, either a part or the entire system; can be hardware, software, or both.
This term describes the internal structures of a processor and how they work, individually and together. Architecture is a term for the total design and design concepts behind the processor and it also describes the way the processor processes data.
The overall design of hardware or software. If the description is "open architecture" this means it is generally compatible with major, as opposed to proprietary, applications.
The physical interrelationship between the components of a computer or a network.
Refers to the way a system is designed and how the components are connected with each other. There are computer architectures, network architectures and software architectures.
The manner in which hardware or software is structured. Architecture typically describes how the system or program is constructed, how its components fit together; also refers to the protocols and interfaces modules or components of the system. Network architecture defines the functions and description of data formats and procedures used for communication between nodes or workstations.
The overall design of a computing system and the logical and physical interrelationships between its components. The architecture specifies the hardware, software, access methods, and protocols used throughout the system.
The basic design of a system. Determines how the components work together, system capacity, upgradeability, and the ability to integrate with other systems.
Model that defines the relative positions of specific functions and the types of relationships that these functions can make. A layered architecture defines the grouping of functions within a layer and provides the basis for defining formal protocols. For example, the OSI Reference Model is a layered model, based on the concept of functional layers. See also DIGITAL Network Architecture and ISO Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection.
Architecture is the physical construction or design of a computer system and its components.
A description of the design and contents of a computer system, including information such as a detailed inventory of current hardware, software, networking, and interface capabilities, a description of long-range plans and priorities for future development, and a plan for upgrading and/or replacing dated equipment and software.
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The high-level design of a process, system or environment. Programs that run under an all-encompassing architecture - such as Microsoft's - are likely to interoact and have similar operational characteristics. An architectural approach to designing computer systems (such as MDA) might start with the overall business environment that the various programs will contribute to.
The art of designing and constructing buildings, architecture can also refer to the building or space that an artist is making a work in relation to, such as with installation art. Architecture has close ties to the visual arts, and many artists' works are very sensitive to the ways in which their art interacts with buildings and exhibition spaces.
Basic design of a microprocessor. It may include processor technology and/or other architectural enhancements.
Identifies the eventual requirements and applications of the network being developed; architecture is defined with respect to the needs of the system user, but is consistent with the economic and technological constraints. AMRA used the term to refer to the rules for developing products, recognizing that these rules may change during the evolution of the technology and systems. (1,2)
Overall design or structure of a system or network, including all hardware and software.
Refers to either hardware or software, or to a combination of hardware and software. The architecture of a system always defines its broad outlines, and may define precise mechanisms as well. An open architecture allows the system to be connected easily to devices and programs made by other manufacturers. Open architectures use off-the-shelf components and conform to approved standards. A system with a closed architecture, on the other hand, is one whose design is proprietary, making it difficult to connect the system to other systems. [Source:
Structure of a part or the entire computer system. Combination of hardware and software linking systems across a network.
The design of the hardware components of a computer system, and the ways in which these components interact to produce the complete machine. For a concurrent processor, the architecture includes both the topology of the machine as a whole and the detailed design of each node.
This term refers to the structure of an information system and how its pieces communicate and work together. Also see client/server and tiered architecture.
Refers to the design of a system, including all of the specifications, protocols and implementations that define a particular networking system. It may refer to either hardware, software, or a combination of both.
refers to the way a system (computer, software, network) is designed and the components are connected with each other. Open architecture means the system is non-proprietary and readily connects to other standard devices. See Non-proprietary and Proprietary.
The structure and organization of a computer's hardware, or system software, including items such as the CPU type, bus type, etc.
The science or art of designing or planning buildings. Houses, churches, public, and business buildings are all examples of architecture.
The basic design of a computer's hardware. Computers with different architecture, such as the PC and the Mac, cannot run each others' programs.
The structure of hardware and software that defines a computer system.
The physical structure or design of a computer and its components, from its internal operating structure and specific chips to the programs that make it usable. ስáŠáŠ•á‹µáŠ ኮáˆá’á‹á‰°áˆ View
the art or science of building; the art of enclosing space for human use
(n.) The basic plan along which a computer has been constructed. Popular parallel architectures include processor arrays, bus-based multiprocessors (with caches of various sizes and structures) and disjoint memory multicomputers. See also Flynn's taxonomy.
The manner in which components are organized and integrated.
The arrangement of components within computers, software and networks.