A system that contains or is related to a database of information and also provides the means of data storage, retrieval, and analysis, so that a user may query and receive answers from the database.
A combination of personnel, effort s, forms, instruction procedure data, communication facilities and equipment that provides an organized and interconnected means for display ing information in support of specific function [D03632] DSMC structure d, interacting, complex of persons, machines, and procedure design ed to produce information which is collected from both internal and external source s for use as a basis for decision-making in specific contract/ procurement activities. [D00826] PMK87
A computer system specifically designed to help a business process data to produce information.
any combination of information technology and people's activities using that technology to support operations, management, and decision-making
an organized and methodical approach for the collection, storage and retrieval of data necessary to produce information in a timely basis to satisfy business objectives. It is a product that can be engineered and manufactured like any other product. Because of this, a system has a hierarchical structure consisting of one or more sub-systems; consisting of one or more administrative procedures and one or no computer procedures; each administrative procedure consists of operational steps, and each computer procedure consists of one or more programs. Systems vary in size depending on the scope of information required and are often arbitrarily established. Systems communicate to each other through shared data. An information system may or may not be automated; a manual system may be more cost-effective. An information system is often erroneously referred to as a "data processing system," "software system," or a "computer system." (See System, and Sub-System).
An organized collection, storage, and presentation system of data and other knowledge for decision making, progress reporting, and for planning and evaluation of programs. It can be either manual or computerized, or a combination of both.
A system of people, procedures and equipment, for collecting, manipulating, retrieving, and reporting data
A computer-based system that provides both data processing capability and information for managerial decision making.
The entire infrastructure, organizations, personnel and components for the collection, processing, storage, transmission, display, dissemination and disposition of information.
Hardware and software (e.g. operating systems, communications, and business applications) that support management of DOE data and business functions. Name, type, acronym Description, status, components LANs, SQL, servers, Windows NT, CHRIS
system consisting of the network of all communication channels used within an organization
a bottomless pit that collects the experiences of specialists and generalists in a palace which can be reached and searched for relevant information
a collection of components that work together in order to gather and distribute information in an organization
a collection of hardware, software and procedures designed to support the capture, management, manipulation, analysis, modeling and display of data to be used for solving complex planning and management problems
a collection of hardware, software, data, people, and procedures that are designed to generate information that supports the day-to-day, short range, and long-range activities of users in an organization
a collection of hardware, software, data, people, communications, and procedures that work together to produce quality information
a data base system providing answers to questions about its domain
a method for storing and retrieving documents
an activity which involves the input, processing, storage and retrieval, and output of information
an arrangement of people, data, processes, information presentation, and information technology that interact to support and improve the operations in a business and to support the problem-solving and decision-making needs of management and users
an arrangement of people, data, processes, interfaces, networks, and technology
an external (non-mental) system designed to store content
an organised combination of people, hardware, software, communications networks and data resources which collects, transforms and disseminates information in an organisation
a particular type of work system that uses information technology to capture, transmit, store, retrieve, manipulate, or display information, thereby supporting one or more other work systems
a physical process that supports an object system by providing information to achieve organizational goals
a set of information resources organized for the collection, storage, processing, maintenance, use, sharing, dissemination, disposition, display, or transmission of information
a set of interrelated components that work together to combine basic facts into a set relationships within a required context Eg B
a set of organized procedures that, when extended, provides information for decision making, communications, and/or control of the organization
a set of people, data, procedures, hardware and software that work together to achieve the common goal of information management
a set of people, procedures and resources that collects and transforms data into information and disseminates this information
a set of processes, executed on raw data, to produce information which will be useful in decision-making
a social system which has embedded in it information technology
a sub system of an organisational system, comprising the communicationand information oriented aspects of the organisation system
a system that collects and
a system that uses information technology to capture, transmit, store, retrieve, manipulate, or display information used in one or more business process
a system whose overall purpose is to store, process, and communicate information required by an organization
a tool to support operational, managerial and decision-making information needs of an organization or project
People, data, processes, interfaces and geography that are involved in daily business operations.
See Business information system.
An engineered arrangement of computers, communications facilities, software code, and data designed to support a business process.
The combination of people, procedures, equipment, and data that process data and information.
An organized structure of interrelated information sources, such as an on-line catalog of library materials. It usually refers to a computerized system dependent on software for access.
An information system is a collection of interconnected pieces of information that can be stored, manipulated or communicated.
Organised collections of hardware, software, supplies, policies, procedures and people, which store, process and provide access to information.(AS 4390 Part 1 Clause 4.17)
A term generally applicable to military and civilian installations, fabrications, or facilities for sensing, originating, transferring, processing, and storing data which may be used for the support and control of military forces or government (Not defined by Joint Pub 1-02 as a single term. Borrowing from the definition of system.).
the organized collection, processing, maintenance, transmission, and dissemination of information in accordance with defined procedures, whether automated or manual (OMB Circular A-130).
The computer-based portion of a business system.
The information system manages the scope, validity, reliability, selection and maintenance of quality and performance data and information. The system also provides comparative information and benchmarks. The data and information is then used to monitor and improve the integrated systems.
An organized collection, processing, transmission and dissemination of information in accordance with defined procedures, whether automated or manual. Information systems are used to support high-level business decision making (typically ETL and BI systems involving a data warehouse).
The entirety of the hardware with accompanying basic software and applications software, datasets, persons, and the procedures according to which they work, for gaining knowledge of and/or directing or supporting business processes.
an information system is a collection of linked components used for the gathering, processing, storing, retrieval and manipulation of information in an organisation.
A discrete set of information technology, data, and related resources, such as personnel, hardware, software, and associated information technology services organized for the collection, processing, maintenance, use, sharing, dissemination or disposition of information.
A system that provides for data collection, storage, and retrieval; facilitates the transformation of data into information and the management of both data and information. An information system conprises hardware, software ( DBMS and applications), the database(s), people, and procedures.
The organized collection, processing, transmission, and dissemination of information in accordance with defined procedures, whether automated or manual. Information systems include non-financial, financial, and mixed systems.
Information System means an interconnected set of information resources under the same direct management control that shares common functionality. A system normally includes hardware, software, information, data, applications, communications, and people.
means computers and electronic communication networks, and also electronic data stored, processed, retrieved or transmitted by them for the purposes of their operation, use, protection and maintenance.
A set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization.
a set of people, procedures and resources that collects, transforms and disseminates information in an organization; a system that accepts data resources as input and processes them into information products as output; a system that uses the resources of hardware, software and people to perform input, processing, output, storage and control activities that transform data resources into information products; a purposefully designed system that brings data, computers, procedures, and people together to manage information important to an organization's mission
Technical definition: An organised set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), transmit, process, store, and distribute information to support decision-making, control, analysis and visualisation in an organisation.
The organized collection, processing, transmission, and dissemination of information, in accordance with defined procedures, whether automated or manual. In Information Warfare, this includes the entire infrastructure, organization, and components that collect, process, store, transmit, display, and disseminate information.
The software system required by the rules to transfer information between participants, especially the uploading of bids and offers.
A computer system, any related software, device, or network connection.
System of hardware, software, data, people, and procedures that allows a person to obtain useful and timely information from a computer. 1.27, 13.34- 41, 14.2 conversion, 14.31-32 development, 14.1-33 types of, 13.34-41
A system of hardware, software, people, and policies for the purpose of storing and sharing data and information.
A network of related computer software, hardware and data transmission devices that collects and stores data, and is further more able to retrieve and present that data in a human readable format.
Interrelated computer hardware and software along with people and processes designed for the collection, processing, and dissemination of information for planning, decision making, and control.