The weapons, transport, and other physical objects used in conducting a war.
Any component that supports the shade and/or socket.
All the stuff you have physically manifest in front of you, or which sits inside these components. Your printer, keyboard, mouse, monitor, tower etc. are all computer hardware.
A computer system's physical equipment, including the central processing unit (CPU), control unit, memory, input/output devices, and storage devices. See also CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT, SOFTWARE.
physical equipment used in a computer system.
computer equipment such as computers, printers and plotters..
a set of physical components that combine to make up a computer system
Physical entities such as computers, electronic circuits and components, peripherals such as tape machines, etc. Contrasted with software.
The physical equipment of a computer, such as the screen/monitor, the keyboard, the Central Processing Unit, and the storage devices. (Terms, Gr. 1-3)
A coordinated grouping of electrical equipment that performs specific tasks as specified by its user. For example, printers, keyboards monitors (screens) and the computer.
Equipment that includes a keyboard, monitor, printer, the computer itself, and other devices.
1. All or part of the physical components of an information processing system, such as computers or peripheral devices. 2. (IRM) Physical devices that are capable of performing automated computing functions.
the physical components of a computer or network.
(n) A term used to define physical computer equipment. Examples of hardware include the monitor (CRT), keyboard, hard disk, and CPU.
Refers to the parts of a computer system that are physical objects.
Actual physical components (parts) of the computer. Examples are CPU, Disk drives, memory, ... etc.
Something that physically connects to your computer, such as a mouse or printer.
Physical components of the computer, such as keyboard and monitor
Physical parts of a computer - like the screen, keyboard, memory and disk drives.
Hardware are objects used to store and run software, such as a computer, monitor, keyboard, disk, and printer.
The physical components of a system (i.e. mechanical or electrical).
The physical equipment-mechanical and electrical-that makes up a system. Compare software.
The physical, electrical, and mechanical parts of the computer.
the physical equipment that constitutes a computer
All the parts of the computer that you can "touch" or hold - for example, the keyboard, mouse, a memory chip.
The actual physical computing machinery, as opposed to software, which is the list of instructions to operate the hardware, or the firmware, which is combination hardware/software that is burned into a Programmable Read Only Memory chip or chips.
Physical devices in a computer system.
The physical components of a circuit or system, both passive and active. Compare software.
The mechanical and electronic parts of computer equipment.
physical parts of the computer (keyboard, mouse, screen etc.)
Any electronic or mechanical part or assembly as opposed to software.
Term used for the physical components of a computer.
The physical pieces, electronic and mechanical, comprising a computer system. Examples are: hard disk drive, monitor, laser printer, sound card, RAM, mouse, plotter, digitizer, etc.
the physical components that make up a computer system
In computer terminology, the tangible components of the computer system such as the keyboard, the monitor, and the components inside the system box.
Hardware is the physical technology associated with the Internet and computers in general. This can refer to a floppy disc, your monitor, your keyboard, your mouse, and everything inside your computer. It does not refer to the information on your computer which makes it run.
The plastic and metal parts of your computer. Some components have software bits etched into them. Hardware and software use this to talk to each other.
Physical equipment used in data processing. Compare to firmware, software.
This is the physical computer, the actual machinery.
The physical objects that a computer consists of, such as disks, disk drives, display screens, keyboards, printers, boards, and chips; hardware is often contrasted with software which refers to the data, instructions and programs which are stored on a computer.
The equipment that makes up your computer system, including such components as Keyboard, mouse, monitor, video cards, sound cards, and modems etc..
Physical and electronic components.
The term for a collection of mechanical and electronic components that perform some system functions.
Physical equipment, such as mechanical, magnetic, electrical, or electronic devices. Contrast with software or method of use.
The physical devices that comprise a computer system.
The physical parts that make up your computer. Examples of hardware are your keyboard, your monitor, your mouse, your hard disk, your CD-ROM drive, etc.
physcial aspect of computers, telecommunications, and other information technology devices
The mechanical components of the computer, like the CPU, monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
Equipment, including power switch.
Hardware consists of the is the actual tangible pieces making up the physical computer (mouse, monitor, keyboard, drive, motherboard). Hardware can be compared to the pieces of your TV or VCR on which videos (software) plays.
The physical equipment that makes up a computer system. Compare with: software.
The electronic components, boards, peripherals, and equipment that make up a computer.
The technology used to create and communicate with media. The physical device which enables messages stored on software to pass from a sender to a receiver. Television, radio, computers, movie projectors, telephones, etc., are hardware. Although pencils and printing presses are also technically hardware, the term is most often used to refer to electronic media. See also, Software.
The physical components of the computer system.
physical equipment n a computer system - mechanical, electrical, or magnetic devices - i.e. printer, monitor, or drives
The equipment associated with a computer system; it is responsible for performing four basic functions: input, processing, output, and storage.
Any physical component of a computer system. For example: monitors, printers, hard drives, mice, and keyboards are all hardware devices.
equipment and devices that make up a computer system see software. definition of hardware defined definition of hard ware defined hardware versus software
Physical devices such and computers, printers, card handlers, etc.
Reference to the computer itself (central processing unit, CPU), as well as to all peripheral input and output devices such as monitors, disks, tape consoles, printers, plotters, digitisers, scanners, etc. Complementary term: software.
Physical parts of a computer or communications system, as distinct from software. Hardware refers to objects that you can actually touch, like disks, keyboards, and printers.
Often referring to the mechanical and electrical parts that make up a computer system. These devices would include the mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer, scanner, motherboard, RAM, etc.
The physical equipment that comprises a system.
The physical elements of a data-processing system, such as monitor, keyboard, soundcard etc.
All computer physical storage and transmission equipment such as servers, disk devices, and network adapters. In operation, a computer is both hardware and software.
The physical electronic devices or computer components, including the monitor, processor, hard drive, printer, mouse, keyboard, etc.
Physical equipment necessary to run a data processing system .
The physical aspect of computers, telecommunications, and other information technology devices.
Physical electronic devices such as computers, printers, keyboards, modems, or cables.
The mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical devices from which a computer is fabricated; the assembly of material forming a computer or component thereof.
Computer-related items that you can physically touch, such as the computer itself, keyboards, monitors, and the parts inside the computer.
The components of a computer, including equipment such as printers, modems, and mouse devices.
(computer science) the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical components making up a computer system
any part of the computer that you can physically touch. It includes parts that are attached to the computer, called peripherals (monitor, printer, mouse, keyboard, modem, scanner).
Physical computer components and devices.
Anything you can touch to do with a computer.
Any physical piece of computer equipment.
physical parts of a computer system. Includes CPU, keyboard, monitor, disk drives.
This category of sporting goods comprises all kinds of sports equipment that is used rather than worn by the athlete, such as balls, skis and golf clubs.
The physical equipment you buy and plug into your computer. Your actual computer is an example of hardware. Once you plug a new piece of hardware into your computer system your operating system will want to install "drivers". Drivers are particular software that go with particular pieces of hardware to make the hardware work on with your computer system. You client will either prompt you to insert disks that came with the hardware in to either your floppy or CD drives so that it can (install) "get" the driver software onto its hard drive OR the operating system already installed on your computer, that makes your computer system work, will already have a copy of the driver software and will be able to automatically locate the drivers for your new hardware.
Mechanical, magnetic, electrical and electronic devices or components of a computer or other equipment used for processing data. See also SOFTWARE.
Your computer set up is split into two parts, hardware and software. Software covers the programs that run on your machine, such as Windows 95, Word for Windows, games and suchlike. Hardware is the computer itself and peripherals as such the printer and scanner.
Your computer is made of hard pieces of metal, plastic, and glass. Sometimes people will call your computer, or parts of your computer, "hardware." That doesn't mean that there is a hammer or nails inside your computer! Those are found in a hardware store, not in your computer's hardware.
Machinery and equipment associated with computing devices (CPU, disks, tapes, modem, cables, etc.).
Generally taken to mean the physical devices making up a computer system or network.
Physical devices such as motherboard, keyboard, mouse, FDD, HDD etc.
Components of a computer system, such as the CPU, terminals, plotters, digitizers, printers...
The physical components (microprocessor, memory, peripherals, etc) that makes up a computer system, as opposed to the software (qv) and the hardware-hosted firmware (qv) components managing the functions performed by this hardware.
A term used to indicate the physical part of a computer, such as the keyboard, memory, printer, monitor, as opposed to the software.
The physical equipment in a computer system.
Any physical unit, hard disk, monitor or electronic circuit that is part of a computer system
Components of a computer system including monitors, hard drives, CD-ROMs, printers, keyboards, a mouse, portable hard drives, modems, etc.
The part of a computer that you can see and touch. There are parts of the computer which you can see, but which you shouldn't touch - but it's still hardware. It's a bit like a woman.
Hardware refers to actual physical objects connected to a computer. Examples of hardware include monitors, printers, mice etc. Also see software.
noun the mechanical and electronic parts of a computer, not the software
A computer and its peripherals (monitor, etc.)
Input, processing, and output devices, and their components.
The physical equipment used to produce, distribute and exhibit media texts.
Physical equipment, media and attached devices used in a technology system
The parts of your computer system that you can bump into ñ physical components such as hard disks, printers, modems, scanners, keyboards, mice and the computer itself.
Hardware refers to all the physical parts of the computer. This might include a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, speakers, and hard drive.
Hardware is something you can touch - Machinery and equipment - the computer and its peripherals (CPU, disks, tapes, modem, cables, etc.). In operation, a computer is both hardware and software. One is useless without the other. The hardware design specifies the commands it can follow, and the instructions tell it what to do. Hardware Is "Storage and Transmission". The more memory and disk storage a computer has, the more work it can do. The faster the memory and disks transmit data and instructions to the CPU, the faster it gets done.
Physical components or apparatus including major items of equipment.
Computers and the bits that go with them (printers, modems etc.)
The parts of your computer you can touch, including keyboards, monitors, printers, modems and scanners. It does not refer to the programs needed to run them and perform tasks, which is called software. Hardware without software is as useful as a conductor without an orchestra.
The parts of the computer itself (monitor, keyboard, printer).
The physical components of computer systems, the hard disk, monitor etc, and peripheral devices such as mouse, keyboard, scanner.
The physical portion of the computer.
The hardware of the computer consists of a central processing unit (CPU), at least one disk drive, a hard drive, a monitor/display screen, and a keyboard. Software is then needed to make the computer run.
This can be said to be "anything you can touch", such as the main 'box' of the computer, the monitor and keyboard. The main box can sit on a desk with the monitor on top of it but you can also put it on the floor to save desk space.
Any component of an electronic system which is tangible (e.g., a computer, a monitor, a disk drive, or a printer). This category contrasts with software, which describes those components which consist only of electronic signals (e.g., programs, text files, and other quantities of information that can be stored on a disk or in a computer's memory).
The physical computer (box, hard drive, monitor) as distinct from the software, which are the programs that are loaded into the memory of the computer.()
Mechanical devices that comprise a computer system or computer network. For example, hardware can include computers and their parts, keyboards, monitors, printers, speakers, servers, firewalls, phones, phone systems and more. Because Versatureâ€(tm)s Internet telephony-based business phone service is hosted, customers do not have to purchase server hardware to run the system.
In computer terminology, hardware is the computer equipment that includes the computer or CPU itself, keyboard, printer, and monitor.
The manufactured parts of a computer system as opposed to programs.
physical equipment in system (computer, drives, printer, etc.)
Any physical aspect of your computer. Monitor, keyboard, hard drive, digital camera etc.
The physical parts of a handheld or smartphone. Hardware also includes external devices such as keyboards, printers, etc. home icon
The physical components of a computer and its peripheral equipment. Contrasts with software.
The physical part of electronic equipment. Computers, scanners, digital cameras, and printers are all examples of hardware.
Hardware is a concrete piece of your computer that you can actually see. Hardware comes in many forms.
The physical components of a computer (circuit boards, disk drives, etc). The hardware design specifies the commands it can follow, and the instructions (software) tell it what to do.
Physical computer equipment such as CPUs (central processing units), disk drives, monitors, printers, and scanners and the wires, cables, and hubs that connect them.
is the collective name for the physical components of a computer. Examples of hardware are the RAM (random access memory), hard drive and CPU (central processing unit).
The physical parts of the computer system, viz.: CPU, tape drives, disk drives, modem, etc.
The physical components of a computer system.
The physical parts of a computer system, such as the keyboard, monitor, printer, and so forth.
The equipment involved in production, storage, distribution or reception of electronic signals. In CATV it means the headend, the coaxial cable network, amplifiers, the television receiver and production equipment like cameras and videotape recorders.
Collective term for any computer-related object that can be kicked or battered.
The physical devices that make up a computer system. These include the CPU, the monitor, the mouse, and any other attached peripherals.
Computer equipment (scanners, monitors, keyboards, memory chips,CD's etc.)
The physical matter (e.g. the keyboard, terminal, disk drives, printers, CDs, disks) that make up, and transfer data to and from, your computer; in contrast to software, which describes the intangible elements.
The collection of electronic components that makes up a computer system.
Computer and peripherals as distinguished from software which is the programme for operating hardware.
the physical components (microchips, wires, memory devices, boxes) of information machines.
Physical equipment, as opposed to the computer program or method of use. Mechanical, magnetic, electrical, or electronic devices. Examples: keyboard, system unit, monitor, disk drive, printer, etc. Contrast with software.
The computer bits you can touch and see.
Refers to the physical componenets of your computer. Example: Computer monitor and CPU.
Physical equipment as opposed to programs, procedures, rules, and documentation.
is the equipment that makes up the computer or computer peripheral. Some components of hardware are: RAM, hard drive, monitor, speakers, printer, network card, CD-ROM, floppy drive, logic board, microphone, scanner, digital camera...
Concrete computer parts or systems.
Equipment. The electronic, electrical and mechanical components of information systems.
virtually any computer component or related device that isn’t regarded as data or software. The display monitor, keyboard, connecting cables, optical scanner, printer, modem, sound card, the actual box containing the computer circuitry, and any other tangible computer component is considered hardware.
Any tangible part of a computer system.
The opposite of software, hardware refers to physical computer or phone equipment such as a monitor or a disc drive.
The computer equipment that makes a computer system (the electrical devices).
The physical components, such as a computer and keypunch machine, of a data processing system, as opposed to the instructional (content-related) components.
physical components of a computer such as monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, etc.
The electrical and mechanical equipment used in telecommunications and computer systems. Contrasted with software, hardware is the programs and files that are in the equipment.
Computer parts and peripherals such as a sound card, disk drive or monitor. Antonym : Software
Physical components of your computer system. (i.e., Monitor, printer, etc.)
A computer and its peripherals (printer, plotter, etc.) other than the software.
The physical components of a PC including Peripherals (A device which can be attached to a PC & is controlled by its Processor. Examples include Printer, Modem, Joystick )
The physical devices that make up a computer and networked system.
Any physical object that's part of a computer system.
The actual parts that make up a computer system, like the monitor, keyboard, printer, and mouse. These are the parts you can actually touch and see.
The peripherals used in conjunction with a computer or game console to create or accessorize a system.
The physical components of a computer, such as the monitor, CPU, keyboard, disk drives, etc.
The physical parts of a computer that you can see or touch.
all computer machinery and devices.
all of the equipment and physical parts of a computer system
Tools, such as lawnmowers, rakes and other heavy equipment you haven't laid a finger on since getting your computer.
All the components of a computer and its accessories. See software.
Physical equipment, e.g. Computers, Monitors, Radios etc. DTE and DCE are all Hardware.
electronic and other physical componentry making up a computer system or other type of electronic device.
The physical part of a computer system; the machinery and equipment.
electrical and mechanical components of a computer.
Computer and peripherals as distinguished from software, which is a program for operating hardware.
a term used to describe the physical components of a machine, particularly computer equipment, and devices containing logic elements used in data processing or communication equipment.
are the physical items making up a computer system, or peripherals to a computer.
The physical portion of a system including the electrical, electronic, electromechanical, and mechanical components. [D04107] CSM
Any equipment—such as a personal computer, server, printer, scanner, etc.—that can be connected to other equipment or to a computer network.
The physical components that computer system is comprised of, like had disk, screen, expansion cards etc.
Parts of a computer you can touch, e.g. periphery like printer, monitor; internal it is the processor and other hardware chips.
Products made of material and their components (mechanical, electrical, electronic, hydraulic, pneumatic). Computer software and technical documentation are excluded. Interface: The performance, functional, and physical attributes required to exist at a common boundary.
Refers to objects that you can actually touch, like disks, disk drives, display screens, keyboards, printers, boards, and chips. In contrast, software is untouchable. Software exists as ideas, concepts, and symbols, but it has no substance.
The case, monitor (screen), keyboard, mouse and any other physical part of your computer, as opposed to software. A laptop is hardware; the programs you run on it are software.
The physical parts of a computer or computer system – e.g. the disk drive, the memory chips, the network hubs etc. c.f. software Hotdesking - more productive use of office space often involves, to a greater or lesser extent, eliminating personal ownership of desks. It is a method of sharing desks, with workers who are usually working elsewhere booking space to work.
The physical components of a computer such as disk drives, mouse, monitor, keyboard, etc. See also software.
Equipment that makes up a computer and a network: monitor, keyboard, mouse, server, printer, and central processing unit.
The electrical and mechanical components of a system, as opposed to software.
Machines and technical equipment used in audiovisual and computer applications (as opposed to "software," which refers to the programs used with the machines and equipment).
The physical equipment or machines used to process information (as opposed to software which includes programs, procedures, etc.).
The mechanical parts of a computer system, including the central processing unit, monitor, keyboard, and mouse, as well as other equipment like printers and speakers.
These are the physical items including your computer and floppy discs.
Generally understood to refer to any of the physical portions constituting an electronic system, including components, circuit boards, power supplies, cabinets, and monitors.
For a computer system, all its physical components, as distinguished from the programs and data that are manipulated by the computer. See also: Software.
hardware: The parts of the computer or any peripherals that you can bang on. The monitor, keyboard, modem, scanner... all the things you can touch are hardware. As opposed to software.
This is your computer (monitor, keyboard, modems etc.)
The physical equipment (computers, modems and printers) used in data processing.
any equipment (mechanical or electronic) which enables telecommunication and/or computer use. eader: text appearing at the top of the page. HTML: hypertext markup language, a format which enables a document to be viewed over the internet. ypermedia con: a graphic symbol that suggests a purpose of an available function. formation Literacy: the ability to access, and evaluate information efficiently and effectively, and to use information accurately and creatively. nformation systems: systematic organizations of data or information resource, i.e., Dewey Decimal Classification System. nitialize: to prepare a blank floppy disk to accept saved work.
Physical artefacts of technology. Pieces of data sent simultaneously to increase effective rate of transmission.
Refers to physical computer related objects, like disks, disk drives, display screens, keyboards, printers, boards, and memory chips. In contrast, software refers to the programs such as word processors that you run on the hardware.
Machinery and equipment associated with computing devices. A computer is composed of both hardware and software. The software provides the instructions, and the hardware performs the processing.
The phrase used to describe all elements and components of a computer that can be physically touched. The platform on which software is run, hardware provides the environment where software can be used.
The physical, touchable, material parts of a computer or other system. Hardware includes not only the computer, but also the cables, connectors, power supply units, and devices such as the keyboard, mouse, speakers and printers. The term is usually used to differentiate between the actual computer components and the software. Return to . Hub – Hubs are used to connect computers on a LAN. Data arrives at a hub from one client and is forwarded to another client. Return to .
Physical parts of a computer: printer, keyboard, monitor, scanner, hard or floppy disk, power supply, memory chips, and modem. Close Window
Computer equipment, such as the the processor, keyboard, and mouse. Contrast with software.
The physical components of a system, including circuit boards, chassis, enclosures, peripherals, cables, etc.
Physical equipment such as computers, printers, and scanners.
any physical pieces of computer.
The physical equipment (the things you see) that make up a computer, such as the central processing unit (the main box), the screen, the mouse and the keyboard.
The physical parts of a computer, printer, modem,monitor, and keyboard that you can touch. In comparison, software are programs that tell your hardware what to do next.
Physical computer equipment, such as disk drives, screens, and keyboards.
Computer equipment and technology.
Tangible objects, such as disk drives, display screens, printers, or physical components.
A computer, screen, keyboard, and other equipment.
are the physical components of a computer, such as the screen, keyboard, modem, and printer.
the computer equipment used to do the work (i.e., operate software programs). It consists of the items you can touch, such as the computer case and the peripherals (e.g., monitor, keyboard, mouse) that are attached to the computer.
These are the actual "hard" parts or pieces of equipment of your computer that you can actually touch. Hardware can mean the keyboard, monitor, disk drives, chips, and printers - anything that you can touch and replace if it breaks! These are the "nuts and bolts" of your computer system.
A computer, monitor, keyboard, modem, mouse, or other computer equipment.
Hardware is computer equipment that physically exists. It is the opposite of software.
hardware refers to the electronic and mechanical components, which make up the computer system. These usually include the computer, monitor, and printer.
The physical, touchable, material parts of a computer or other system. The term is used to distinguish these fixed parts of a system from the more changeable software or data components which it executes, stores, or carries. Source: Foldoc: Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
The physical, touchable, material parts of a computer or other system – such as a screen, disk drive or modem.
The physical components of a computing system, as contrasted to software – the logical instructions that manipulate the hardware and work on the data.
The physical components of a computer. The main components are: processor, memory, motherboard, hard disk, video card, monitor , keyboard, mouse, power supply and case. Most of these can be replaced and upgraded to improve speed and functionality.
Equipment involved in the production, storage, distribution, and reception of electronic signals, such as computers, amplifiers, cameras and VCRs.
The physical portion of a system (or subsystem), including the electrical components. Compare to Software.
The physical machinery: computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, etc.
The physical components of the computer, such as the monitor, keyboard, mouse and central processing unit (CPU).
A computer and the associated physical equipment directly involved in the performance of data-processing or communication functions.
Any part of a computer system that can be touched. Printers, keyboards, modems, and the computer unit itself are all hardware.
A term which describes the physical parts of a computer such as the monitor, the keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner and any other communication devises such as webcam, modem and speakers.
Physical components that make up a microcomputer, monitor , printer and so on.
Computer equipment, digitizer, modem and sewing machine.
Machinery and equipment such as the monitor, the mouse, the processor, floppy disks etc.
The electrical, mechanical and electromechanical equipment and parts associated with a computing system, as opposed to its firmware or software.
The physical machinery of a computer and its associated devices. See also Algorithm, Central Processor, Computer, Program, Software, Visual Display Unit (VDU).
Physical parts of a computer system - including: CPU, keyboard, mouse, monitor and so forth.
A term used to describe the mechanical, electrical and electronic elements of a data processing system.
The physical computer or a computer part, such as a CD-Rom Drive, Hard Drive, RAM, Monitor, Printer, Scanner, or Keyboard.
Hardware is the physical components of a computer, including peripherals.
The parts of a computer system that you can touch and see - the VDU, printer and mouse, for example.
The physical equipment, the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical, devices making up a computer system
The physical equipment of a computer system, including the central processing unit, data-storage devices, terminals and printers.
A cruise ship and its physical attributes and amenities.
The physical, touchable parts of a computer or other device. Hertz (Hz) The unit of frequency which measures the number of cycles a waveform completes per second.
Hardware is the computer equipment itself. For example, keyboards, screens, printers, and electric circuits are all hardware. If you can touch it, it is hardware (even though you are not supposed to touch some of the hardware such as the surface of a disk). The disk itself is hardware, but the information on the disk is software. If you buy software, someone might hand you a disk. However, you are paying the big money for what is stored on the disk; not the disk itself.
Physical equipment related to computers.
The physical elements of a computer system; the computer equipment as opposed to the programs or the information store in the machine.
The visible parts of a computer system such as the circuit boards, chassis, peripherals, cables etc. It does not include data or computer programs.
Physical computer mechanisms and devices -- including disks, disk drives, monitors, printers, computer chips, etc.
Refers to the physical components of a computer, including both mechanical and electronic parts: the processor, memory, keyboard, monitor, mouse and printer.
Physical equipment, rather than programs, procedures, rules, and associated information.
The physical material of a computer, including hard drive, mother board, power supply, memory modules, floppy disk drive, CD-ROM drive, network interface card, and monitor.
Any computer machinery that performs information-processing functions.
The physical components that constitute the computer system such as the monitor, the keyboard, the motherboard and the printer.
Equipment – e.g. your computer, keyboard, mouse, monitor.
Physical components in a computer system such as keyboard, disk drive and printer.
Any one of the electronic devices that make up the computer system.
Hardware is a word used to describe the physical components of your computer such as your monitor, mouse, keyboard, or internal components such as your hard drive, RAM, or p rocessor.
The electronic and mechanical components of a computer system.
Physical components of a computer such as monitor, mouse, printer, system unit, disk drive, modem, and keyboard. WWWebfx Home Page
Physical equipment like computers, printers, and scanners. Compare to software.
physical items such as computers, printers, scanners, and external modems.
The physical equipment or devices included in computer systems.
The 'nuts and bolts' of the computer, that includes the monitor, CPU, printers, disc drives, and etc.
n.: The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.
the physical parts of a computer system such as the monitor, the keyboard, and the hard drive
The physical parts of a computing system. For example the computer's disk drive would be considered hardware. Differentiate from software.
Computer machinery, such as the CPU, disk drives, monitor, and printer. Contrast with software.
Physical objects that attach to your computer.
The physical parts of a computers and peripherals, as opposed to the data stored on a computer or peripheral, or thesoftware programs that run on computers and peripherals. Computer hardware includes things like a central processing unit, memory boards, interface cables used to connect peripheral devices, the connectors that the cables connect, to, the peripheral devices themselves, such as a printer, a display device, a keyboard, and so on.
A general term used to describe the equipment that makes up and is connected to your computer. To the beginner, software is what ever you see on the screen, and hardware is everything you can touch.
This refers to any physical piece of computer. For example, the computer itself, a monitor, a printer, memory and a video card are all hardware
the equipment that makes up a computer system, as opposed to the programming or instructions sets for the system (software).
Hardware is the physical parts to a computer or console. CD-ROMs, hard-drives and monitors are all examples of hardware.
A term used to refer to the components of a computer system.
Refers to objects that you can actually touch, like chips, boards, disks, disk drives, display screens, keyboards, printers and other peripherals. See also software.
the physical parts of a computer system, including the monitor, central processing unit, memory, storage disks, printers and scanners, and network equipment, such as routers and servers.
The mechanical devices that comprise a computer system, such as the central processing unit, monitor, keyboard, and mouse, as well as other equipment like printers, modems and speakers.
Hardware is simply any piece of electronic equipment, including computers and musical instruments. Data or programs used by the equipment is the 'software'. Data or programs held on ROM are sometimes referred to as 'firmware', presumably because they are a combination of software (the data in the ROM) and hardware (the ROM itself)
The physical components of a computer including the monitor, keyboard, processor, disk drives, printers, disks, mouse, and other peripheral items.
A term for the nuts, bolts, and wires of computer equipment and the actual computer and related machines.
computer equipment. Can include the CPU (Central Processing Unit), the monitor or screen, keyboard printer, external modem or CD drive etc.
Refers to the actual physical devices such as a computer or router.
The components of a computer (such as the monitor, keyboard, printer, mouse, modem) that are tangible and can be touched. Cf. software.
Just the things I've been discussing here. The hard things of your system. Generally the things you want to break when the computer doesn't do what you tell it to.
The physical components that comprise a computer system. Mechanical, magnetic, and electronic devices in a system (CPU, Monitor, Keyboard).
The physical components of a computer including the keyboard, monitor, disk drive, and internal chips and wiring. Hardware is the counterpart of software.
A computer and associated physical equipments which are directly involved in the performance of data-processing or communication functions.
machinery and equipment (CPU, disks, tapes, modem, cables, printers, scanners, CD drives, etc.). In operation, a computer is both hardware and software.
The machine that makes up a computer or computer system. It consists of the hard drive and memory and devises which all allow it to receive and generate information, plus peripherals such as the keyboard and mouse.
The term describes the physical aspects of a computer and related devices like a printer.
physical components of a computer or a communications system, including both mechanical and electronic parts, such as the processor, hard drive, keyboard, screen, cables, mouse and printer. Contrasted with software.
The actual, physical computer and all its wires and peripherals, such as the printer, the disk drive, and the modem. Also See: Software
The physical internal components of a computer.
1) In manufacturing, relatively standard items such as nuts, bolts, washers, or clips. 2) In data processing, the computer and its peripherals.
Electronic integrated circuits, boards and systems. All the machines and physical equipment directly involved in the performance of data-processing or communications functions.
The physical equipment, as opposed to programs or procedures of a computer system.
The PC and all of its peripheral components (e.g., Hard Drive, CD-ROM, Keyboard, Monitor... etc...;also see Software
A computer and associated physical equipment (as opposed to "software").
Physical equipment components.
The physical apparatus that makes up a computer
Those parts of a computer you can see and touch, such as the screen, the hard disk, the mouse, etc. Internet A large collection of computers, connected together to allow them to share information with one another.
Components such as shells, guide pins, polarizing pins, strain relief clamps, mounting screws, etc. that are used with connectors.
(2005-09-23) Chris Limb The physical components making up a computer system such as monitor, hard drive, memory etc. Hardware cannot be used without software.
equipment in a computer system, such as the processor and external (peripheral) items such as a keyboard, display screen, and printer.
The nuts, bolts, and wires of a computer and computer-related equipment, also the actual computer and related machines such as scanners and printers.
Anything which physically exists. Computers, printers, monitors, cables, keyboards and mouse pads are all hardware.
Hardware is the general term that is used to describe physical artifacts of a technology.