To make a brief journey or pleasure excursion; as, to trip to Europe.
A brief or rapid journey; an excursion or jaunt.
Français : DÉPLACEMENT Deutsch : REISE, Fahrgastfahrt mit Zu- und Abgang The complete movement of a passenger (or another person, e.g. driver) from one PLACE of any sort to another. A TRIP may consist of one PT TRIP and the corresponding ACCESS WALKs, or in one ACCESS WALK only.
One-way travel from one address (place) to another by any means of transportation (e. g., private motor vehicle, public transportation, bicycle, or walking). When the travel includes more than one destination and the travel time between destinations exceeds five minutes, or the purpose for travel to one location differs from that of the other, the travel between locations is counted as a separate trip.
See: "passenger trip" or "transit trip."
In the travel industry, any journey of more than 100 miles from a person's home, regardless of whether an overnight stay is involved.
a journey for some purpose (usually including the return); "he took a trip to the shopping center"
a full-service travel agency offering personalized
a great resource to research unique ideas for business and leisure travel by learning where to go and what to do
a series of destinations that you wish to visit
1. The one direction (beginning to end) operation of a transit vehicle. 2. A one-way movement of a person or vehicle between two points for a specific purpose. 3. The measurement used to count the number of individual passenger or vehicle movements.
A one-way movement of a person or vehicle between two points. Many transit statistics are based on Òunlinked passenger trips,Ó which refer to individual one-way trips made by individual riders in individual vehicles. A person who leaves home on one vehicle, transfers to a second vehicle to arrive at a destination, leaves the destination on a third vehicle and has to transfer to yet another vehicle to complete the journey home has made four unlinked passenger trips.
Travel from one destination to another, such as from home to work or from work to shopping. Number of “trips” is usually specified as person trips or vehicle trips.
any trip limited to a 30 day duration. No coverage is provided under the Emergency Out-of-Province/Country Travel benefits for trips in excess of 30 days.