Subjective feelings, such as sadness, joy, and fear, which arise in response to situations and experiences and are expressed through some kind of altered behavior. (150)
an intense feeling in the soul; internal re-sponse or reaction to thoughts we choose to think upon.
words or phrases that help you express your feelings in a chat room.
Belief systems, or schemas, that guide how we understand our feelings and how we organize our responses to those feelings.
Intense feelings that are directed at someone or something. 49
Emotions are psychological feelings that people have that usually result from--and contribute to--a conflict. Examples are anger, shame, fear, distrust, and a sense of powerlessness. If emotions are effectively managed, they can become a resource for effective conflict resolution. If they are not effectively managed, however, they can intensify a conflict, heightening tensions and making the situation more difficult to resolve.
Emotions are the psychological feelings that result from, and contribute to, a conflict. Examples are anger, shame, fear, distrust, and sense of powerlessness. When emotions are effectively managed, they can become a resource for effective conflict resolution. When they are not effectively managed, however, they can intensify a conflict by heightening tensions and making the situation more difficult to resolve (Conflict Research Consortium, 1998).
This is a way of using font combinations as email shortcuts to convey emotions and expressions. For example: Happy: :-), Wink: (This is sarcasm) ;-, and Surprised: -0. Also be aware that when typing in all capital letters the person receiving the email feels that you are screaming at them.