a state of the pipeline that triggers a process to "wake up" and do work; a process can be triggered by a "file event", an "OSF event", or a "time event"; the triggers that wake up a process are defined in the process resource file
Network message indicating operational irregularities in physical elements of a network or a response to the occurrence of a significant task, typically the completion of a request for information. See also alarm and trap.
These are the ‘triggers' that initiate (start) one of your functions. Client-Side JavaScript will not run unless it is ‘called on' by an event. Examples of events can include, clicking on a form's submit button or moving your cursor over an image that is a hyperlink.
In OLE, a notification message sent from one object to another (e.g. from a control to its container) in response to a state change or a user action. More generally, any action or occurrence, often generated by the user, to which a program might respond. Typical events include keystrokes, mouse movements, and button clicks.
A planned, non-emergency activity. ICS can be used as the management system for a wide range of events, e.g., parades, concerts, or sporting events. FACILITIES UNIT: Functional unit within the Support Branch of the Logistics Section that provides fixed facilities for the incident. These facilities may include the Incident Base, feeding areas, sleeping areas, sanitary facilities, etc.
(1) Any user action (such as a mouse click) or system activity (such as screen updating) that provokes a response from the application. (2) In visual programming, a specification for signaling changes in a part's properties or state. Used in connections, events trigger other behavior, such as setting an attribute to a new value or saving data to a file.
A system-defined occurrence. The antecedent of a whenever rule can refer to events.
Anything that happens or is regarded as happening; an occurrence. A change or displacement that can be observed, detected, counted, and measured.
A message from a file operation to a data management application about the action being performed on the file or file system. There are several types of events, each used for a different type of action. The event is delivered to a session according to the event disposition.
Actions in the real world such as a mouce clicked or a key pressed or actions in the GUI such as a button pressed are called events in Java and are modelled by the class java.awt.AWTEvent.
A single line of instruction in your program log. Every line in the program log that causes something to happen is an event, including audio cuts to be played, as well as automation control code events intended to perform time-based tasks such as joining a live broadcast such as a newscast at an exact time. The only lines not considered events are blank lines and memo lines (those that start with ##).
An action or occurrence to which an application can respond. Examples of events are clicks, key presses, and mouse movements.
A call that certain actors can listen for that will cause them to initiate some action. Events can be called from triggers, movers, emitters, and from code. Face - One side of a BSP object. A Face is made up of two triangles.
In probability, an event is an occurrence or the possibility of an occurrence that is being investigated.
An action by a user, program, or system that may trigger specific behavior. In the JDK, events notify the relevant listener classes to take appropriate action.
Something that happens during game play. Activating a trigger is an event.
Condition on the network that occurs when a defined RMON alarm threshold has been exceeded. Each event type may trigger an associated action, such as "report to a log" or "send an SNMP trap."
in the context of graphics, a user action such as a mouse click or typed character that a program can detect.
An action recognized by an object, such as clicking the mouse or pressing a key, and for which you can write code to respond. Events can occur as a result of a user action or program code, or they can be triggered by the system. .
An event is a trigger. When the event is set, it can be used for triggering a process and/or schedule. Crystal Info (formerly Crystal Info) enables you to set up two kinds of events
An action that causes a change in the processing flow of an application. Some events are associated with a user action, such as a mouse click or menu selection. Other events are associated with an action internal to the application, such as a screen exit. Events are classified by how and where they are triggered, such as the completion of a service request or an error in program execution.
In HomeSeer, an event is a grouping of two things - actions and a trigger. The trigger is what causes the event to be run, which is when the actions defined in it are carried out. Actions are the commands that you want carried out when the event runs such as turning on a light, sending an infrared signal, or downloading the latest weather forecast by running a script.
A happening or occurrence. The tossing of a coin is an event.
(solicited and unsolicited) real-world happening, timer or request to do something in the enterprise or its environment. It can carry information(defined as Object View). It is used to trigger the execution of one or more Domain Processes (and hence indirectly activates an employed Business Process/Enterprise Activity) by initiating the processing of their associated set of Behavioural Rules. It may also be used to condition the flow of control of a Business Process within a Domain Process.
A significant action that occurs on a computer and which is recorded by the operating system. Events may be user actions such as opening a file, or system occurrences such as running out of disk space.
a happening. An action or a process.
A predefined point either in the Component Processor flow or in the program flow. As each point is encountered, the event activates each component, triggering any PeopleCode program that is associated with that component and that event. Examples of events are FieldChange, SavePreChange, and RowDelete. In PeopleSoft Human Resources, also refers to an incident that affects benefits eligibility.
a specific occurrence in Heaven or Earth from which one or more gods can derive mana
An event is an object that represents an activity of the user: mouse-movements, mouse-buttons, keyboard activities.
An action taken by a provider, of which the provider notifies the consumer. For example, the provider notifies the consumer when a row is added or a column is deleted.
a recorded or measurable change in the environment in which the learner is behaving; an event can occur before an action or follow an action, with or without a functional relationship to the action.
An action, such as a mouse click or key press, that is recognized by an object and for which you can define a response. An event can be caused by a user action, script or programming code, or the operating system.
A user or system action: a key press, a mouse click, the selection of text, the loading of a Web page, the passage of 500 milliseconds, and so on
Something done by a user, such as pressing a key, to which Panels Version 2 or Dialog System responds by executing a specified piece of code.
Something a user does (clicking on a mouse) or something that happens inside the browser window (page closing) usually has the prefix "on". There are two categories of events: Window modification events and Interaction events.
something that happens instantaneously at a point in time
An element of user input such as a key press or button press.
Any action, often generated by a user or an ActiveX Control, to which a program might respond. Typical events include pressing a keyboard key, choosing a button using a mouse click, and other mouse actions. Programmers write code to respond to these actions.
1. A significant action, such as a user gesture (e.g., moving the pointer, pressing a pointer button, or typing a keystroke) or a window configuration change (e.g., resizing a window). 2. A Lisp object that represents an event.
A stimulus that causes a noteworthy state change of an object. A signal that invokes the behavior of an object. See also Trigger Event
In a State Diagram, this represents a signal or event or input that causes the system to take an action or switch States.
data that is stored in the data tank, such as a scalar value, snippet waveform, or continuous waveform. Note: not all significant occurrences (e.g. spikes) are events. In OpenEx an event refers only to stored data.
Handlers: Event handlers define the program code to execute when an event occurs.
In the X Window System, an event is the notification that the X server sends an X client to tell it about changes such as keystrokes, mouse movement, or the moving or resizing of windows.
Any occurrence that may lead to a business continuity incident See: Incident
Is the occurrence of some critical action, catalyst or new information.
An occurrence of significance to a task; for example, the completion of an asynchronous operation such as an input/output operation.
A happening, the arrival of a significant point in time, a change in status of something or the occurrence of something external that causes the business to react.
A function which is called by the user, normally in the form of entering input, clicking a button, or moving the mouse. Some events available to JavaScript are onClick, onMouseover, onLoad, onUnload, onFocus, and onBlur.
An event is the representation of some asynchronous occurrence (such as a mouse click on the presentation of the element, or the removal of child node from an element, or any of unthinkably many other possibilities) that gets associated with an event target.
In flood context. Conditions which may lead to Flooding. An Event is, for example, the occurrence in Source terms of one or more Variables such as a particular wave height threshold being exceeded at the same time a specific sea level, or in Receptor terms a particular Flood depth. When defining an Event it can be important to define the spatial extent and the associated duration. Appendix 1 expa ...
An occurrence in an internet or intranet application or program that might be significant to other objects in a system or to external agents.
A convention, game day or home play occurrence.
an activity or occurrence of interest such as a terrorist act or an airline crash
An event is a non-persistent, time-based occurrence.
An occurrence, or happening, that is significant to a transport user. Events are asynchronous, in that they do not happen as a result of an action taken by the user.
"Some occurrance that may cause the state of an object to change." 1
A client/server interaction defined from the standpoint of the server. The client stimulates the server to recognize an event by sending a message to the server. The server responds to the stimulus. ---- GHI ---- JKL ---- MNO
Something that happens, usually in response to user input. Examples are a user entering information, pressing a button or a selecting a value. In Microsoft Access, all code is "event driven" meaning it executes only in response to some event that serves as its trigger or "handle". Programmers must not only write effective code but also select the correct event to handle that code.
an occurrence that has the potential to affect living beings and/or their environment; a realization of a hazard.
An occurrence in a system or network that can be observed.
An occurrence that attracts tourists.
(1.) The enqueueing or dequeueing of an element. (2.) An occurrence of significance to a task. (3.) In computer graphics, information generated either asynchronously from a device or as the side-effect of a client request. Events are grouped into types and are not sent to a client by the server unless the client has issued a specific request for information of that type. Events are usually reported relative to a window.
A point in time when certain conditions have been fulfilled, such as the start or completion of one or more activities. [D00634] CCCP A happening or occurrence, outcome of an activity or decision point between activities. [D00629] NPMT A point that is the beginning or end of an activity and identified by the I- node or J- node respectively. [D00630] WST An event is an identifiable single point in time on a project. [D00631] PMK87 In CPM and PERT network s, the end state for one or more activities that occurs at a specific point in time. [D00632] OTOB 271-4 The completion or beginning of an activity. [D00633] CPMUSC 176-8 Something that happens at a point or moment in time. A significant event is often called a " milestone." [D04634] QWF
An action or occurrence that a program can respond to. An event can be simple, such as clicking a button, or complex, such as meeting a set of conditions defined in an agent. For example, if the event is refreshing a data warehouse, Impromptu Web Reports runs a report each time the warehouse is refreshed.
A happening of consequence to an entity.
An action in a script; virtually everything that happens in a script is an event, including text, sounds, wipes, animations, etc.
An event is a specific point in space-time, sometimes given a name for identification purposes. It is a way of describing what happens by saying when and where it happens. Each event has a unique space-time coordinate.
An occurrence associated with a service monitored by the Intelligent Agent. Users select the events they want to monitor for and register them with the Intelligent Agent.
An event is an incident or occurrence during the execution of a software application that indicates a change in the state of execution of the application. Events are commonly viewed in an OOA/D context as a message that announces the change in execution state and they are issued in the method where the new condition prevails as a postcondition of executing that method. (See category on state machines.)
An instantaneous occurrence that changes the global status of an object. This status change may be persistent or temporary,allowing for surveillance, monitoring, and performance measurement unactionability, etc. Events may or may not generate reports; they may be spontaneous or planned; they may trigger other Events or may be triggered by one or more other events. source: ITU-T M.60, X.700 domain: TMN acronyms: usage
(1) Any user action (such as a mouse click) or system activity (such as screen updating) that provokes a response from the application. (2) In the Windows operating system, a synchronization kernel object used to signal that an operation has completed. See kernel object, critical section, mutex, semaphore, manual-reset event, auto-reset event.
An occurrence that is significant to an application and that may call for a response from the application.
An occurrence meeting specified conditions, e.g. damage, a threshold WAVE HEIGHT or a threshold WATER LEVEL. | Glossary home X Y Z
Any happening, either in sports or in reality, on which people can bet.
The direct or indirect report of external activity, especially user activity on the keyboard and mouse.
A specific action performed on a specific object. The action can be performed by a user or by the system. For example, when someone checks an object out or checks it back in, that is an event. When the system locks or unlocks an object, that is also an event.
Particular objects allow user interaction or monitor actions of the computer program or system. When something "happens," an event is triggered. For instance, when using a button object, the process of actually clicking on the button triggers a "click" event.
The start or completion of an activity that the cPDm system tracks. Normally used to initiate a trigger when an event occurs to cause a message or an action to be executed.
An action that changes the status of an operation and changes the current plan.
a mathematically describable happening in space-time.
segment of dramatic action with three-step structure. (Exposition--Climax--Resolution).
An occurrence of interest to users or developers of the CGDI. Events can be things such as the adjustment of a feature in a framework data layer, a flood in the Red River basin, or the release of a new specification for a CGDI service.
1. A specific activity that has occurred on a channel. The voice driver reports channel activity to the application program in the form of events, which allows the program to identify and respond to a specific occurrence on a channel. Events provide feedback on the progress and completion of functions and indicate the occurrence of other channel activities. Events are sometimes referred to in general as termination events, because most of them indicate the end of an operation. 2. Any signal or condition that causes a state transition in a state machine, the majority of which are usually the physical events produced by the voice driver.
An occurrence of significance to a task (such as the opening of a window or the completion of an asynchronous operation). In the Tivoli environment, any significant change in the state of a system resource, network resource, or network application. An event can be generated for a problem, for the resolution of a problem, or for the successful completion of a task. Examples of events are: the normal starting and stopping of a process, the abnormal termination of a process, and the malfunctioning of a server.
An action taken by a user such as a mouse click or keystroke that is recognized by one of Access' event properties such as On Click or On DblClick. Events can also be triggered by the program such as when a form opens or the Timer Interval is reached.
An occurrence that a computer can detect: a key stroke, a mouse click, a page loading. Events are often used as triggers to cause another action to occur.
A message that notifies a session when something has happened. Events often convey information about resources that have become active. They're are also used for other things, including self-notification, yielding timeslices to other sessions, and inter-session communication. Every event includes fields that are passed to its handler as parameters. see: dispatch, event fields, event handler, event handler parameters, immediate event, kernel, queued event, resource
A significant occurrence. An event has a location in time and space and may have parameters. In the context of state diagrams, an event is an occurrence that can trigger a state transition.
An occurrence such as a card, alarm or system operator transaction on the access control system. Most events are stored as history in the systems hard disk. Close Glossary Window
An occurrence of interest to a program, for which a specific response in the form of one or more actions is defined. The matching of a host screen by a screen customization's screen recognition criteria is an event, as are a user connecting to or disconnecting from a HATS application, and the failure of a host screen to match any screen customizations.
Any action or occurrence to which an object might respond. Typical events include keystrokes, mouse movements, button clicks, etc. A phone for example, might respond to a Ring() event.
An occurrence in a business's environment to which that business must respond; see also BUSINESS SYSTEM and EVENT RESPONSE .
An action recognized by an Object which code can be written to respond to. Events may occur as a result of a hardware condition or software manipulation of an Object.
A measurable network- or system-specific occurrence for which a logging component maintains a record.
Events are the basic units of calendars that you create in Trumba Connect. An event is a seminar, performance, meeting, class, or any other occurrence that you want to publicize. You can add one-time, multi-day, or repeating events to your calendars, and you can mark events as private. To add an event to a calendar, click Add Event above the calendar. See also Add events to calendars.
In VisualAge RPG, a representation of a change that occurs to a part. The change enables other interested parts to receive notification when something about the part changes. For example, a push button generates an event by signalling that is has been clicked, which may cause another part to display a window. In the OfficeVision calendar function, an item scheduled on a single calendar (for only one attendee), which includes the time and description. In OSI, the occurrence of a well-defined situation. Events may be planned (for example, transactions), or they may be spontaneous or unplanned (for example, faults). An agent reports events to its managers. In System Manager, a significant occurrence, such as the end of processing or the failure of a subsystem.
Information an ACM client program transmits to an ACME agent for use in some fashion specific to a particular DOI. It might be recorded in a log or used to trigger some mode of operation. Requirements for sending an event, including any required privilege, are specific to the DOI.
An action recognized by an object, for which you can write code to respond. Events can be generated by command execution, transaction completion, recordset navigation, and data updates, among other actions. See also event handler.
An occurrence that is tracked by the software other than a page hit. Site owners can custom define events to compliment page hit tracking. Typical types of events that site owners may want to track are file downloads and PDF links.
A user's action, such as a mouse click or key press.
The specification of a significant occurrence that has a location in time and space. In the context of state diagrams, an event is an occurrence that can trigger a state transition.
An occurrence or happening, usually significant to the performance of a function, operation, or task.
A signal fired by the operating system in response to a user action. For example, when a user clicks (and holds down) a mouse button, a MouseDown event is sent by the operating system. The active application intercepts this signal and executes the code attached to the MouseDown event.
The occurrence of an action on an object of interest.
An occurrence. (Events are objects hence they must be identifiable occurrences of interest.)
In the good ol' days, computers handled user interactions as input of batched data. The user fed a hunk of data in, the computer did something to that data, then produced the results. With the advent of interactive devices like the GUI interface, computers could display answers to computations onscreen. The input for these interactions are events caused by the user, which could be keystrokes, button clicks, or the position of the mouse pointer. (see Event Handler).
Events are the way in which GDK informs GTK+ about external events like pointer motion, button clicks, key presses, etc.
A thing which happens, like a button is pressed. Events can by low-level (such as button or keyboard events), or they can be high level (such as when a new dataset is available for processing).
an occurrence of importance
Something that happens within a component that an application or other component may want to know about and possibly react to.
An event is a non-trivial occurrence with a location in time and space.
An action or occurrence at the system or application level.
programming: Some action made by a user or by software that the software wants to know about. Like a bored dilettante, Mac software sits around waiting for events to happen. When you click on something, or hit a key, that sends an event to the Mac and it's off and running.
In a human-machine interface such as Opto 22's PAC Display, events are incidents or occurrences of significance to the operator. They are not always an indication of abnormal conditions. Event examples include user login, disk full, printer out of paper, etc.
1. An occurrence, incident, or experience, especially one of some significance. 2. Binary outcome measure. 3. Clinical event. 4. The actual occurrence of a condition, trait, or characteristic that is defined by a binary outcome measure.
Occurrence specified by both time and place in the space time world of four dimensions in the theory of relativity.
An action or occurrence to which a program might respond. Examples include state changes, data transfers, key presses, and mouse movements. firewall A security solution that segregates one portion of a network from another portion, allowing only authorized network traffic to pass through according to traffic filtering rules.
Any significant occurrence in the system or an application that requires users to be notified or an entry to be added to a log.
In the Unified Modeling Language, an event is a notable occurrence at a particular point in time. Events can, but do not necessarily, cause state transitions from one state to another in state machines represented by state machine diagrams. A transition between states occurs only when any guard condition for that transition are satisfied.