(see shell prompt) regular expression a text pattern consisting of a combination of alphanumreic characters and special characters known as metacharacters.
A cursor at which you can enter in commands or additional information.
This is what someone gives to actors when they forget their lines. Some theatres have fulltime prompters standing by in the wings. Actors will also help out other actors. Naturally, no one needs prompting at the Rep
A message from a computer that gives instructions to the user.
System message to the user indicating a response is required.
A symbol (i.e. c:\) or a field where a command is given, information is entered or a choice (i.e. Y/N) is made.
(n.) A character or character string sent from the computer system to a terminal to indicate that the system is ready to accept input. Examples include $ and %.
Any form of verbal, nonverbal, or physical cue to structure, pace, or signal a response to be made by the student. Examples include verbalisms like "continue," "next," "now what," or reminders of each step. Physical guidance is another example of a prompt. See Cue. Technical Working Group on Large-Scale Assessments for Special Education. (2005).
A character displayed on the screen to prompt the user to take some action. For example, a bracket prompt character is used in the Applesoft BASIC programming language.
Changes the MS-DOS command prompt.
A symbol or phrase appearing on-screen to indicate that the computer is ready to accept input.
When you see a prompt, you can type the name of a command and press Enter. In this book, we will use the $ character to indicate the prompt.
A visual or auditory cue to announce that more input is required before the program will continue.
A message (sometimes only one or two characters or symbols) displayed by a program to let you know that the program is expecting a response. A prompt may be a specific request for data needed to complete a task. A common prompt when using the AISwitch is Enter destination name.
A message that displays on the screen and provides helpful information or instruction to the user.
A program-generated message describing what should be entered.
A voice reminder, which leads the user through the process of recording, addressing and retrieving messages.
A request for input from the user via a prompt to the terminal (window).
A character or series of characters that appear on the screen to request input from the user.
a request by the computer for input. The DOS prompt usually takes the form of either C, C:\DOS, or A, blinking on the monitor screen. A typical UNIX prompt is the name of the user or computer, a command number, and a % sign.
A message displayed at the beginning of a line by a program to request a response from the user. DOS prompts for commands with the current disk drive and directory name followed by an angle bracket (e.g., D:\MYFILES〉).
An audible or visible signal, such as a beep or a screen display, to make the system user aware that a process is complete or a user action is required. Also used to signify a need for further input and/or location of needed input.
The symbol that tells you an operating system or program is ready to receive a command. You type commands at the prompt.
A message that appears on the monitor while a network system is waiting for you to enter a command or option.
a message that guides the user to take some action, such as "Please leave a message after the tone."
a cue given to a performer (usually the beginning of the next line to be spoken); "the audience could hear his prompting"
(computer science) a symbol that appears on the computer screen to indicate that the computer is ready to receive a command
quick in apprehending or reacting; "a prompt (or ready) response"; "a prompt smile"
a character or character string marking the beginning of an input field
a computer's way of signifying that it is ready for you to input something
a cue that reminds us to carry out an action we might otherwise forget to do
a message that comes up on your screen
a message that the system sends to the user asking them for input
a message that the system sends to the user to ask for input
a message to the user's terminal, asking cg for more input, when input is from the user's cg terminal
a request for author input, either information or a decision
a request for user input, either information or a decision
a sign on the screen that shows that the computer is waiting for input
a string informing the user what kind of input the program expects
a symbol that appears on the screen when the computer is ready to accept commands
Any characters displayed on the video screen to help the user decide what the next appropriate action is. A system prompt is a special prompt displayed by the operating system. The alphabetic character indicates the default drive. Some applications programs have their own special prompts. See CP/M prompt.
Word or words used by the system to assist a user's response. Such messages generally ask the user to respond by typing in some information in the following field.
What is displayed when a computer system is waiting for some sort of input from you.
Term. What shows up when you are in a command line shell. This is telling you " Hey I need input in order to do stuff. Type something." Some shell prompts look like this
A short (configurable) string that is printed at the start of each command line. It usually contains the current working directory.
a message for a program user. It tells what kind of information to enter.
A character or word that the system displays in an IRIX shell that indicates that the system is ready to accept commands. The default prompt for regular user accounts is %; the default prompt for the root account is #.
The display on the screen that shows you that the operating system is ready to receive a command. The standard system prompt can be changed by using the PROMPT command.
The little symbol that looks like C:\ or A:\. It's where you type instructions (commands) for DOS to carry out. Also called Command Prompt.
a symbol, word, or message that the system displays to tell the user that it is ready for new input or commands. The default shell prompt of the Eos system is eos%.
Several times during interactive dialogs with online services, the flow of data stops while the host computer waits for commands from the user. At this point, the service often presents the user with a reminder, a cue, a prompt. These are some typical prompts: ? ! WHAT NOW? (Read) next letter - ulrik 1 System News - 5000 Enter #, Help, or CR to continue? Action == (Inbox) Command: Enter command or RETURN
This is the question the computer or program asks when it wishes you to input some information.
Indicates that something is displayed upon the screen. It may apply to any screen object.
in a shell, this is the string before the cursor. When you see it, you can type your commands.
A word or signal that initiates or guides behavior; a cue.
In an application program, a short on-screen message which assists the user by requesting information necessary to continue processing.
The left side of the stage, as you face the audience.
To help an actor with his lines when he either asks or is stumbling.
(1) A message from a computer program that instructs you to enter data or take some other action. (2) Word(s) used by the system as a cue to assist a user's response. Such messages generally ask the user to respond by typing some information in the adjacent field. See also command line.
a message from the computer requesting action
It looks like this : C or whatever other directory you may be in eg C:\GAMES . It is at this point, where the cursor is blinking that you may type DOS commands to operate programs etc. If someone tells you to go to a DOS prompt: escape or exit out of the program and go to DOS, which is just a blank black screen with one of these prompts on it with a blinking cursor just waiting for your further
a visual indication provided by a command line interface to show that the program or operating system is ready to accept another input QR
One or more characters or symbols that identify a line on which commands can be entered, as in a UNIX or DOS window. ``Prompt'' also refers to the text displayed when the computer displays a request for input or an instruction. The default prompt can be replaced by setting the PS1 environment variable.
A cue that tells the user to enter input.
a symbol or question on the screen that "prompts" you to take action and tell the computer what to do next.
The character displayed to indicate the point where you can enter a command.
A prompt is text used to ask the user for input. Displaying a prompt is called prompting. Emacs prompts always appear in the echo area (q.v.). One kind of prompting happens when the minibuffer is used to read an argument (see section E. The Minibuffer); the echoing which happens when you pause in the middle of typing a multi-character key sequence is also a kind of prompting (see section B.2 The Echo Area).
in a .sql script file tells SQLPLUS to issue a message to the user. ACCEPT tab1 PROMPT ‘Enter table name --' SELECT * FROM &tab1
The prompt is the symbol the computer displays to show that it is ready for a command. Some operating systems, such as MS-DOS, do not rely on a graphical user interface the way Macintosh or Windows operating systems do. Essential tasks are carried out by commands given at the prompt. Source: TechSoup.org
A character or small group of characters that show some useful information when navigating in DOS and other operating systems. They also mark the area showing the beginning of the DOS command line and where the user can type commands.
A character or message provided by the computer to indicate that it is ready to accept keyboard input. Usually an on-screen question or instruction that tells the user which data to enter or what action to take; for example, "Enter name:".
A computer's way of asking for more information. The computer basically looks at you and says, "Tell me something." In other words, the computer is prompting you or prodding you for information or for a command.
Symbol used by the system as a cue to signal that the system is ready to accept input from you.
A message that requests the operator to enter information.
A stimulus or cue presented to increase the probability that a person will emit a specific response.
A character or series of characters displayed by a command interpreter to inform the user that execution of a command has been completed and the interpreter is ready to accept a new command.
Input that encourages a child to perform a movement or activity. See Cue.
The Prompt (sometimes Prompter) in a theatre is traditionally the person who prompts or cues an actor when they forget their next line or neglect to move on the stage to where they are supposed to be situated.