The defined accumulation of an organization's internal set of best practices, past issues or problems and their resolution, product and process data, and other any other information that can be used as a basis for analysis and training. It is organized into meaningful categories and provides access methods to query and report the elements of the knowledge base.
A database that internal users can browse or search in to find information about the organization's products and services, often to answer commonly asked questions from customers. This information is in the form of articles and is organized by subjects. The Knowledge Base is searchable by keyword, header text, or full text.
A central location where clients can search by keywords and phrases to find answers to commonly asked questions.
a collection of articles that provide solutions to common problems
a collection of articles which your customers can browse or search in order to find answers to their technical support questions
a collection of correctly classified samples that are stored in an n-dimensional matrix (n is the number of descriptors)
a collection of information that is managed by NeoClassic
a collection of strategies, reports, and report templates that address the key business issues in an organization
a database driven question and answer system, which allows your website visitors to find answers to common questions about your store
a database of questions and answers
a great resource for finding answers
an organized, searchable collection of proprietary documents containing knowledge that is pertinent to daily work activities
a section of your website where your users can find common questions and answers concerning your product, service, and/or company
a system of organizing queries and answers so that each input can be used to answer future similar queries without the need of human interaction
a type of ProblemTracker workgroup that allows you to publish articles that can be searched by your end users to find answers to common issues or questions
The body of knowledge available within an organization. Though it is commonly used to refer to a database of information, it can also be used to describe the knowledge possessed by people in the organization.
A collection of stored facts, heuristics and models that can be used for problem solving.
A database for storing knowledge assets
A specialized database that stores knowledge assets.
A knowledge base is a special kind of database for knowledge management. It provides the means for computerized collection, organization, and retrieval of knowledge. Knowledge bases are commonly used to capture explicit knowledge of an organization, including troubleshooting, articles, white papers, user manuals and others. The primary benefit of such a knowledge base is to provide a means to discover solutions to problems that have known solutions which can be re-applied by others, less experienced in the problem area.
Database of questions and answers and descriptive metadata that can be searched or browsed to help answer questions. QuestionPoint institutions build and access two types of knowledge bases: The global knowledge base is available to all institutions that participate in QuestionPoint and the Global Reference Network. A local knowledge base is available to each full subscriber, either individually or as part of a subscription group. A local knowledge base is also available to each global-only subscriber that joins a public subscription group. See also Global Reference Network; public subscription group.
The fundamental body of knowledge available to an organisation, including the knowledge in people's heads, supported by the organisation's collections of information and data. An organisation may also build subject-specific knowledge bases to collate information on key topics or processes. The term 'knowledge base' is also sometimes used to describe a database of information.
A collection of information relating to specific problem symptoms and solutions. Knowledge bases also contain historical information about previously solved problems, technical notes, documentation errors, lists of bugs, and tips on how to work around those bugs. Life Cycle of a Ticket The stages a Help Desk ticket will go through from the time a request is called, e-mailed, or faxed in to the time it is resolved and the ticket is closed.
A knowledge base is defined as a Searchable Database with Answers to the Questions. An integral component of knowledge management systems, a knowledge base is used to optimize information collection, organization, and retrieval for an organization, or for the general public. Read More
A system that helps TechSupport admins and TechSupport assistants to compose answers to customer questions and problems. Technically, the KnowledgeBase system checks the trouble ticket against the knowledge base to find the most relevant suggested replies that appear on the trouble ticket page.
A database where information common to a particular topic is stored online for easy reference; for examle, a frequently-asked questions (FAQ) list may provide links to a knowledge base.
base de connaissance A database of question-answer sets that have been reviewed and stored for future use and retrieval. Source: National Library of Canada - Virtual Reference Canada
A knowledge base (or knowledgebase; abbreviated KB, kb or Δ) is a special kind of database for knowledge management. It provides the means for the computerized collection, organization, and retrieval of knowledge.