When speaking of how data might be collected in databases, or using feedback forms on web pages, for example, we speak of collecting information in pertinent fields. Collecting Surnames together in a 'surname' field, for instance, would require that such a field be established within the software that will be sorting inputted data.
A unit which contains a discrete piece of data. In the tables, the fields are the units in vertical columns.
interface: A discreet piece of information in a database, such as the Zip Code in an address book. A database contains records, and each record is made up of fields. In a program such as FileMaker, you can format the display of each field's information and specify the type of data, for example to make sure there are the right number of digits and no letters in a phone number. Very similar to a cell in a spreadsheet.
a data item or a column in a data base that contains a specific type of information, such as last name or first name.
a unit within a record in a database, for example: author, title, subject, date
Commonly used in database applications to describe a space in which data of the same type is entered (e.g. ‘title’ or ‘price’), ‘field’ is a similar concept to ‘element’.
In a database, a subdivision of a record which stores information of a particular type.
A named subdivision of a record containing a specifically-defined piece of information within a system, for example "Artist's name," "Simple name," "Denomination."
A sequence of bytes that are interpreted by an application as a unit of data.
A screen area which accepts user data input. Sometimes used interchangeably with table column which it fills (e.g. "Zip Code field" as a reference to the Zip Code column in the address table).
A portion of a record in a database, containing one piece of information. For instance, in an address list, the city might be stored in a 25 character field.
An individual item of information in a structured record, such as a catalog or database record. Last Reviewed: 2005-03-29
Each record in a database is made of segments, called fields, e.g. author's name or title.
In database terms, a field is a name or tag given to a set of similar data inputs. For example a field might be "name," while Bob and Alice are two inputs to the field.
Each record is made up of one or more fields which stores a unique piece of information about the record. An example would be a field used to record a customer's name or a zip code. Some fields can only store numbers and others a combination of numbers and letters. Some fields are automatically updated by the program as you use it.
A data element within a block. For example, an address block may contain the street, city, and state fields.
This refers to the particular location of a piece of data within a record (which is within a file of a database).
A self-contatined collection of data items. DX fields typically contain a data component, positions component, and a connections component. Other information can be included as necessary.
One piece of information, such as author, title or subject, in a record
In a database, a named component of a record and its associated values, in an HTML form, a named input widget or text area and its associated value.
In an ArcView database or table, a column heading. For example, "Area" is a Table field in GOAT 5.
Each data item contained in a record
A rectangular box that you can type into, used in dialog boxes, database programs, and on internet forms.
Individual piece of information on a record; one or more fields that make up a record. "Name" can be one field, while the "address" is another field. The designation of individual fields allows more useful manipulation of data. Synonym: data element.
A single category of data to be stored in a database, such as a person's name or telephone number.
A single attribute descriptor or characteristic of a feature. Commonly displayed as a column in an attribute table, such as a last name. This is in contrast to a record or row (see Record).
A basic unit of information contained in a record, such as a name or street address in a mailing list created as a database.
A single unit of data stored as part of a database record.
DataSplice views consist of a collection of fields that represent the data in the view. Fields typically correspond to columns in a database table, though they can be the results of function calls or other complex SQL statements depending on the definition of the view. DataSplice fields also specify additional information related to how the user can interact with the data of the field, such as is it is read only, how the data should be formatted, or what list of values can be used to edit the data.
A Class defines a number of Fields (such as "Author", "Title", "Abstract"). A Record fills in the values for the fields (such as "Bob", "Killer Rabbits", "This paper describes a new breed of dangerous rabbits.") Fields also have a Field Type - such as "Text", "Number", "Date".
A data object in a class; for example, a variable.
A space reserved for a specified piece of information in a database record; a column in a database.
The predetermined section of a record that contains a specific portion of information.
An area in a database or database entry form in which information can be entered.
A data element contained in a node. Each field has a name and a value of a particular type
the smallest logical unit of data in record-oriented (e.g., mainframe application) environment. Corresponds to a column in a relational environment. Both are physical instances of a data element.
Record s are comprised of Fields. Farms are also comprised of fields. Each Field within a record is used for a particular piece of information. Each field in a farm is used for a different crop. For Example, a company database may contain a record for each customer. A farm may be divided up into ten different fields for example. Each of these records may contain a field containing the customers' telephone number & another containing the Customers Credit status. The farm may have one field containing wheat & another containing barley.
1. n. An identifiable area in a window. Examples of fields are: an entry field, into which a user can type or place text, and a field of radio button choices, from which a user can select one choice. 2. n. The smallest identifiable part of a record.
a data element of a citation (record) in a database. Common fields in Medline citations include author (AU), title of article (TI), source (journal name, year, volume, pages) (SO), abstract (AB), etc. File: another name for a database. Large databases like Medline are divided by year groupings and these groups are called files.
A field refers to a part of an EndNote reference, such as the author, year, or title. In the EndNote Reference window, each field is displayed as its own section, containing a separate piece of information, such as author names or keywords. Fields are arranged in EndNote styles to show how the data should be formatted. They are arranged in EndNote import filters to show how the tagged data should be imported. EndNote allows for up to 40 fields in each reference.
A space allocated for a certain type of information.
A screen object, or widget, that accepts or displays data, for example where a user enters data or the program displays variable output. Examples of fields include option menus, dynamic labels, and data entry-type widgets. Contrast with display text.
In database systems, fields are the smallest units of information that may be retrieved. Every field has a name, called the field name. A collection of fields is called a record.
A category of information within a table - often thought of as columns of data items within a table. Each field has a name that identifies it; [FirstName], [City], [DateOfBirth] etc. Fields are also identified as being of a certain Data Type.
In databases, a field is an item of information in a table. A collection of related fields makes up a record. A collection of related records makes up a database. When you enter data into Keep In Touch, the software manages your entries in a number of database tables. Every entry box in Keep In Touch corresponds to a field in one of those tables. So, when you enter information into a data entry box labeled Last Name, you are entering data into the Last Name field. To simplify this concept, the documentation refers to all data entry boxes as fields.
A means of implementing an item of data within a file. It can be in character, date, number or other format, and be optional or mandatory. Oracle, 1998. ()
Forms consist of fields. Fields are parameters that you can (and sometimes must) specify to configure the Messaging Server. Usually, fields are multiple choice, with the options listed adjacent to the field or described nearby (as in email forms) or selectable from a scrolling menu or buttons (as in web forms). The fields in forms correspond to fields in the account and configuration databases.
The smallest logical unit of data. Examples are employee number, first name, and price. (Compare with data item.)
An area of a record that is allocated for a specific category of data.
A category of information used in computerized INDEXes. Major categories are author, title, source and subject. Sophisticated DATABASES allow the searcher to search for words in specific fields.
A location in a record in which a particular type of data is stored. For example, EMPLOYEE-RECORD might contain fields to store Last-Name, First-Name, Address, City, State, Zip-Code, Hire-Date, Current-Salary, Title, Department, and so on. Individual fields are characterized by their maximum length and the type of data (for example, alphabetic, numeric, or financial) that can be placed in them. The facility for creating these specifications usually is contained in the data definition language (DDL). In relational database management systems, fields are called columns. A space in an on-screen form where the user can enter a specific item of information.
a column of data stored in a table (of a relational database)
An interface element that displays information to the user and/or accepts input from the user. Text items, check boxes, and poplists are examples of fields. Also known as `widget' or `item'.
A part of a record used for a particular category of data, i.e. the title field displays the title for each record in a database; other fields include author, subject, call number, circulation status, etc.
The category or categories that are examined when a search engine searches a library database: author, title, subject, keyword, etc.
Commonly used in document assembly and database platforms, a field "should" refer to a database. It is a "cell" or "holding area" for data, most times user entered data is stored in a field. Sometimes misused to refer to a variable in a document assembly system.
A field is an area on a form designed to contain specific pieces of bibliographic information (such as author names, titles, publication dates, journal names). Fields (which are the blank spaces) are labeled to indicate the type of information that needs to be entered.
Division within a database that holds a particular set of information, such as the image's Title, its Photographer, etc.
a part of a record used for a particular category of data. For example, TI represents the title field or AU for the author.
Database records are made up of fields, each describing a particular aspect of the item the record represents. For example a book record has fields like author, title, publisher, etc.
a specific chunk of information
A part of a record used for a particular category of data. For instance, the title (ti) field displays the title for each record in the database. Some of the other fields in the CD-ROM databases are author (au), journal (jn) and abstract (ab). The BMCC Library Catalog contains additional fields that give the description, call number, location, holdings, and circulation status of an item at BMCC.
A part of a record used to record a specific category of data (i.e., title field, author field, subject field)
a portion of a record used for a the storage of a defined category of data such as title (which displays the title for each record in the database) or author (which displays the author of each record). Other fields are journal, descriptor, and abstract.
The part of a database record that is used to store specific information such as the title, author, or subject of the item being described.
A segment of a database record for searching and display. Some typical fields include the title, author, publication date, and subject.
a specific piece of information that comprises a database record. A bibliographic record might be made up of author, title, date, publication, subject, and annotation fields.
Contains a specific piece of information within a record.
An element or attribute in the data source that can store data entered into controls on a form. If the field is an element, it can contain attribute fields.
the data value associated with a particular ATTRIBUTE of a set of ENTITIES. For example, BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORDS invariably have a title field and an author field, among others.
Citations for books and articles provide basic information such as the author of the work, its title, publisher and so on. Each of these types of information is called a field and can be used to search a particular part of the record. For example, when you use an author search you are searching only the author field; a title search searches only the title field. However, a keyword search allows you to search all the fields at the same time. Each of the fields provides important information. Some of the fields comment on the publishing history of the item, such as when and where it was published, the edition, and whether it is part of a series. Other fields describe the physical characteristics, such as size, number of pages and whether illustrations are included. Yet other fields describe the content through subject headings or content notes. 1 - The Author Field displays the author's name in a "last, first" format. 2 - The Title Field displays the full title of the piece. 3 - The Subject Heading field displays LC subjects attributed to the resource.
An area on a screen defined to display or accept an elementary data item. The term is sometimes used to refer to the elementary data item.
The smallest logical unit of data in a record, as in "There are 12 fields in that record." (7/96)
The pieces of information that make up a record are called fields and they vary from database to database. For example, in a book record one will find an author field, a title field, a publisher field, a date-of-publication field, subject field(s), etc. Indexed fields are searchable.
Part of a Web page or bibliographic record that is designated for a particular kind of data or text.
The individual pieces of information stored in a database, such as someone's name, address or even the time and date that the entry was made.
a component of a database record.
If a data base is thought of as a table, a field represents a column of the table.
Field of a data record - see also Field 9, 10 or 11 50
A part of a record which represents one descriptive or identifying element (such as author, title, subject heading, etc.) for an item. (See also Record).
Part of a record structure for storing a particular data item (attribute). The area allocated on a screen or form design for a particular data item.
This can be thought of as a column in a table. It is a piece of data about a record, such as name, color, size, etc.
An individual data item on the PedNSS or PNSS record.
This is an area you can enter data into or the label for this area. For instance, in a contact record, the place where you enter the phone number is a field.
Set of alphanumeric characters comprising a unit of information; or, location in a data record in which a unit of information is stored.
A component of a named row data type. A field has a name and a data type and is accessed in an SQL statement by using dot notation, for example, row_type_name.field_name.
A segment of a database table or spreadsheet containing a specific portion and kind of information. It can be one rectangle or an entire vertical column of a database table or spreadsheet. Compare column, foreign key, primary key, record, row.
A placeholder for a single datum in a record. For example, you can have a Surname field in a Contact Details record. Called a cell in Microsoft Access.
A subdivision of a record which contains one unit of information, e.g. the answer to a single question.
In a database, records are divided up into separate parts, called Fields. A field in a database record tells you one kind of information, such as the author's name or the journal name or the subject of the article. In most databases you can fine-tune your search by instructing the database to search for information by looking in a particular field. Most fields are abbreviated. For example, you can do a search for "glaciers" in the journal "Natural History" in some databases by typing in the search "glaciers and jn=natural History".
In an entry, a specified area used to hold values. The specifications of each VA FileMan field are documented in the file's data dictionary.
The building blocks that create cataloging records. Each field stores one particular type of information.
Access points within a record that can be used to retrieve specific information. Use of these qualifiers helps to limit or restrict the search. Generally the fields are expressed in an abbreviated form. Some of the most common are: la = specific language py = specific year(s) dt = specific document type such as research jn = specific journal title au = specific author
A portion of a record corresponding to a logical unit. eg., author field, title field. Syn. paragraph
one of many units in a record (or citation) in a database. In PubMed, fields include author, title, source (journal name, year, volume, pages), abstract, publication type, language, etc.
In a database, the part of a record used for a particular category of data. For example, the title field holds the title information for each record. Many of the electronic databases allow you to search on specific fields, so if you know the author's last name and a word in the title, you can search just those two fields.
1) A part of a database record that contains one piece of information. For example, the author field would contain the name of an author. 2) an area of study. Example: law, business, education, etc.
Specific section within a record on a database. Each field contains a particular type of information or data. For example the fields in each record on a library catalogue include Author, Title and Subject. Electronic databases are designed in this way so that it is possible to search just within the one field. (It is usually also possible to search across all fields, using keyword searching).
A basic unit of data that can be identified and described (Synonyms: data element; field)
A specified element of a bibliographic record, such as the "author field" or the "title field."
In a UAF record, a portion of the record you modify with the Authorize utility. The values you assign to each field perform the following functions: Identify the user Define the user's work environment Control use of system resources
Container for 'species' associated information
A specific portion of a record used to store some specific information.
In a database, a field is a particular part of a record. Some commonly searched fields in DELCAT and the Library Databases are title, author, subject and publication fields.
A column of information in a database table that contains a specific type of information.
One or more adjacent bytes within a record. A logical division of a record into parts. A record contains one or more fields. Each field is located through a relative offset from the start of the record, where the offset is counting bytes or prior fields field has an underlying data type, which may or may not be converted to a Java language primitive type (see field type). Java.io supports reading and writing of Java primitive types and serialized objects as fields. You can use JRIO to support additional field types. Part of the VisualAge for Java Record Framework.
An area in a record used to contain a particular category of data.
a category in which you can store and sort data for an individual record. An address book database might includes such as family name, personal name, phone number, record number and so forth. In a spreadsheet or tabular list, a column heading typically refers to a data field.
The part of a database record that contains information about one particular aspect of a material or organisation, such as the author or the title of a book, or the address or activities of an organisation.
A component of a record, e.g. Author, title.
One of the components of a structure, union, or record variable.
In database management systems, a single data item within a record. It is used for a specific category of information.
Fields are the constituents of a reference or a shadow, and contain typed metadata. ShaRef supports a number of predefined field types with predefined semantics.
An interface element in which you enter, edit, or delete data. A layout object that defines how the data for a specific query column appears.
A precise element of information within a table taking the form of a column. Sometimes referred to as a variable in statistical analysis.
In a record, a specified area used for a particular category of data.
In a record, a marked area in which the same kind of information is consistently entered. Example: MARC field 245 is always the title statement in a record.
The different elements or access points by which records are retrieved in a database (ex. Author field and Title field).
the space in an entry devoted to one or more related data elements (ex. Title field, author field or call number field).
A data member of a class or struct that is accessed directly.
Describes the elements making up a database record. Examples: Author name, Title, Abstract
a category of information used in computerized catalogs and databases, (e.g., basic fields are author, title, source and publisher).
A database field. An area on a screen, menu, or report where information can be typed or displayed.
A location in a data record in which a unit of information is stored. For example, in a database of addresses, one field would be 'city'.
the basic building block of a database. To work backwards, databases are made up of units of information called "records" each record is further divided into "fields" and each field contains a specific kind of information; for examples: Title, Author, Publisher fields; see bibliographic record/item record.
A data area used for a specific piece of information; the smallest structure in a record. For example, the area in a record that contains the student’s SSN is one field, and the area that contains the student’s first name is another field.
As used in searching and Information retrieval, not soccer. Every record in a database is made up of fields. For example, in library records, the title field contains the title information while the subject field contains the subject information. In a word processing application, users can create fields for names, street addresses, city information, etc. Often records in databases can be sorted or searched based upon field information.
The structural framework of a MARC record (See glossary entries "Fixed field" and "Variable field").
The part of a record used for a particular category of data. For instance, the title (ti) field in a database record displays the title for the record.
When awk reads an input record, it splits the record into pieces separated by whitespace (or by a separator regexp which you can change by setting the built-in variable FS). Such pieces are called fields. If the pieces are of fixed length, you can use the built-in variable FIELDWIDTHS to describe their lengths. See section How Input is Split into Records.
The smallest piece of information in a database.
A data member of a class. Unless specified otherwise, a field is not static.
the individual sections of a bibliographic record or citation. There is a title field, an author field, a subject field, etc.
One data element of a table. Fields have properties such as "data type", "maximum length" and "default value". For example, the data element "SSN", an acronym for Social Security Number, is a commonly found field in an employee table of any software application that handles payroll functions.
an area in a record that is used to hold certain types of information
One or more consecutive character positions within an ACH entry mapped to contain specific information.
Segments of a citation within a database. Common fields are Author, Article Title, Journal Title, Pages, etc.
One or more data elements that form a logical unit. In a bibliographic record, for example, one field contains publication data, another physical description, etc. Typically, each field begins with a start of message ( ) and ends with a field terminator ( ¶ )
Records in databases are organized into fields, e.g. author field, title field, source field. When you search by author, the computer is looking in the author field of each record.
A subdivision of the computer record used for a defined category or purpose. An example in a Bibliographic record is the author field, where the name of the author is located.
Computers: The individual data items in a database record are known as data fields. The date of a record usually is saved in one data field. The time usually is saved in another filed. Market opening price is saved in another one, etc. Mathematics: A field is a set of elements with certain properties. For instance, the real numbers are an example of a field.
In a bibliographic record, a marked area in which the same kind of bibliographic information is consistently entered.
A placeholder for a single datum in a record, for example you can have a Surname field in a Contact Details record. Fields are sometimes referred to as cells.
The parameters that distinguish one node from another of the same type. Fields can contain various kind of data and one or many values.
A place in a database where one piece of information is stored. Examples of fields include first name, last name, date of birth, phone, and GPA.
One or more data elements that form a logical unit. In an authority record, for example, one field contains the authorized heading, another contains “see also†references, etc. Typically, each field begins with a start-of-message symbol (►) and ends with a field terminator (¶).
An item of information in a database. A collection of fields is called a record.
a part of a record used for a particular category of data. For instance, the title field displays the title for each record in a database. Other fields might include: author, journal title, date. The online library catalog also includes fields for call number, imprint, description, location, and circulation status of the material. See also bibliographic record and record.
in a database, the part of a record reserved for a particular type of data; for example, in a library catalog, author, title, ISBN, subject headings, etc. would all be fields.
An item in a database record. For example, Name, City, or Zip Code. A group of fields make up a record.
One part of a record in a database, eg the address of the person whose record it is. It can be easily changed. Something that you ask a program to enter, not as once and forever text, but as something that will change according to its environment. If, for instance, you insert the field NumPages in a Word document, it will change according to the number of pages in the document. Add more pages and the number increases. Fields update automatically when printing, provided that you've checked this option in Tools Options. more
A space allocated for a particular kind of information about an item. Examples include author field, title field, and date field.
The information in one column of a list or database.
One or more data elements that form a logical unit. In a bibliographic or metadata record, each tag corresponds to a single field.
A field contains one piece of data such as an author´s name, a book title, the creation date, or the file format.
A single data element. For example, Client First Name or Type of admission.
When looking at a citation from an index or database, each piece of information is a field. For example, many citations are made up of an author field, a title field, a publisher field and a date field. What fields are called and what is in them can vary from database to database.
An area of a database record into which a particular item of data is entered. Example usage: "The telephone number field is not really a numerical field", "Why do we need a four-digit field for the year?" Source: Foldoc: Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
The smallest database object entity that can be identified in an ASE Replicator system, either the column of a table or the input parameter of a stored procedure. See also primary article and replicate article.
A space allocated for a particular item of information. A library catalog record, for example, contains a number of fields: author, title, publisher information, date, etc. In database systems, fields are the smallest units of information you can access. A collection of fields is called a record.
A specific part of the Bibliographic Record (au - author; ti - title).
A field is a database concept referring to the place where a particular piece of data, whether a number, word or phrase, is stored. For example, a database of all the students in a particular class may have a field of "Last Name," where the last name of each student is entered. Each record in the database would then have one piece of data that tells the last name of the person associated with that record.
A set of measurements of a single Data type of the physical environment over a rectangular grid at a specified time.
(data field, record field) An element of database structure. A field is a data area reserved for specified criteria. E.g.: the Post Code Field would be an area in which only post code information would be stored.
A MARC field is one or more elements of data that are identified by a MARC tag. Typically, data elements are grouped together within fields according to groupings used within traditional catalog records. For example, the place of publication, the publisher name, and the date of publication are all included as part of the MARC field tagged 260.
The smallest part of a DATA statement that can be assigned to a single variable.
the basic categories of information stored in the records in a file—for example, a file of bibliographic information might have Author, Title, and Year fields.
A space in a database, holding single items of data.
Information in databases is separated into different categories of information. These are known as 'fields'. For example, in a database used to store contacts, First Name might be one of the fields and Last Name another field.
Individual parts of a record which can be searched to retrieve a very specific set of results. For example, the author (au) field will provide the author of an article, book, working paper, etc., for all records which are included in a database. Other common fields include title (ti), journal (jn) and publication year (yr), although databases will often include others and may use different abbreviations for fields than those listed above. More about fields.
An area in a database or database entry form for a single type of information, especially a single instance of the field. For example; name, address, and phone number are fields.
Separately designed element of a MARC record which may contain one or more subfields. For example, the title and statement of responsibility are in the 245 field of a bibliographic record.
A contiguous grouping of information, as in a packet header
A format field is a code which causes the insertion of information into a text object. This information can then be automatically updated. Or A section of a contact item containing a discrete part of the item's information. Contact item fields have a label and a content type. See also: contact item label content type
A location in a data record in which data like name or address are stored for easy access by a computer.
A specific area in a database record that a computer can be made to search. Author, title, and document type are examples of fields.
A discrete element of a record in a database, a column in a database--for example, a database of music CDs might have many fields, including the CD title, artist name, and CD label.
Related Terms: Meta Data, zone, hybrid search In traditional relational databases, fields were the pieces of data stored for each record in the database. Search engines have a similar concept, but tend to refer to these well defined pieces of data as Meta Data or document fields. Search engines also allow for large amounts of unstructured data, sometimes referred to as zones, which act more like database blobs. Having both types of data allows for hybrid searches.
In a database record, an element that holds a category of information.
an area in a computer file designated for one item of data.
Any group of characters defined as a unit of information. This differs from a line because one line may contain several fields.
one category of information in a database
A database term referring to one item of data in a record.
A place where you can input information into a database or directly onto a website.
A space allocated for a particular item of information. A tax form, for example, contains a number of fields: one for your name, one for your Social Security number, one for your income, and so on. In database systems, fields are the smallest units of information you can access. In spreadsheets, fields are called cells.
A category of information in a database.
In this document, an entity of data on a bar code label. The title, human readable and bar code information for a single piece of data are considered a single field.
Information you send to CyberSource for an ICS application, or the contents of a reply CyberSource returns. The term field also refers to informational elements in CyberSource reporting services.
In a database, another term for column.
In a database, the part of a record reserved for a specific item of data. For example, in the LRC catalog: author, title, ISN, Subject, etc. would all be fields. You can conduct a Field Search to search by keyword in a specific field.
In databases it is a category of information.
A single piece of information within a database (e.g., an entry for name or address). Also refers to a specific area within a dialog box or a window where information can be entered.
The section of the table containing 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11and 12.
A field is part of a database file or table, e.g. the address field of a patient record.
Columnar data item in a DBMS.
In a database, the individual items of related information, for example, policyholder's name, address, social security number, etc. Together the fields make up a record.
A space allocated for a particular item of information. A tax form, for example, contains a number of fields: one for your name, one for your Social Security number, one for your income, and so on. In database systems, individual records are comprised of fields. Fields are the smallest units of information you can access.
In an application context a field is a position on a form that is used to enter, view, update, or delete data. In a database context a field is the same as a column. Aslo see column.
A field is any dynamic content source for the report. values of fields are variable. The various field types are: database fields, formula fields, SQL Expression fields, prompt fields, summary fields, group name fields and special fields.
(1) An area of study within an academic discipline. (2) A particular area in a database in which the same type of information is regularly recorded. One field in an article database may contain the titles of articles, for example, while another field may contain the names of journals the articles are in. Some search engines allow a user to limit a search to one or more specific fields.
Can be either of the following: A set of contiguous characters, considered as a single item, in a record or line. A substructure of a STRUCTURE declaration.
A fixed-size data structure in a file.
An element of a table that contains a specific item of information, such as a last name. A Title field might contain Mr. or Ms. Databases such as Microsoft SQL Server refer to fields as columns. ዓንዲ View
A name for an individual piece of standardized data to be extracted from an image collection. Fields can be the author of a document, a recipient, the date of a document or any other piece of data common to most documents in an image collection.
In computer science, data that has several parts can be divided into fields. For example, a computer may represent today's date as three distinct fields: the day, the month and the year.