A representation of the various routes which could be taken on a journey; not to be confused with the routes themselves. In the same way lots of books and other materials can be seen as maps for one's spiritual journey, but studying these should not be confused with actually taking the journey.
A scale drawing showing a plan or birds-eye view of an area. contour line
Graphical representation of land to scale.
Mobile AGP Package. Brings the benefits of AGP add-in cards to notebook computers by fitting multiple graphics solutions into a package small enough for thin and light notebooks. High-performance graphics are no longer limited to larger notebooks. MAP also paves the way to faster adoption of new graphics technologies in current-generation notebook designs.
A two-dimensional abstract graphic representation of the earth's surface that displays spatial relationships among features, generalizes their appearance to simplify them for the purpose of communication, and applies symbols to aid in interpretation.
A flat representation of land mass or geographical area.
A graphic representation of features using points, lines, and areas defined both by position with reference to a coordinate system and by their non-spatial attributes.
A representation or correspondence of elements in one set to elements in the same set or another set.
A two-dimensional representation of a portion of a planet's surface, including navigational charts, in which the text or illustrative material is subordinate in extent or importance to cartographic content. Monograph: A non-serial publication complete in itself or intended to be completed in a finite number of parts.
Image without any coordinates, and having the same scale in any direction. A scale bar defines the scale in a map
To project an image onto a surface of an object.
Representation of the earth's surface (usually in part) on a flat surface at a given scale. Maps are traditionally produced on paper.
A plane representation of the earth's surface, or part of same, indicating physical features, political boundaries, etc. Also a similar representation of extraterrestrial surfaces and spaces. See also ATLAS.
scale representation of the world drawn on paper or in a computer system, typically including features of the natural and/or cultural landscape. Maps have scale, direction and projection information, whereas a sketch does not.
Map Analysis Package. A computer program written by C. D. Tomlin for analyzing spatial data coded in the form of grid cells.
A representation of the land to be managed, either in paper or computerized form. Maps can contain a variety of different types of information and there are many specialized maps used for reasearch and analysis. A clear and accurate forest map is essential to a good forest management plan and to a potential bidder.
a paper representation of space showing point, line, or area data
A graphic description of a geographical area
A representation of all or part of the surface of the earth (or other planet or body) identifying its geographical, political, or physical features.
a graphic representation of an area, often a geographic area, but also any other area of any size. See also device map and key map.
A picture of a place that is usually drawn to scale on a flat surface.
a diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it)
make a map of; show or establish the features of details of; "map the surface of Venus"
depict as if on a map; "sorrow was mapped on the mother's face"
a graphical representation of some area
The collection of digital information about a part of the earth's surface. The kind of maps used in PCRaster is the PCRaster map.
A printed reproduction of a compilation of one or more topgraphic surveys drawn to the scale of the original survey or smaller and on a definite projection. It may include some water area, but basically furnishes information relative to the land area.
A representation, normally to scale, that illustrates the features of the earth's surface.
A drawing of all or part of the Earth's surface, showing the shapes and positions of countries, rivers etc.
A record, either in analogue or digital form, that describes the spatial distribution of geographical features in a specified area
A graphic representation of a portion of the Earth that is usually drawn to scale on a flat surface.
A map is a graphic representation of a place. There are many different types of maps that have different uses. Since a map is 2-dimensional representation of a 3-dimensional world, compromises must be made. Different maps differ in the relative accuracy of the depiction of the area, the shapes of objects, actual distances, and compass direction. Maps that accurately relect area are often called equal-area maps (an example is the Albers equal-area conic map). Maps that maintain the shape of objects are called conformal. Maps that correctly show the distance between areas are often called equi-distant maps (note that the shortest distance between two points on a map is generally not a straight line. but a curve). Navigational maps need accurate compass directions maintained on the map (like the Mercator map).
a representation, usually on a flat surface, of an area
Graphic representation of the physical features (natural, artificial, or both) of a part or the whole of the Earth's surface, by means of signs and symbols or photographic imagery, at an established scale, on a specified projection, and with the means of orientation indicated.
A representation, usually to scale and on a flat medium, of part or all of the surface features of the earth or of another celestial body.
A graphic representation of geographically distributed phenomena. The information displayed may be in the form of symbols or signs.
a drawing of someplace on the Earth
A representation in a plane surface, at an established scale, of the physical features (natural, artificial, or both) of a part of the Earth's surface, with the means of orientation indicated.
A document depicting in graphic or photogrammetric form, normally to scale and usually on a flat medium, a selection of material or abstract features on or in relation to the surface of the earth or of a heavenly body.
a spatial representation, usually graphic on a flat surface, of spatial phenomena.
An abstract representation of the physical features of a portion of the Earth's surface graphically displayed on a planar surface. Maps display signs, symbols, and spatial relationships among the features. They typically emphasize, generalize, and omit certain features from the display to meet design objectives (e.g., railroad features might be included in a transportation map but omitted from a highway map).
A graphic representation of the earth's surface drawn to an established scale on a plane surface.
The visual representation of employee information stored on the Payroll Master File. Two forms of maps are used by payroll: 1) regular map format and 2) employee "dump" map format.
a description of subjective representation of reality. The NLP presupposition, "The map is not the territory" suggests that a description of reality is a representation - once or twice removed from the original experience and is known as a map.
geographical or schematic map. A document that consists of a map of some kind. In a link, it retrieves the map and displays it. Example: a road map with instructions how to reach some building; a schematic representation of some production process. [test: &mouse;
a graphical representation of a region of the earth or heavens. They may be produced as charts, atlases, etc, and may be thematic, or subject oriented, or general in nature. Maps produced as sheet maps are filed by call number in the drawers of the map cabinets found in the Government Publications section in the lower level.
A picture of the land, a map is a graphic representation, often two-dimensional, of some part (or all) of the Earth's surface. There are many different kinds of maps.
Visual representation of the network topology. Different platforms display maps in different levels of detail.
a scale model of spatial reality; a representation of geographic features of the Earth's surface. Traditionally this was graphical, increasingly maps are thought of in less conventional ways as the definition has increased to incorporate digital, mental, verbal and metaphorical descriptions of space.
ounting Adaptor late. The MAP part of the transducer is attached to the fixed surface or robot arm.
A drawing or other representation of all or part of the earth's surface, ordinarially showing countries, bodies of waters, cities, mountains, etc.
An abstraction of the real world that is used to depict, analyze, store, and communicate spatially organized information about physical and cultural phenomena.
A depiction of all or part of the earth or other geographic phenomenon as a set of symbols and at a scale whose representative fraction is less than 1:1. A digital map has had the symbols geocoded and stored as a data structure within the map database.
A two-dimensional representation of a part of the earths surface.
A map is a simplified depiction of a space which highlights relations between components (objects, regions) of that space. Most usually a map is a two-dimensional, geometrically accurate representation of a three-dimensional space; e.g., a geographical map. More generally, maps can be devised to represent any local property of the world or part of it, or any other space, such as the brain (see Brain mapping).