Omelets, grits, hotcakes and French toast – They're not just for mornings anymore! 1 Recipes » 1 Sub Categories
eat an early morning meal; "We breakfast at seven"
A mythical hour from America's past where bacon, eggs, pancakes, juice, coffee, cream and free home made bread were heaped on the table before mom and dad went to work and the kids to school. Today, it's an amorphous period of time between 7 and 7:20 where the refrigerator door is left open, NPR drones on the radio, MTV on the television, the shower is running, sinks overflowing, the dog barking and the microwave beeping with serial zapping of pop tarts, coffee mugs and frozen bagels.
The first of three major meals of the day, breakfast for the average person will normally consist of a small to average amount of food, such as a medium serving of artichoke, followed by three slices of cow pie and orange juice, two boxes of Corn Flakes, ninety-seven unpeeled bananas, fifteen rashers of bacon, nineteen eggs, toast, and a sesame-seed bun. There are of course some people in the world who are unable to enjoy breakfast. But that serves them right for drinking so heavily the night before.
Meal served by a host after a hunt, either buffet or sit-down. For an informal breakfast, you should bring a covered dish or something.
Is favorable to persons engaged in mental work. To see a breakfast of fresh milk and eggs and a well filled dish of ripe fruit, indicates hasty, but favorable changes. If you are eating alone, it means you will fall into your enemies' trap. If you are eating with others it is good. See Meals.
Breakfast is the first meal of the day, preceding lunch or dinner and is typically eaten in the morning. The English word derives from the idea of breaking the involuntary fast of sleep, thus signifying the first meal eaten after awakening. It conveys the exact literal meaning of the Vulgar Latin word disjejunare which evolved via the French déjeuner to become the English word lunch.