The luminous point or object from which light emanates; also, a body radiating light brightly.
A straight line proceeding from a given point, or fixed pole, about which it is conceived to revolve.
The point in the heavens at which the apparent paths of shooting stars meet, when traced backward, or whence they appear to radiate.
The point in the sky where meteors from a specific shower seem to come from. (Technically: The point where the backward projection of the meteor trajectory intersects the celestial sphere.)
The point on the celestial sphere from which meteors of a given shower appear to radiate. The effect is due to perspective.
The point in the sky from which all the meteors in a meteor shower appear to be coming.
System that uses hot surfaces to radiate or convect heat into the environment. Without the use of fans or blowers.
A particular point in the sky from which the meteors of any given shower appear to be emanating, although, in reality, this is only a trick of perspective. Usually, the meteor shower is named after the constellation in which the radiant lies (for example, the Perseids seem to radiate from Perseus, the Geminids from Gemini.)
The point from which a meteor appears to emanate.
The point in the sky from which the meteors belonging to a shower seem to radiate.
The position in the sky from which a meteor shower appears to radiate.
The point in the sky from which a meteor shower appears to originate. It is a perspective effect caused by the relative movement of the Earth and the meteoritic particles.
the point in the sky from which meteor showers appear to originate
The point from which meteors appear to eminate in the sky. The apparent source of shooting stars.
a point in the sky from which meteors appear to radiate. All meteor showers have their own radiant. For example, the radiant of the Leonid meteor shower is in the constellation Leo. That doesn't mean that all Leonid meteors appear in Leo. They can be seen anywhere in the sky, but if you trace them backwards to their origin, they all lead to Leo the Lion.
1. the point in the sky from which the meteors belonging to a meteor shower appear to originate2. vividly bright and shining
Use of a glowing red element and metal reflector to radiate heat to a specific area. Uses long wave energy to heat an object: not the air. A polished reflector directs the infrared heat energy out into the room. Although the air is not directly heated by the heating element, the air is heated by convection from the heated surfaces.
The part of the sky from which a particular meteor stream appears to come from. Meteor showers are usually named after the constellation in which the radiant originates.
The direction in the sky from which a meteor enters the atmosphere and from which shower meteors appear to radiate. Meteor shower names are generally derived from the name of the constellation in which the radiant resides. The radiant is a function of the angle of intersection of the Earth's orbit and that of the meteoroid stream.
This is the area of sky from which the meteors of a particular meteor shower, when their paths are projected backwards, appear to have radiated. It marks the direction in space from which the meteor stream is approaching the Earth. Although meteor shower lists often give the impression that the radiant is a point in the sky, it is in practice an area of sky a few degrees across.
The area of the sky where shower meteors seem to originate. Related meteors can appear in any part of the sky but a line drawn backwards to where they intersect will reveal their radiant.
The point where the backward projection of the meteor trajectory intersects the celestial sphere. More generally, the point in the sky where meteors from a specific shower seem to come from. See also: Trajectory
the point where the backward prolongation of the meteor trajectory intersect the celestial sphere, or the backwards prolongation of the apparent trails of a given meteor as seen by observers at different locations.
1. Pertaining to the emission or the measurement of electromagnetic radiation. Compare luminous. 2. In describing auroras, a projected point of intersection of lines drawn coincident with auroral streamers, that is, the point from which the aurora seems to originate.
A radiant is the point in the sky from which a meteor shower seems to be coming. For example, the Geminids meteor shower seems to come from the constellation Gemini.
The radiant or apparent radiant of a meteor shower is the point in the sky that (to a planetary observer) meteors appear to originate from. The Perseids, for example, are meteors which appear to come from a point within the constelation of Perseus.