The point in the path of a planet, asteroid, comet, or other body that is closest to the sun.
The point where the Earth is nearest the sun in the course of our planet's eliptical orbit.
The point in a planet's orbit when it is nearest to the Sun.
The point where an object in orbit about the Sun is closest to the Sun.
The point of minimum orbital distance from the Sun and maximum orbital velocity around the Sun. See also
point in the path of a body orbiting the Sun where it is closest to the Sun.
The point in a planet's orbit where it is closest to the sun and moving as fast as it can. This often intensifies the planet's effects on us.
The near point to the sun of the orbit of a body orbiting the sun.
In an orbit around the Sun, the closest point to the Sun.
the point at which a body in orbit around the Sun most closely approaches the Sun.
The point at which the distance between a planet and the Sun is a minimum.
The point when a planet, following its orbital path, is nearest to the Sun.
The point in an planet’s orbit when it is closest to the Sun.
The point on an orbit nearest the sun.
The point in the orbit of the Earth (or other planet, etc.) nearest to the Sun.
The closest approach to the Sun of any object in orbit about it.
point in the earth's orbit when it is closest to the sun (at ~147 x 106 km) Perihel
That point in the orbit of a planet when it is closest to the Sun.
The direction of a planet when it is at the nearest point to the Sun in its orbit.
point on the Earth’s orbit at which the Earth is nearest to the Sun
The position in a heliocentric orbit at which the orbiting object is at its least distance from the Sun.
The point of a planet's or comet's orbit closest to the sun.
Point in a planetary orbit where the planet is nearest the sun, the Point of gravitational attraction.
The point at which a body in an elliptical orbit around the sun is at its closest distance to the earth.
The point where a body's orbit comes closest to the Sun. It will be travelling at its fastest at this point.
the innermost point of a solar orbit
The point in a body's orbit where it is furthest the Sun. See also perigee and apogee.
position of a planet (earth) when it is closest to the Sun in its orbit (occurs around January 3)
The pelihelion is the point in orbit where an object is closest to its central body. So the pelihelion is also the minimum distance of an orbit. The opposite is the aphelion.
The point when the earth is closest to the sun. Petiole: a small stem-like structure that connects a leaf blade to a stem.
the point closest to the sun of a sun orbiting object.
The closest point to the Sun of any object orbiting the Sun. Sun Facts
Closest orbital approach to the sun by a member of the solar system.
That point in a solar orbit which is nearest to the Sun.
the point at which a comet in an elliptical orbit around the Sun is closest to the Sun.
The point in its orbit when an object is closest to the Sun.
the point in an object’s orbit when it’s closest to the sun
The point in the orbit of a planet or other body where it is closest to the Sun.
point in which the orbit of a planet, comet, or asteroids closest to the sun.
The point in a satellite's orbit at which it is nearest to the Sun.
The place in the orbit of an object revolving about the Sun where it is closest to the Sun's center.
That orbital point nearest the Sun when the Sun is the center of gravitational attraction.
the point nearest the sun in the orbit of a celestial body
A planet or comet's closest approach to the Sun. The Earth is at perihelion in January.
The point in a body's orbit which is closest to the Sun.
the point closest to the sun in an object's orbit.
Perihelion *** Perihelion of Earth
The point when an object is closest to the sun (= hellion). Similarly closest approach to Earth is Perigee, Jupiter - PeriJov, ect...
The point in the orbit of a planet, comet, etc. which is closest to the sun. See also: Aphelion.
point of minimum distance from the Sun in an orbit.
The point on the earth’s orbit which is nearest the sun. the earth reaches this point on about January 1st but varies from year to year.
The point in the orbit of the Earth that is closest to the Sun. Currently the Earth reaches perihelion in early January.
point in an object's orbit around the Sun that is closest to the Sun.
The point in its orbit where a planet is closest to the Sun.
It is the point in the Earth's orbit when it is closest to the sun (147.5 million km). Perihelion occurs on the 3rd or 4th of January.
When the orbit of a planet takes it to the point closest to the Sun.
The place in a planet's orbit which is nearest to the Sun. See Aphelion.
The point of the earth's orbit that is nearest to the sun. Although the position is part of a 21,000 year cycle, currently it occurs around January, when the earth is about 3 million miles closer to the sun than at aphelion. This term can be applied to any other celestial body in orbit around the sun. It is the opposite of aphelion.
The point in a planet's orbit that lies closest to the Sun.
The point closest to the sun in an elliptical orbit around it.
The orbital point of closest approach to the Sun.