A deviation from the norm or average.
(IEEE) Anything observed in the documentation or operation of software that deviates from expectations based on previously verified software products or reference documents. See: bug, defect, error, exception, fault.
abnormality that may be a developmental (congenital) defect; a variant from the usual standard
Unusual; irregular; contrary to general rule.
Any deviation from the norm (generally an increase in value) which may indicate the presence of mineralization in the underlying rock.
Something out of the ordinary.
The deviation of a measurable unit (e.g., temperature or precipitation) over a period in a given region from the long-term average, often the thirty-year mean, for that region.
the state or fact of being out of place, out of true, or out of a normal or expected position; deviation from the normal rule. Also a name for an object or event that is anomalous. Plural: anomalies.
A deviation from the usual or normal in scientific research. Something that cannot be explained according to the existing theory, model, or paradigm.
Birth defects; deviation from the norm or average.
A deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule. Something which is peculiar, irregular, abnormal, or difficult to classify.
a deviation from the ordinary, normal, or expected. Anuran - amphibians lacking tail in adult stage; frogs and toads.
something that is irregular
A deviation, irregularity, or an unexpected result. A data anomaly may occur when a data field defined for one purpose is used for another. Examples of anomalies are negative numeric fields that should be positive (negative number of dependents), abnormally high numeric values (person weighing 3000 pounds), pairs of values in related columns that make no sense (male patient having a hysterectomy).
a broad term for something unusual, i
a mystery, something that is unrelated, out of place
an aberration, an irregularity, a deviation, something not in accordance with how things usually are
an irregular or unusual event which does not fit a standard rule or law
a reason for doing something
Something that forces a measurement to be off. For example, a magnetic anomaly forces magnetic north to be off at a station.
A difference from the long-term average climate. For example the El Niño summer rainfall anomaly is the difference between the rainfall averaged over summers when El Niño conditions are present and the rainfall averaged over all summers.
Very popular with Technical Enquiries/Help Desk Personnel this word is used when nobody knows why something is (or isn't) happening as in "it must be an anomaly with your machine."
A malformation of a part of the body.
A structure that is unusual or abnormal
a health problem or feature not normally present in a healthy individual; a deviation from the normal.
A malformation or abnormality in any part of the body.
Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected, there are a number of anomalies in the present system. Oxford Reference Online Keyword(s): Anomaly
Deviation ( better or not) compared to what is expected.
An abnormal structural feature not usually present in a healthy individual.
Observation of physical phenomena that deviate from the normal background in an area
deviation from the average or normal
A localized change in the geophysical data characteristic of a discrete source, such as a conductive or magnetic body: something locally different from the background.
Any departure from the norm, which may indicate the presence of mineralization in the underlying bedrock.
A change or deviation from what is considered typical.
Something that is different, abnormal, peculiar or not easily classified within a scientific aspect.
A deviation from the average or norm. Anything structurally unusual or irregular, i.e., presence of an extra finger or absence of a limb or congenital malformation.
a deviation from the norm. In geology, the term indicates an abnormality such as a fault or dome in a sedimentary bed.
A marked deviation from the normal standard, especially as a result of congenital or hereditary defect(s).
Malformation or abnormality in any part of the baby.
Malformation or abnormality of a body part.
An anomaly is a deviation from the common rule; an irregularity.
Deviation from what is regarded as normal; congenital malformation.
Any condition that deviates from the expected based on requirements, specifications, design, documents, user documents, standards, etc., or from someone’s perceptions or experiences. Anomalies may be found during, but not limited to, the review, test, analysis, compilation, or use of software products or applicable documentation. [IEEE Stds Glossary
The prefix a(n) stand for “notâ€. An anomaly is something ab-normal in a scientific sense, an irregularity.
Something that cannot be explained by currently accepted scientific theories. Anything difficult to classify is considered an anomaly.
Refers to deviation from uniformity in a physical property.
An organ existing in abnormal form, structure or location.
A change, difference or unusual finding.