The process by which rocks are pulled apart. Commonly restricted to descriptions of the whole (continental) crust (e.g. the North Sea has formed by rifting). Note that rifting need not go to completion - opening up gaps in the crust. Essentially this is the opposite process to orogeny.
The splitting apart of continental masses. A rift is a long, narrow continental trough that is bounded by normal faults. It marks a zone along which the entire thickness of the lithosphere has ruptured under extension. The great continent Panagea was split apart by rifting.
The tearing apart of a plate to form a depression in the Earth's crust and often eventually separating the plate into two or more smaller plates.
the slow stretching of continental crust driven by the forces that result in the fragmentation of land masses.
The process by which the earth's crust is pulled apart and broken, resulting in the formation of new crust
a breach or split between two bodies due to rising hot spot activity within the mantle. Continuous activity thins the lithospheric plate, causes normal and reverse dip-slip faulting and eventually separates the plate.
A geologic term that describes the process that occurs when land sinks between two parallel faults.
a breaking apart, divergence of continents along a common boundary
refers to the breaking apart of continental plates.