An elongate crustal block that is relatively depressed (downdropped) between two fault systems.
An elongated, downthrown block bounded by two steeply dipping normal faults. Produced in an area of crustal extension.
An elongate fault block that has been lowered in relation to the blocks on either side.
A downfaulted block of rock.
A depression formed by the dropping of a central block between two parallel inward-sloping normal faults. Graben indicate a zone of horizontal tension.
a down-faulted block of rock
a block of Mars's crust which has dropped down due to an extension, or pulling, of the crust
a block of the Earth's crust that has dropped down relative to another piece (the horst)
a depression formed when block of the earth's surface moves downward between two faults
a down dropped and typically linear depression
an elongated depression that is bounded by normal faults
a depressed segment of the earth's crust bounded on at least two sides by faults.
A crustal block of rock generally long and narrow, that has dropped down along boundary faults relative to the adjacent rocks.
A block of rock that lies between two faults and has moved downward to form a depression between the two adjacent fault blocks. See also horst.
a block bounded by faults that has been downthrown relative to rocks on either side, forming a basin
An elongate block of rock down-dropped along roughly parallel faults.
The "downthrown" or down dropped block between two fault escarpments
an elongate structural depression bounded by normal (gravity) faults.
A downthrown block of sediments bounded by faults.
A graben is a fault bounded structural feature in the sub-surface that often contains thick sequences of hydrocarbon prospective rocks.
A graben (or rift) is a valley between two faults.
a long, depressed crustal block that is bounded by faults
"Literally a grave, but used as a technical term by geologists to indicate a depression between parallel fault lines." (p 430)
a down-dropped block of the earth's crust resulting from extension, or pulling, of the crust. See also horst.
regional scale collapse trench, normal faults bounded.
a topographic valley, created by motions along faults at the edges of the valley (see Fig. 2a).
A valley or trough bounded on both sides by normal faults.
An elongate downfaulted basin.
A downthrown block between 2 parallel faults
depressed section of the earth's crust bounded by faults and generally much longer than wide
An elongated, relatively depressed crustal unit or block that is bounded by faults on its sides.
An elongate part of the Earth's crust bounded by faults on its long sides and relatively down-dropped compared to its surroundings.
a narrow, low-lying trough of land formed between two nearly parallel faults by the depression of a block of the earth's crust. [AHDOS
A graben is a depressed block of land bordered by parallel faults. Graben is German for ditch''.