Structural deformation, especially folding and faulting.
Branch of geology that studies the architecture and deformations of the geological regions on the surface of a planet.
Tectonics - Geologic discipline dealing with the architecture of the Earth's crust, particularly the movement of continental and oceanic plates and the effects of their contact and collisions on the structure of the crust.
a branch of geology dealing with the broad architecture of the outer part of the earth. It deals with major structural or deformational features and their relations, origins, and historical evolution. It is closely related to structural geology, but tectonics deals with larger features.
can be used to mean geological structural features as a whole, or to a branch of geology concerned with understanding the structure of the crust of a planet (usually but not limited to the Earth) and especially with the formation of the faults and folds in the crust.
The study of processes that move and deform Earth's crust.
The study of the movements and deformation of the crust on a large scale, including epeirogeny, metamorphism, folding, faulting, and plate tectonics.
The branch of geology dealing with the broad architecture of the upper (outer) part of Earth; that is, the major structural or deformational features, their origins, historical evolution, and relations to each other. It is similar to structural geology, but generally deals with larger features such as whole mountain ranges, or continents.
The broad architecture of the external parts of the earth. The major structural and deformational features of our earth and their interrelationships.
the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust
large-scale deformation of the outer part of the Earth resulting from forces in the Earth.
Relationship, origin and history of regional structural and deformation features of Earth's surface, e.g., mountain-building and basinal subsidence.
The process that forms planetary features such as continents, mountains, and faults.
A branch of geology dealing with the broad architecture of the outer part of the Earth, that is, the regional assembling of structural or deformational features, a study of their mutual relations, origin, and historical evolution.
Deformation of the Earth's crust which gives rise to diverse landforms including folds, faults and fault escarpments, large scale plateau or mountain ranges;
Greek tektonikosz "belonging to the architecture" Crust-structurology, mountain-structurology.
Earth science section dealing to studies of the rocks deformation ( folding and faulting) under the strengths generated by lithosphere displacements.
A study of the building and changing of the earth's crust.
a field of geology dealing with processes that shape the Earth's surface.
The forces and movements producing large scale features of the Earth;
Pertaining to building or construction of the structure of the earthâ€(tm)s crust due to the forces or conditions within that cause movements of the crust of the earth.