The science concerned with landforms, especially the origin, evolution and processes involved in the formation of the earth’s surface.
The science of Earth's landforms, their description, classification, distribution, origin and significance.
The study of land configuration and evolution, primarily by geologists
a science that deals with the land and submarine relief features of the earth's surface and seeks a genetic interpretation of them; physiography.
The science that treats the general configuration of the earth's surface; specifically the study of the classification, description, nature, origin, and development of landforms and their relationship to underlying structures, and of the history of geologic changes as recorded by these surface features.
the scientific study of the arrangement and evolution of surface features of the earth (also known as geomorphy)
The study of the characteristics,origin and development of land forms.
Study of the origin of landforms; largely replaces the term 'physiography'.
_ The form or shape of the earth or landscape.
The study of the arrangement and form of the Earth's crust and of the relationship between these physical features and the geologic structures beneath.
the branch of geology that studies the characteristics and configuration and evolution of rocks and land forms
The field of knowledge that investigates the origin of landforms on the Earth and other planets.
The study of landforms on a planet's surface and of the processes that have fashioned them.
Geomorphology, from Greek words for earth and form, is the study of landforms and landscapes, particularly from the standpoint of origin. Geomorphology seeks to relate specific landforms to the formative processes that operate in different environments.
A sub discipline of geography, concerned with the study of the form and development of the landscape.
The science of the study of land forms; the description and interpretation of the earth's relief features.
natural land forms (that is, physical properties) of a place. Also called physiography.
That science that deals with the form of the Earth, the general configuration of its surface, and the changes that take place due to erosion and deposition.
The study of the characteristics, origin and evolution of both the present-day and ancient landscapes and landforms (e.g., river terraces, glacial moraines)
The study of the nature and history of landforms and the processes which create them.
The science concerned with the form of the land surface and the processes which create it.
the science of surface landforms and their interpretation on the basis of geology and climate.
The studies of landscape features and how they were created.
The geological study of the nature and origin of landforms, including the active forces of water, ice, wind, and gravity from which they derive their shape.
Geomorphology is the scientific field that investigates how landforms are formed on the Earth (and other planets).
Science of describing and interpreting landform patterns and processes of landscape formation.
a branch of geology, which deals with the study of landforms, and the structure and evolution of the landscape
A branch of geology and geography that studies the development of landforms.
The study of the changes in landforms due to volcanoes, earthquakes, weather, floods, etc.
A subdiscipline of geography, concerned with the study of the form and development of the landscape, it includes such specializations as sedimentology.
(Greek, geo- meaning earth; -morph meaning form or structure) The study of the characteristics, origin, and development of the form or surface features of the earth. Advertisement
Geologic study of the configuration and evolution of landforms.
(1) That branch of physical geography which deals with the form of the Earth, the general configuration of its surface, the distribution of the land, water, etc. (2) The investigation of the history of geologic changes through the interpretation of topographic forms.
The study of the form of the earth and the general configuration of its surface.
the study of the shape of the Earth's surface (both terrestrial and oceanic) and/or surface processes, for example the study of landforms like rivers and sand dunes.
the study of topographic features which are responsible for creating landforms and landscapes.
The study of the character and origin of landforms, such as mountains, valleys, etc.
the study of the Earth's surface features and the processes that created them.
the branch of geology which deals with the form of the Earth, the configuration of its surface, and the changes that take place in land forms over time.
Physical configuration of the river channel in relation to surrounding topography and geology.
the study of landforms and the processes which shape them Artist+s rendition of GOES I/M, geostationary satellites whose mission includes data collection and broadcasting, and environmental sensing. (Image: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center)
The science that deals with the relief features of the earth's surface. ( FS People's Glossary of Eco Mgmt Terms)
The scientific discipline that studies the surface features of the Earth, including land forms.
The geologic field that investigates physical processes that shape the surface of the earth, such as erosion and flooding and how rivers work. The study of the evolution and configuration of landforms. Often used in reference to the structure and shape of a stream or river channel.
The study of present-day landforms, including their classification, description, nature, origin, development, and relationships to underlying structures. Also, the history of geologic changes as recorded by these surface features. The term is sometimes restricted to features produced only by erosion and deposition. ()
The study of the origin of physical features of the Earth, as they are related to geological structure and denudation.
the study of the surface features of the earth or of a celestial body, with reference to their arrangement, origin, development, etc. [AHDOS
(Formerly physiography.) The science dealing with the form and surface configuration of the solid earth. It is primarily an attempt to reveal the complex interrelationships between the origin (and therefore material composition) of surface features on the one hand, and the causes of the surface alteration ( erosion, weather, crustal upheaval, etc.) on the other hand.
Geomorphology is the study of landforms, including their origin and evolution, and the processes that shape them. The underlying question is: Why do landscapes look the way they do? The term is derived from the Greek γη, ge, meaning Earth, and μοÏφή, morfé, meaning form.