The art of measuring and describing the sea, lakes, rivers, and other waters, with their phenomena.
That branch of surveying which embraces the determination of the contour of the bottom of a harbor or other sheet of water, the depth of soundings, the position of channels and shoals, with the construction of charts exhibiting these particulars.
The study of waters (including oceans, lakes, and rivers) embracing either: (a) their physical characteristics, from the standpoint of the oceanographer or limnologist; or (b) the elements affecting safe navigation, from the point of view of the mariner. Compare to hydrology.
Surveying, charting, and mapping of bodies of water -- oceans and seas.
The scientific study of the physical conditions, boundaries, flow, and related characteristics of Earth's surface waters.
The science which deals with the measurement and description of the physical features of bodies of water and their marginal land areas; special emphasis is usually placed on the elements that affect safe navigation; also the publication of such information in a suitable form for use by navigators.
The science of water measurements of the earth with special reference to their use for navigation.
(1) The description and study of SEAS, lakes, RIVERS and other waters. (2) The science of locating aids and dangers to navigation. (3) The description of physical properties of the waters of a region. | Glossary home X Y Z
the science of the measurement and description and mapping of the surface waters of the earth with special reference to navigation
(hydrographic) Relating to the characteristic features of bodies of water, such as depth and flow. ()
surveying, sounding, and charting of bodies of water; the measurement of flow and investigation of behavior of streams, especially to control or utilize their waters; the measurement of tides or currents to aid navigation.
Digital map/GIS files depicting lake, stream, and other open water features
The art and science of making charts of the Earth's seas for the purpose of navigation.
The description and study of water bodies such as seas, rivers, and lakes.
Science that deals with the measurement and description of the physical features of the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and their adjoining coastal areas, with particular reference to their use for navigation.
the study, measurement and description of oceans, lakes, rivers, etc., in reference to their use for navigation and commerce.
The time course of river stage (water depth).
The representation of the location and direction of flow of water bodies. In geographic information systems, it usually refers to coverages depicting various water features.
the science of survey, measurement and description of the oceans and seas, especially for navigation purposes; the information collected is presented in the form of charts, sailing directions, tide tables, etc.
The study, description and mapping of oceans, estuaries, rivers and lakes.
The study of the physical features of water bodies like oceans and lakes (in analogy to geography being the study of the physical features on land). Oceanic features of interest include the location and spatial extent of water masses as identified by their characteristic properties such as salinity, temperature and micronutrient concentrations. Early systematic attempts at applying hydrography to the oceans were the core layer method and the isopycnal method in the 1920s and 1930s by Wust, Iselin, Montgomery, Defant and others, and variants of these methods are still used today to provide a first-order general classification of the waters of the world ocean. Much care, however, should be taken when attempting to use the results of these mostly static classification methods to understand the dynamical aspects of the ocean (although the latter is much more closely related to dynamical fields). This is best exemplified by the classic apothegm "the hydrographer's ocean is much smoother than the dynamicist's ocean".
The study of the surface waters of the Earth.
Water Surveys. The art of measuring, recording, and analyzing the flow of water; and of measuring and mapping watercourses, shore lines, and navigable waters.
Water features, such as lakes and streams.
The measurement and study of depths and currents in open seas, lakes, estuaries, and rivers.
Hydrography focuses on the measurement of physical characteristics of waters and marginal land. In the generalized usage, "hydrography" pertains to measurement and description of any waters. With that usage oceanography and limnology are subsets of hydrography.