Topography referred to the national geodetic vertical datum of 1929. The science or art of describing heights of land surfaces with reference to this datum.
Scientific study of the Earth's topologic configuration above sea level, especially the measurement and mapping of land elevation
Relating to the mapping of areas above sea level.
Map data that describes the exact shape of the earth’s surface, usually in the form of contour lines, digital elevation models, or color shadings.
The height pattern of a physically defined surface, as revealed by contour lines. In meteorology, this may refer to a constant-pressure surface or to an isentropic surface in the atmosphere. Compare pressure pattern.
Hypsography refers to the distribution of elevations on the surface of the Earth, and is sometimes applied to other rocky planets such as Mars or Venus. The term originates from the Greek word "Hypso" meaning height. Most often it is used only in reference to elevation of land but a complete description of Earth's solid surface requires a description of the seafloor as well.