That branch of applied mathematics which determines, by means of observations and measurements, the figures and areas of large portions of the earth's surface, or the general figure and dimenshions of the earth; or that branch of surveying in which the curvature of the earth is taken into account, as in the surveys of States, or of long lines of coast.
The science which describes the size and shape of the Earth in mathematical terms by such direct measurements as triangulation, leveling and gravimetric observations. The aim of geodesy is to support the establishment of a coordinate system used to locate points on the Earth's surface.
Science dealing with the measurement and mathematical description of the earth -- size, shape, and gravitational field. Also refers to large scale surveys where the shape of the earth is taken into account.
The science of earth measurement. Geodetic surveyors collect precise measurements of latitude, longitude and elevation for selected points that serve as ground control for other land surveys, air photo/image rectification, and GIS and other geocoding and computer mapping needs. The geodetic control points are often regularly spaced across a given area to form a series of connected triangles. The process of measuring points in such a network is called triangulation.
the branch of geology that studies the shape of the earth and the determination of the exact position of geographical points
The science of measuring the shape and size of the earth, together with the determination of the exact position of particular points on its surface by taking the earth's curvature into account.
The science that measures the surface features of the Earth.
A branch of applied mathematics concerned with the determination of the size and shape of the earth and the exact positions of points on its surface and with the description of variations of its gravity field.
The branch of mathematics which is concerned with making accurate measurements of large portions of the Earth's surface.
A geophysical technique using an interferometer to study the motion of Earth's tectonic plates.
Science concerned with the measurement and mathematical description of the size and shape of the earth and its gravitational fields. Geodesy also includes the large-scale, extended surveys for determining positions and elevations of points, in which the size and shape of the earth must be taken into account.
The science of the Earth's shape.
The science related to the determination of the size and shape of the Earth (geoid) by direct measurements.
Applied mathematics dealing with the measurement, curvature, and shape of the Earth, rather than treating it as a sphere. Information in this form, such as latitude and longitude readings, is geodetic data.
The science which considers the size and shape of the earth on a mathematical basis.
(OR GEODETICS): The science of dealing with the investigation of scientific questions connected with the shape and dimensions of the Earth.
The scientific study of the size and shape of the earth and determination of positions on it.
Originally, the science of the exact size and shape of the Earth; recently broadened in meaning to include the Moon and other planets.
The science of determining the size and shape of the earth and the precise location of points on its surface.
Geodetic spacecraft are used to measure the location of points on the Earth's surface with great accuracy. These measurements are used to determine the exact size and shape of the Earth, act as references for mapping, and track movements of the Earth's crust.
Science concerned with surveying and mapping the earth's surface to determine, e.g., its exact size, shape and gravitational field.
Science or art of measuring the shape and size of the earth's surface, or large parts of it, as distinguished from surveying which deals only with limited tracts of the earth.
The study of the shape, size, and gravity of the earth.
The science of measuring the size and shape of the earth and its gravitational and magnetic fields.