A compressive tectonic process that results in intense folding, reverse faulting, crustal thickening, uplift and deep plutonic activity. A mountain-building episode.
The tectonic process in which large areas are folded, thrust-faulted, metamorphosed, and subjected to plutonism. The cycle ends with uplift and the formation of mountains.
A major episode of mountain building.
An episode of mountain building.
The process of mountain-building by folding of the Earth's crust.
The process of mountain building, generally related to the collision between lithospheric plates.
The process by which mountain ranges are formed -ie- the process of rock thrusting, folding and faulting in association with deeper plastic deformation, metamorphism and plutonism
the processes that form structures within mountainous areas, including faulting and folding, metamorphism and igneous activity. Elevantion of mountains is due to uplift (or epeirogeny) of thrusted continental crust during isostatic adjustment.
the process of mountain formation (especially by the upward displacement of the earth's crust)
a fancy word for mountain building
a widespread episode of mountain building and crustal deformation
the process by which structures within mountain areas were formed.
period of intense mountain building by way of folding, thrusting, or volcanism
A mountain building event. Usually caused by the interaction of two tectonic plates.
Orogeny - A mountain-building event.
the process of mountain building due to tectonic activity at or aligned with convergent plate margins.
a mountain-building episode,created by plate-tectonic motions, and usually lasting several millions to tens of millions of years
A period of mountain-building.
the process of forming mountains through structural disturbance of the earth's crust by folding and/or faulting
The process of formation of mountains, including thrusting, folding, and faulting in the outer and higher layers, and plastic folding, metamorphism, and plutonism in the inner and deeper layers.
n. The tectonic processes of folding, faulting, and uplifting of the earth's crust that result in the formation of mountains.
mountains building process.
A geologic process which results in the formation of mountain belts.
the formation of mountains, as by the folding of the earth's crust. [AHDOS
In geological history, a period of building up resulting from movements in the earth's crust; creates folding, faulting, and intrusions such as batholiths (domes), dikes (vertical), and sills (horizontal).
Orogeny (Greek for "mountain generating") is the process of mountain building, and may be studied as a tectonic structural event, as a geographical event and a chronological event, in that orogenic events cause distinctive structural phenomena and related tectonic activity, affect certain regions of rocks and crust and happen within a time frame.