An elongate, elevated block of crust forming a ridge or plateau, typically bounded by parallel, outward-dipping normal faults.
A block of rock that lies between two faults and has moved upward relative to the two adjacent fault blocks. See also graben.
An elongate fault block that has been uplifted in relation to the adjacent rocks.
An upfaulted block of rock.
an up-faulted block of rock
a ridge of the earth's crust that has been forced upward between two faults and so is higher than the surrounding land
a block left standing while the rocks at each side have moved downward
an uplifted fault block and a graben is a fallen or down dropped fault block
A block of the earth's crust, generally long compared to its width, that has been uplifted along faults relative to the rocks on either side.
An elongated, relatively uplifted crustal unit or block that is bounded by faults on its long sides.
A raised area between two parallel faults, opposite of a "graben".
An elongate block of rock uplifted along roughly parallel faults.
An elongated uplifted block of sediments bounded by faults.
An upthrown block lying between two steep-angled fault blocks. See also graben.
uplifted regional size block and faults bounded.
a block of rock thrown up between normal faults
The ridge left standing between two grabens or down dropped fault blocks.
An elongate block of upfaulted rock.
elevated section of the earth's crust bounded by faults
an elongate, relatively uplifted part of the earth's crust limited by faults and standing out against its surroundings. [AHDOS
The high block between two grabens.