A zone in the upper mantle, usually beneath an oceanic trench, where a cool, brittle plate, being subducted back into the mantle, gives rise to deep earthquakes.
an inclined plane along which earthquake foci cluster at a subduction zone. The Benioff zone is believed to correspond to the position of the subducted slab of oceanic lithosphere.
A narrow zone, defined by earthquake foci, that is tens of kilometers thick dipping from the surface under the Earth's crust to depths of up to 700 kilometers. (Also
A dipping planar (flat) zone of earthquakes that is produced by the interaction of a downgoing oceanic crustal plate with a continental plate. These earthquakes can be produced by slip along the subduction thrust fault or by slip on faults within the downgoing plate as a result of bending and extension as the plate is pulled into the mantle. Also known as the Wadati-Benioff zone.