The outer layer of soil and rock on a planet is called the "lithosphere" after the Greek word "lithos" meaning "stone".
The near-surface region of the crust and uper mantle that undergoes brittle fracture.
The rocky solid ball of a planet or a satellite.
Literally the rocky outer shell of the Earth. Effectively synonymous with plates, lithosphere comprises crust and that part of the upper mantle that is too cold to flow over geological time. The warmer mantle below that can flow (and underlies the plates) is called asthenosphere.
Crust of the earth. Contrast with hydrosphere and atmosphere.
In plate tectonics, a strong layer relative to the underlying asthenosphere. It includes the crust and part of the upper mantle and is of the order of 100 km in thickness.
strong, brittle outermost rock layer of the Earth
The rigid outer shell of the earth which includes the crust and a portion of the upper mantle.
the hard outer layer of the earth.
The scientific term for the earth's crust. This layer rests upon a hot liquid called the mantle, consisted of magma (See : PLATE TECTONICS)
A layer of solid, brittle rock making up the outer 100 kilometers of the Earth, encompassing both the crust and the outermost part of the upper mantle. See also asthenosphere.
The relatively rigid outer zone of Earth, which includes the continental crust, the oceanic crust, and the part of the upper mantle lying above the weaker asthenosphere.
Outer shell of the earth, composed of the crust and the rigid, outermost part of the mantle outside the asthenosphere; material found in earth's plates. See crust, mantle.
The outer shell of the earth. The crust plus part of the upper mantle make up the lithosphere.
The rigid crust and uppermost mantle of the Earth. Thickness is on the order of 60 miles (100 km). Stronger than the underlying asthenosphere.
(lith'-o-sphere) In plate tectonics, the solid outer layer of the Earth that deforms brittlely relative to the underlying ductilely-deforming asthenosphere. The lithosphere includes the crust and part of the upper mantle and ranges in thickness from less than 1 km at the oceanic spreading ridges to about 100 km in mountainous continental areas.
Earth' s most external layer. It's composed by crust itself and has a thickness of about 50 km.
Is the solid inorganic portion of the Earth (composed of rocks, minerals, and elements). It can be regarded as the outer surface and interior of the solid Earth.
Earth's crust and a small portion of the upper mantle that make up Earth's plates. This layer of the Earth undergoes tectonic activity.
The Earth's crust; outer layer of surface soil of varying thickness lying upon a mass of rock several km thick.
Lithosphere is the outer layer of the solid earth, extending from the base of the mantle to the surface of the crust.
The component of the Earth's surface comprising the rock, soil, and sediments. The lithosphere is the outer, rigid shell of the Earth, situated above the asthenosphere and containing the crust, the uppermost part of the mantle, the continents, and the plates.
The outermost brittle layer of the earth is the lithosphere.
the solid, outer surface of the Earth, extending between 100-400 km down (see for a discussion of the difference between the lithosphere and the crust and mantle).
The rigid layer formed by the crust and uppermost part of the mantle that moves together as plates on top of the Earth's surface. The lithosphere rides on top of the asthenosphere.
The mechanically coherent outer part of the earth consisting of the crust and upper mantle. Lithospheric plates move over the more yielding asthenosphere in a from of mantle convection.
The solid outer portion of a planet.
the solid part of the earth consisting of the crust and outer mantle
The solid outer shell of the Earth which is composed of the Earth's crust and the solid outermost layer of the mantle. The lithosphere lies above the asthenosphere. It is broken up into plates.
solid, rocky, outer part of the Earth, approximately 50 miles thick, comprised of the crust and the solid portion of the mantle. Click here to see an image
the rigid top layer of the earth that includes the crust (see tectonic plate) and the upper mantle. See asthenosphere.
The outer, rigid layer of the Earth, located above the asthenosphere. It includes the crust and the uppermost mantle.
Upper layer of the earth, including its crust and upper mantle.
(pronounced LITH-os-fear) the rigid outermost region of Earth, composed of the crust and the upper part of the mantle.
The solid outer shell of the Earth composed of the crust and the solid outermost layer of the mantle. The lithosphere lies above the asthenosphere (soft layer of the mantle) and is broken into crustal plates. (See also Tectonic plates and Crust) of document
The outer 60 miles of the earth between the crust and mantle where the rocks are harder and more brittle.
The outer, rigid shell of the Earth above the asthenosphere. It contains the crust, continents, and plates.
The solid part of a celestial body (such as Earth), specifically, the outer part of the solid Earth composed of rock essentially like that exposed at the surface and usually considered to be about 80 kilometers (50 miles) in thickness.
solid outer shell of Earth consisting of the crust and uppermost portion of the mantle
The solid, outer shell of a planet. Earthâ€(tm)s lithosphere is made up of the crust and the upper part of the mantle.
a general term for the outer layer of the earth List of Glossary Terms
The outer layer of solid rock that includes the crust and uppermost mantle. This layer, up to 100 kilometers (60 miles) thick, forms the Earth's tectonic plates. Tectonic plates float above the more dense, flowing layer of mantle called the asthenosphere. more details...
That part of the earth which is composed predominantly of rocks (either coherent or incoherent and including the disintegrated rock materials known as soils and subsoils), together with everything inside of this rocky crust. In the lithosphere other materials - chiefly water and gases such as are found in the air - are intermingled with the materials that constitute the rocks and the soils, but rock and soil predominate.
The solid part of the earth below the surface, including any groundwater.
the zone of brittle rock between the earth's surface and the asthenosphere (a zone of ductile deformation about 200 km below the surface.) The lithosphere consists of the entire crust and a smidgen of the uppermost mantle. It has an ultramafic igneous composition (mostly magnesium, silicon, and oxygen). The lithosphere forms the "plates" of plate tectonics.
The Earth's hard, outermost shell. It comprises the crust and the upper part of the mantle and is divided into a mosaic of 16 major slabs, or plates.
outermost, rigid part of the earth that constitutes the tectonic plates; encompasses the crust, both oceanic and continental, and the uppermost part of the mantle.
the area in which all of the cold; hard solid rock of the planet's crust (surface), the semi-solid rock underneath the crust, and the liquid rock near the center of the planet exist; note that many geologists reserve the use of this term to refer to the crust of Earth..
The rigid outer shell of the earth. The lithosphere includes the crust and the coolest upper parts of the mantle.
Rigid outer layer of Earth that includes the crust and averages 100 km in depth.
The crust and uppermost part of the mantle of the Earth which behaves as a semi-rigid layer overlying and moving on the 'slushy' asthenosphere.
The relatively rigid, nonflowable, outer 100- to 150-km-thick layer of the Earth; constituting the crust and the top part of the mantle.
The uppermost portion of the Earth's mantle.
The outermost layer of the earth, including the crust and the upper layer of the mantle.
The outer, solid portion of the earth; the crust of the earth.
Greek lithosz "stone", szphaira "sphere" The external sector of the Earth, which contain the earth's crust and the earth's upper-crust. (The latter forms a mechanical unity with the previous.)
The rigid outer surface of the earth consisting of the crust and the top part of the upper mantle.
The rigid uppermost section of the mantle combined with the crust.
The outer solid part of the earth, including the crust and uppermost mantle. The lithosphere is about 100 km thick, although its thickness is age dependent (older lithosphere is thicker).The lithosphere below the crust is brittle enough at some locations to produce earthquakes by faulting, such as within a subducted oceanic plate.
rigid upper part of the Earth crust, comprises oceanic crust and continental crust.
the solid outer part of the earth that is composed of rock.
a strong layer of the Earth, about 100 km in thickness, consisting of the Earth's crust and a portion of the underlying upper mantle. This layer lies on top of the weaker asthenosphere.
The solid outer shell of the Earth, including the crust and upper mantle, thought to be between 70 to 150 kilometres thick. ()
The solid outer layer of the Earth; includes both the land area and the land beneath the oceans and other water bodies.
The strong, rigid outermost layer of the Earth. It is composed of the crust, plus the outermost 100 km or so of the mantle.
Rigid outer layer of Earth that includes the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust (both basaltic oceanic and granitic continental).
The solid part of a planet's surface, composed of the crust and upper mantle, including any continents and seafloor.
The solid, outer portion of the earth's crust coupled to the rigid upper mantle. Part of the geosphere.
the solid portion of the earth as opposed to the atmosphere and the hydrosphere; the rigid outer layer of the earth, comprising the crust and upper mantle. [AHDOS
The solid part of a planet's surface, composed of the crust and upper mantle. On Earth, it includes the continents and the sea floor.
The lithosphere (from the Greek for "rocky" sphere) is the solid outermost shell of a rocky planet. On the Earth, the lithosphere includes the crust and the uppermost mantle which is joined to the crust across the MohoroviÄić discontinuity. Lithosphere is underlain by asthenosphere, the weaker, hotter, and deeper part of the upper mantle.