a mass movement process in which slope failure occurs on a usually curved slip surface and the unit moves downslope as an intact block, frequently rotating outward. Slumps appear as discrete block movements, often in place, whereas slides usually break up and travel downslope.
In mass wasting, movement along a curved surface in which the upper part moves vertically downward while the lower part moves outward.
the movement of a coherent mass of rock and soil debris a short distance along a curved lower boundary surface under the force of gravity.
1. A downward and outward slide occurring along a concave slip plane. 2. The material that breaks off in such a slide.
A type of mass movement in which material moves along a curved surface of rupture.
the downward slipping of a mass of rock or unconsolidated material moving as a unit along a spoon-shaped surface, usually with backward rotation.
A mass of soil and rock that moves along a curved failure surface with rotation but without internal deformation of the landslide material.
Slump is a type of mass wasting in which a mass of soil moves as a single unit down slope along a curved failure surface. This phenomenon is commonly seen along soil-dominated stream banks and highway margins.
A landslide where the underlying rock masses tilt back as they slide from a cliff or escarpment. Slumps are sometimes caused by clear cutting on unstable soils.
a fairly slow-moving landslide that can occur on gentle slopes or steep slopes - it is often a pre-cursor to more fast moving types of landslides - Photo by B
a fall of a large mass that stays together after the fall
a mass movement that occurs as one unit
the complex movement of materials on a slope; includes rotational slump.
the slow downhill movement of large portions (called blocks) of a slope. Each block rotates backward toward the slope in a series of curving movements.
(1) material that has slid down a slope; (2) the en masse movement of such material.
A type of landslide in which a mass of rock breaks away along a curved surface and rotates more or less intact downslope. The sliding mass of rock is called a slump block.
SLIDE characterized by a rotary movement of a generally independent mass of rock or earth along a curved slip surface.
Slide or earthflow of a soil mass.
the slipping or falling or a mass or rock or unconsolidated material, especially the vertical drop of a mass of rock along a cliff face after the supporting material at the base of the cliff has been undercut by erosion; the mass of fallen material. [AHDOS
Slump is a form of mass wasting event that occurs when loosely consolidated materials or rock layers move a short distance down a slope. When the movement occurs in soil, there is often a distinctive rotational movement to the mass, that cuts vertically through bedding planes (landslides take place along a bedding plane or fault). This results in internal deformation of the moving mass consisting chiefly of overturned folds called "sheath folds."