A ridge formed by tilted strata; hence, any ridge with a sharp summit, and steeply sloping sides.
A narrow ridge with steeply inclined sides of nearly equal slopes. Formed by differential erosion of steeply dipping rock units.
A narrow, sharp ridge formed on steeply inclined, resistant rock.
A narrow ridge formed by the outcrop near-vertical sedimentary beds.
formation similar to a cuesta in that it is a ridge formed by slower erosion of hard strata, but having two steep, equally inclined slopes.
a sharp-crested, symmetric ridge formed by highly tilted resistant rock layers; produced by differential erosion of interspersed resistant and weak rocks with dips greater than about 45%.
the geologic ridge that contains rocks about 125 million years old and forms the outer boundary of the Black Hills.
A sharp-crested, symmetric ridge formed by the differential erosion of highly tilted and resistant rock layers.
An eroded, steeply tilted ridge of resistant rocks with equal slopes on the sides.
a low, sharp ridge with steep sides of nearly equal inclination, formed from the edge of an upturned layer of rock resistant to erosion. [AHDOS
A steep-sided ridge of steeply dipping strata.