One of certain narrow, crooked valleys seen, by aid of the telescope, on the surface of the moon.
A type of winding, sinuous valley commonly found on the moon.
Elongate valleys on the Moon's surface, with steep walls and flat bottoms. Rilles can be sinuous lava channels or relatively linear fault-bounded depressions.
A long, narrow valley on the Moon's surface.
A ditch on the surface of the Moon where molten lava flowed in the past.
a long, narrow valley on the surface of a moon
Long channel on the Moon crossing the surface of maria. It was probably formed either as an open channel in a lava flow or as an underground tube carrying hot lava which collasped as the lave flowed out. One of the several trenchlike or cracklike valleys, up to several hundred kilometers long and 1-2 km wide, commonly occurring on the Moon's surface. Rilles may be extremely irregular with meandering courses ("sinuous rilles"), or they may be relatively straight ("normal rilles"). They have relatively steep walls and usually flat bottoms.
A type of long sinuous channel, found on the Moon.
Relatively long, trench-like valley; has relatively steep walls and usually flat bottoms.
One of the several trenchlike or cracklike valleys, up to several hundred kilometers long and 1-2 km wide, commonly occurring on the Moon's surface. Rilles may be extremely irregular with meandering courses ("sinuous rilles"), or they may be relatively straight ("normal rilles"); they have relatively steep walls and usually flat bottoms. Rilles are essentially youthful features and apparently represent fracture systems originating in brittle material.
A ditch where molten lava once flowed.
A rille is a long, narrow valley on the surface of the moon. Hadley Rille (above) is 60 miles (100 km) long, 1300 feet (400m) deep, and almost 1 mile (1500m) wide at its widest point.
Rille (German for 'groove') is typically used to describe any of the long, narrow depressions in the lunar surface that resemble channels. (It is pronounced the same as a secondary name for a river in Normandy in France. See Risle.)