Central MUon System- part of the CDF detector that detects muons. It sits outside the calorimeters and uses drift chambers to reconstruct hits.
Central Moneymarkets Unit. The computerized clearing and settlement facility for Exchange Fund Bills, Notes, and other HKD debt securities. It is linked to international clearing systems such as Euroclear and Cedel.
See Central Moneymarkets Unit.
Concrete Masonry Unit A block of concrete with or without hollow cores, designed to be laid in the same manner as brick or stone.
concrete masonry unit. A brick, block, paver, or other masonry unit formed from concrete.
Concrete Masonry Unit - a hollow "brick" which is often sized 8x8x16". Comes in many different configurations for different situations.
Concrete Masonry Unit. Masonry block, most commonly 8 inches high, 8 inches deep and 16 inches long.
Concrete Masonry Unit. The term to describe either a solid or hollow masonry unit.
Concrete Masonry Unit. Differently shaped and sized concrete bricks.