A mixture of sand, water, and lime used to bind stones together permanently. (MEDIEV-L. Medieval Terms) Related terms: Castle
A plastic mixture of cement, lime, sand, and water, used to bond masonry units.
A mixture of cementitious materials, fine aggregate, and water, used to bond masonry units together.
A mixture of sand, cement and water, sometimes with various sealants and preventatives added.
A mixture of sand and cement used for laying bricks, blocks etc.
Variation of concrete used in masonry; does not contain rough aggregate.
The mixture of sand, cement, and water used to float beds for tile.
A substance used to join masonry units, consisting of cementitious materials, fine aggregate, and water.
The mixture of aggregates used to bond masonry units.
Material made usually from cement, sand and lime. It is used as a bond between bricks and stone.
A mix of sand, cement and water used to bind together blocks, bricks and building stone in construction work.
Mixture of sand, cement and water used as a bed for bricks or as a wall coating.
A mixture of sand, water, and lime used to bind stones together; as opposed to drylaid masonry.
Mixture of sand, mortar, limestone and water used in bonding a chimney's bricks together.
used as a bond in masonry or for covering a wall
plaster with mortar; "mortar the wall"
a composite of inert sand grains surrounded by a porous cement paste matrix
a large stone with a more or less hollowed-out depression
Concrete without coarse aggregate.
A plastic mixture of cement, water, and fine aggregates which combine together through a chemical process of crystallization to form a hardened solid that bonds building units together. See Water of Crystallization.
a mixture consisting of a binder (cement and/or hydrated lime), sand and water and the hardened product of the mixture.
The lower stone associated with grinding plants for food and medicine and/or ochre for painting. These stones are usually large and flat, and when well used show deep grooves from repeated grinding.
A combined mix containing cement paste and fine aggregate (sand).
A mixture of cement, sand, and water without course aggregate. It is used chiefly for bonding masonry units together.
A cement-sand mixture used to bond brick or concrete block.
mortars are low strength mixtures of lime, cement and fine aggregates. Cement mortar is composed of one part portland cement, two parts sharp sand passing a 1/8" screen, and 10% lime putty mixed with water to the proper consistency
A bonding material used in the construction of brick or stone structures.
a mixture of binder, aggregate and water, which will set hard over a period of time
Mixture of cement, optionally lime, sand, water and febmix laid between bricks/blocks. Also used for rendering, benching, coping, and (in some cases) flashing.
Cement-based material that provides the base for brick, stone, and other masonry materials.
Mixture of sand, cement, lime and water, used to join stones or bricks.
A type of cement made from a mixture of cement and fine sand.
A mixture of cement, sand and water. When used in masonry construction, the mixture may contain masonry cement, or standard portland cement with lime or other ad-mixtures which may produce greater degrees of plasticity and/or durability.
There are three types of mortar, at least for the purposes of installing a Pizza Oven or Refractory Fireplace. Refractory Mortar, a pre-mixed heat resistant mortar engineered for Pizza Ovens and Fireplaces; Fire Clay Mortar, a site-mixed mortar based on sand, fire clay and Portland cement; and standard masonry Mortar. Do not use standard mortar for your Pizza Oven chamber and vent, and only use it for decorative elements that do not get hot.
A mixture of cement paste and fine aggregate; in fresh concrete, the material occupying the interstices among particles of coarse aggregate; in masonry construction, mortar may contain masonry cement, or may contain hydraulic cement with lime (and possibly other admixtures) to afford greater plasticity and workability than are attainable with standard hydraulic cement mortar.
A mixture of sand (lime), cement and water.
A plastic moisture of cementitious materials, fine aggregate (sand) and water which complies with the requirements of SAA Standards AS A123 and/or Appendix A of AS 1640. Cement Mortar A mortar composed of one part of cement to 3 parts of sand. Up to one quarter of lime may be added. All measurements are by volume. Composition Mortar. Often called Compo. A mortar composed of any one of the following proportions by volume: CEMENT LIME SAND 1 ½ 4 ½ 1 1 6 1 2 9 1 3 12 Fat Mortar. A plastic, workable mortar, containing a high proportion of fine grained plasticising material. Harsh Mortar. A mortar which has poor workability and is difficult to spread. Also called Hungry Mortar. Lean Mortar. A mortar which has a small proportion of cementitious material. Lime Mortar. A mortar composed of one volume of hydrated lime to three volumes of sand. Mortar Aggregate. Fine granular material (sand) composed of hard, strong and durable mineral products free from injurious amounts of saline, alkaline, organic or other deleterious substances.
A blend of cement, lime, sand, and water that is applied at a pliable consistency to bond masonry units. Mortar bonds and cushions the stone, acting as a compression gasket.
A thick, pastelike material that hardens to bond masonry units together. Usually made of a mixture of cement, lime, sand, and water.
A mixture of masonry cement, masonry sand, and water.
A mixture of cement paste and fine aggregate (sand).
A blend of cement, lime, sand, and water which is applied at a pliable consistency to bond masonry units. Mosaic parquet -- a parquet flooring made up of small solid pieces of wood (slats) assembled in units that may consist of individual squares, units with slats arranged in single or double herring bone design, or units or squares bordered with slats of the same or contrasting species.
A mixture of cement (or lime) with sand and water used in masonry work
A building material similar to cement which is used in masonry or plastering.
Cement paste mixed with sand.
A mixture of cementitious materials, fine aggregate and water. Mortar is used to bond bricks or blocks.
The final product of mixing Masonry cement (N or S), sand, and water.
Mortier à la chaux A mixture of sand, water, and lime used to bind stones together permanently. The lime mortar retained its flexibility and so resisted the shocks of battering.
A mixture of cement, sand, and water, used as a bonding agent by the mason for binding bricks and stones.
Mortar, a mixture of Portland cement, an aggregate or sand, and lime and water in certain combinations, is used to bind masonry units, such as brick, block or stone, together. Type K mortar is used for non-bearing and decorative masonry due to it's low compressive and bond strength. Type M mortar is used for reinforced brick masonry and below grade usage, such as with foundations, where it comes in contact with soil. Type N mortar, waterproof and medium in strength, it's used in chimneys, etc., where it is exposed to the elements. Type O mortar is used with non-bearing interior walls or with only limited exposure to the elements due to its medium low compressive strength. Type S mortar, with its high lengthwise bond strength and medium-high compressive strength, is used for stucco, walkways, below grade or in loadbearing situations.
(1) A mixture of cementitious materials, fine aggregate water, with or without admixtures, used to construct unit masonry assemblages. (2) The hardened equivalent of such mixtures.
A mixture of lime, cement, sand, and water, used to bind masonry blocks together or to plaster over masonry.
Mortar is a material used in masonry to fill the gaps between blocks in construction. The blocks may be stone, brick, breeze blocks (cinder blocks), etc. Mortar is a mixture of sand, a binder such as cement or lime, and water and is applied as a paste which then sets hard.