A mass of hexagonal waxen cells, formed by bees, and used by them to hold their honey and their eggs.
Any substance, as a easting of iron, a piece of worm-eaten wood, or of triple, etc., perforated with cells like a honeycomb.
Hexagonal beeswax cells built by honey bees.
a framework of hexagonal cells resembling the honeycomb built by bees
a good example of how initially circular areas (cells) become hexagonal when pressure squeezes them into a shape that will utilize all the available space
Lightweight, cellular structure made from either metallic sheet materials or non-metallic materials (e.g., resin-impregnated paper or woven fabric) and formed into hexagonal nested cells, similar in appearance to the cross section of a beehive.
Hexagonal back-to-back cells built by honeybees.
Resin-impregnated material manufactured in, usually, hexagonal cells that serves as a core material in sandwich constructions. Honeycomb may also be metallic or polymer materials in a rigid, open-cell structure.
A cellular separation that occurs in the interior of a board, usually along the wood rays.
A cellular core material used to make lightweight and stiff sandwich structures. The cells are generally arranged in a hexagonal, round or square fashion.
Fabric woven with a long float yarn that creates the look-a-like cell of a honeycomb. Also referred to as waffle.
A pique' weave in a hexagonal shape. They are often referred to as a waffle weave.
A fabric structure in which the warp and weft threads form ridges and hollows, so as to give a cellular appearance.
Honeycomb is a piqué weave in a hexagonal shape that is often referred to as a waffle weave.
a pique fabric with a waffle or cellular appearance. May be woven or knit.
A fagric in which the warp and weft threads form ridges and hollows, which give a cellular appearance (see cellular fabric). Three types of weave produce this effect:(i) ordinary honeycomb, which gives a marked cellular effect on the face and back of the cloth;(ii) Brighton honeycomb, which develops the effect more prominently on the face but in a less regular manner and with large and small cells; and (iii) Grecian.
Manufactured product consisting of sheet metal or a resin impregnated sheet material (paper, fibrous glass, etc) which has been formed into hexagonal-shaped cells. Used as core material for sandwich constructions.
A honeycomb is a mass of hexagonal wax cells built by honey bees in their nests to contain their larvae and stores of honey and pollen. The term is also used for manmade materials that resemble it in appearance or structure. In addition, numerous wasps, especially Polistinae and Vespinae, construct hexagonal prism packed combs, which are made of paper instead of wax - in some species (e.g.
Honeycomb is a breakfast cereal made by Post Cereals. It consists of honey-flavoured corn cereal bits in a honeycomb shape. It is wheat free.