Something set round or upon a dish as an embellishment, such as parsley. See Garnish, v. t., 2.
To decorate food or the dish on which food is served. Recipe: How To Make Green Onion Brushes
To decorate food with something that adds color and flavour.
To decorate any foods. Nuts, olives, parsley, citrus zest and so forth are called garnishes when used to give a finish to a dish.
A decorative accompaniment which is placed under, around, or on the food.
Garnishes are edible, as well as decorative, accompaniments. A garnish is something between an eating material and a cooking material. If there is more of it, it is an eating material. If there is less of it, it is a cooking material. Typical garnishes in Chinese recipes are Chinese parsley, chives, coriander, shallots, onion, garlic, ginger, dried shrimps, ham slices, bamboo shoots, hot peppers and dried mushrooms. Learn more about ingredients used in Chinese food here.
Decorate food with small amounts of other foods that have a distinctive color or texture (parsley, fresh berries, chocolate curls).
to decorate with edible ingredients ... more on garnish here
A garnish is a piece of food or herbs placed on top of a dish for decoration.
You can garnish for appearance, flavor, or both. A sprig of parsley next to a sautéed chicken breast does little. A small handful of parsley sprinkled over the same meat adds great flavor and lends color contrast.
The small decoration or artistic compliment that is added to a finished dish or platter to make the food more appealing to the eye. A garnish should be edible and compliment, rather than clash or overpower the food that is to be garnished.
any small addition (e.g. lemon slices) to add appeal to the presentation of a gourmet platter.
Edible ornaments to enhance the appearance or taste of food
Edible ingredients put in a decorative fashion for presentation.
To enhance finished foods with flavor or visual appeal by using other edible products on the plate. The most common are herbs, but there are many other possibilites including, but not limited to, fruits, small vegetables and edible flowers.
Small items of food used to compliment a beverage or food item. For example, garnishing a cocktail or serving fish with lemon.
Decorate cooked or prepared dishes with attractive pieces of food in a contrasting colour, such as parsley, green onion, fresh lemon slices, whipped topping.
to decorate food with edible items like sliced fruit or herbs.
Food decoration, usually edible, which adds color and form to food presentation.
To decorate a dish with an item which will improve its appearance and quite often, add to its flavour too.
decorate food with colorful pieces of vegetables or fruit, fresh herbs, or edible flowers.
to decorate food with fresh herbs, edible flowers, etc. to enhance the look of the dish.
something (such as parsley) added to a dish for flavor or decoration
any decoration added as a trimming or adornment
decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods
To decorate food, usually with something edible.
decorate a dish for presentation at the table.
To decorate the served dish with small pieces of food that have distinctive texture or color, such as parsley.
To decorate, improve appearance of dish.
To decorate. Also referring to the food used to decorate.
Edible decoration for a dish. It could be chopped coriander leaves, grated coconut, browned onions, nuts, cheese, grated carrots, etc.
To decorate with colorful and often fancily cut pieces of food, flowers or herbs.
To decorate foods, usually with other foods.
To ornament a dish with bright and savory tidbits
A decoration on salads, such as sprigs of watercress, lettuce or other colorful items
The small ornamental items that can be eaten and that give colour and attraction to a dish, e.g. small glazed onions or carrots, sliced sautÈed mushrooms and so on, or for a fried dish, fried parsley. Often a dish will be named after the garniture.
(1) Decorative edible items used to ornament or enhance the eye appeal of another food item.(2) To add such a decorative item to a food.
A decoration made of food that improves the appearance of other foods.
Adding extra appeal to a finished dish.
A decorative, edible accompaniment to a food or a drink.
To decorate a dish with attractive and complementary foodstuffs.
Refers to the process and the food used to give a pleasing appearance to prepared food
To decorate foods with fresh herbs, edible flowers, fresh vegetables, nuts or fruit to enhance the appearance of the dish.
A set of vessels for table use, especially of pewter. Garnish of pewter - complete set of twelve each of platters, dishes, saucers, cups and small flat plates. Often displayed on the cupboard head. 404.
A decorative piece of an edible ingredient such as parsley, lemon wedges, croutons, or chocolate curls placed as a finishing touch to dishes or drinks.
To add decorative touches to dishes being served.
to enhance a dish before serving with an edible decoration or accompaniment, which is appealing to the eye and complements the flavors of the dish.
Garnish is a substance used primarily as an embellishment or decoration to a prepared food or drink item. It may also give added or contrasting flavor, but that is not its primary purpose, in contrast to a condiment which is primarily a flavour added to another food item.