A person to whom a debtor owes money.• Bankruptcy• Debts - for Creditors• Debts - for Debtors
A company or individual to whom you owe money.
Person or company to whom a debt is owed.
A supplier to whom we owe money.
Any person or business that has loaned money to an individual either whether the loan is secured or unsecured.
The person who is to receive maintenance payments (recipient).
A creditor loans money or grants an item of value with the expectation of being repaid.
person or organization to whom money is owed (for goods or services rendered, or as repayment of a loan).
A creditor is someone who lends money.
An individual (or institution) to whom money is owed.
One who voluntarily trusts or gives credit to another for money or other property.
One to whom a debt is owing.
A Creditor is an entity to whom money is owed.
one who loans money or its equivalent.
A company or other body who provides credit services, or who is owed money through other means.
A person, entity or institution who has loaned money to another.
a party asserting a claim against an estate
a person, corporation or business to whom you owe money for goods or services that have been supplied
a person or a company who grants you credit
a person or business to which debts are owed
a person or organization (a) that regularly extends consumer credit for which
a person or organization to whom the debtor owes money, goods or services
a Person to whom child support payments are to be made to
a person who extends credit or to whom a debt is owed
a person who lends the money to another person, institution, or company in the interchange for the interest in her money
a person who loans money to another person,
a person who provides credit under an agreement or a person to whom the rights and duties under the agreement have passed by assignment or operation of the law
a person with a claim against a third party, e
One to which a debt is owed.
The person or company you owe money to.
A person or organization that regularly extends credit subject to a finance charge and to whom the credit obligation is initially payable on the face of the contract.
A party, such as a supplier, bank lender or bondholder, to whom a debt is owed.
Someone who extends credit or to whom you owe a debt.
Person owed money. The trader (or a finance company) is referred to as the creditor when money is owed for goods or services.
A person, financial institution or other business that lends money.
This is a person or company to whom you owe money.
A creditor is an individual or a company that is owed money by another person.
Accounting term for a person, company, or organisation that has provided goods or services and requires payment from the University.
Somebody that you owe money to.
Any individual, partnership or corporation that has advanced money to a borrower in return for payments over a certain period of time.
Any bank, credit union or other party to whom a debtor owes money.
A person or entity that has a claim against the debtor at the time of or before the petition was filed. A creditor may be secured or unsecured. (See secured and unsecured).
A person or organization that is owed money. Creditors may be secured, unsecured, priority, or non-priority according to the Code.
One who is owed a debt under a legal obligation or promise.
Any person to whom one owes money or goods
The lender. The one to whom the debt is owed.
A person or legal entity who or which receives a payment from a debtor.
One to whom a debtor owes money or other valuable consideration.
A person to whom a debt is owed by the Primary Care Trust.
Somebody who is owed money
an individual or a business which is owed money by another individual or business
someone that the business owes money to.
A person or organisation that you owe money to. This might be you bank if you have a loan.
One whom is owed money or other thing by obligation or promise.
Now either an unsecured claimant or a secured claimant based entirely on the value of the claimant's equity in collateral.
Someone to whom money is owed.
A creditor is a person or business, such as a lender, to whom the debt is owed.
Anyone the organisation owes money to.
A person to whom a debt is owed by another person termed the debtor.
The people or businesses to whom a debtor owes money.
A person or organization that enters into a contractual agreement in which a borrower receives something of value now and agrees to repay the lender at some later date.
A business to which the debtor owes money or claims to be owed money by the debtor. The unsecured debt is usually procured through the utilization of credit cards.
Person or institution to whom money is owed.
An individual or business that lends money or extends credit.
That person who has a claim, preferred, secured or unsecured, provable under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
A person or entity that is owed money from a debtor
A person or organization that allows individuals to borrow money, and who they subsequently owe money to.
A person or company who provides credit to another person or company functions as a creditor. For example, if you take out a mortgage or car loan at your bank, then the bank is your creditor. But if you buy a bond issued by a corporation or other institution, you are the creditor because the money you pay to buy the bond is actually a loan to the issuer.
Any individual or institution to whom a debt is owed.
a person or organization to whom the debtor owes money or owed some type of legal obligation.
Someone to whom you owe money.
A person or company that you owe money to, such as a bank or building society.
One to whom a debt is owed; in insolvency matters, a person (see definition of “ Person”) having a claim provable under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
A person or organisation owed money for the provision of goods or services on credit. Creditors owed money are also known as Accounts Payable.
a person or firm to which debt is owed.
The party which contracts to lend a certain amount of money to the debtor on given terms embodied in a loan agreement or similar document.
A person or a company who lends money to another person or company. Many people who apply for our consolidation loans, for example, have several creditors that they owe money to.
The lender of the funds, to whom someone owes a loan.
A person to whom a debt is owing. See debtor (q.v.). A creditor is a person who gives credit.
One who is owed payments on a debt by a debtor.
A person or business that loans money to someone else. The opposite of a debtor.
The person/business that is owed money.
A person to whom a debt is owed by another person usually called a debtor. Date of Completion The date specified in the agreement of purchase and sale, when the purchaser is to deliver the balance of money due and the seller delivers a duly executed deed and vacant possession of the property.
A company that enables consumers to make purchases on credit and/or lends consumers money. Sometimes used interchangeably with lender.
A party to whom money is owed.
One to whom you owe money.
Aperson you owe money to.
A person or enterprise to whom a debt is owed.
A lender to whom money is owed.
A person or organization that lends money to others.
A person to whom debt is owed by another person who is the "debtor".
A person, financial institution (such as a bank), store, or other entity to which a borrower (debtor) owes money.
An individual or organisation to whom money is owed. The opposite of debtor.
One to whom money is owed.
Person, or company, with whom a consumer has an outstanding debt.
a person or institution that lends money.
An individual or business to whom the debtors owe money for a loan or a line of credit.
The company or person to whom a borrower owes money.
A lender or service provider to whom you owe money.
Someone to whom you own money.
Any person who has lent money, goods, or services. The claim of the creditor may be secured by collateral or unsecured in which case the lender is known as a general creditor. See: Secured bond, Debenture.
A person or business from whom you borrow or to whom you owe money.
A person or institution who extends credit and to whom the obligation is payable.
Any person or business that a debtor owes money to.
company or person to whom you owe money.
A person to whom a debt is owed. Contrast to Debtor.
One to whom the debtor owes money or who claims to be owed money by the debtor.
An individual or institution to whom a debt is owed.
The person or entity providing credit or a loan to a borrower at specific terms and conditions. May be used interchangeably with the term lender.
one who has extended credit to a person and to whom a debt is owed.
Person or company who is owed money.
A creditor is a person (natural or legal) to whom another person (the debtor) is indebted. A secured creditor over land is one who has been granted a deed by his debtor acknowledging indebtedness and providing security for the sum owed. If the security is over heritable property the granting of a standard security or floating charge is essential. A heritable creditor is the Scottish equivalent of a mortgagee such as a bank or building society.
Person or business to whom a debt is owed.
one who lends money to another. Deduction amount allowed to taxpayers under the Internal Revenue Code as an offset against gross income or adjusted gross income.
The person/s or company/s to whom money is owed by the debtor.
The person who is owed the money
A person who is owed money.
One to whom a debt is due; one who gives credit for money or goods
Any person having a claim against a decedent or his/her estate.
The person or organization to whom the debtor owes money or has some other form of legal obligation.
Any entity that has a monetary claim against the debtor.
A person or entity to whom a debt is owed.
Someone you owe money to.
A person to whom money is to be paid
Any person to whom money is owed. May be secured (the debt has been registered against the property of the debtor) or unsecured.
Party that loans money or other ASSETS to another party.
A lender who is owned money.
Someone who lend money to another (debtor)
a person to whom or business to which the debtor owes money or that claims to be owed money by the debtor.
A person or financial organization that lends money.
The party to whom money is owed.
An entity that has a claim against the debtor.
The person to whom a debtor owes a debt or obligation; a lender.
A person to whom money is owed.
A person to whom you owe money. Debenture A medium to long-term investment instrument issued by companies which pays a regular and fixed interest amount for the term of the investment. The invested funds (principal) are repaid at the end of the term (maturity).
A creditor who holds an asset belonging to the borrower/debtor as security for the repayment of the loan. Loans for the purchase of property are usually secured by the property. If the borrower/debtor fails to repay the loan, the secured creditor has the right to sell the secured asset in order to recover some or all of the money owed. Any assets or property which is provided as security for a loan must be listed in the loan contract.
A creditor who has provided a loan to a debtor and there is no security. Credit cards are usually unsecured. Therefore, if the debtor fails to repay the loan, the creditor may need to take the borrower/debtor to court to recover the money owed.
An individual or entity to whom money is owed.
An institution or individual who is owed money.
An entity, such as a mortgage company or bank, that loans money for repayment and interest.
An individual or firm to whom or which money or its equivalent is owed.
A person or business that is owed money.
Individual or legal entity that is owed money by another individual or entity, following the granting of a loan or credit by the former to the latter.
See on: Wikipedia Investopedia A person (or institution) who extends credit by giving permission to borrow money if he or she promises to pay it back at a later date. Creditors can be classified into either personal or real. Those who have lent money to friends or family are personal creditors. Real creditors (i.e. a bank or finance company) have legal contracts with the borrower granting the lender the right to claim any of the debtor's real assets (e.g. real estate or car) if he or she fails to pay back the loan.
The person to whom a debt is owed.
Person to whom money is due.
A person or institution to whom a debt is owed.
Someone who has granted credit. If a bank lends a company money, the bank is a creditor. If a supplier sold merchandise to a company on credit, the supplier is a creditor. To Top
A creditor is a party (e.g. person, organization, company, or government) that claims that a second party owes the first party some properties or services. The first party, in general, has provided some property or service to the second party under the assumption (usually enforced by contract) that the second party will return an equivalent property or service. The first party is frequently called a lender, and the second party is frequently called a debtor or borrower.