An order sent to a person or entity (garnishee) that is giving the non-custodial parent money. Also the legal proceeding where part of a person's wages is withheld and applied to payment of a debt, such as child support.
A process that takes a person's property and uses it to satisfy his debt.
A levy against an employee's wages, salary or other income. A garnishment is usually mandated by the court system and requires the employer to deduct a certain amount from the employee's wages and issue a check to the garnishor.
The legal process by which property due to a debtor and in the hands of a third person is attached.
A court-order obtained by a creditor which allows a portion of a debtor's salary to be paid to that creditor. Garnishments by judgment creditors are only allowed in certain states.
A legal process whereby a person's property, money or credit, under the control of another person or entity, is withheld and applied to the payment of a debt.
Legal proceeding whereby a person's property is attached and used to pay an obligation with the employer withholding part of the employee's salary and remitting it to the court.
In payroll processing, the withholding of money from an employee's wages or salary as ordered by a court. The money is then remitted by the employer to the agency specified by the court. To learn more, see Explanation of Payroll Accounting To Top
Statutory proceedings whereby a personâ€(tm)s property, money or credits in possession, under control of, or owing by another, are applied to payment of the formers debt to a third person by proper statutory process against debtor and garnishee.
A court order requiring an employer to withhold a certain percentage from an employee's pay in order to settle a debt with a creditor.
Also known as wage execution. A court-ordered method of debt collection in which a portion of a person's salary is paid to a creditor. Often used to collect child support payments.
Garnishment is the practice of withholding a portion of a defaulted borrower's wages to repay his or her loan, without their consent.
A legal proceeding in which a person's money or wages are taken for payment of a debt. The amount that may be taken is set by statute (usually as a percentage) and, in most states, a judgment is necessary before garnishment.
A statutory procedure in which money or goods that are placed in the hands of a third party and that are due a debtor are attached by the creditor. (Rule 64, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 28 U.S.C. 2405).
An amount withheld from your pay and remitted to another party, such as a creditor. You must include in your taxable income any amount that was garnished from your pay, because the full amount of your pay is considered to have been received by you even though some was withheld to pay your debts.
A court order to take part of a person's wages or other money owed to him/her before (s)he receives the money, because of an unpaid debt owed a creditor.
A deduction made from an employee's wages as a result of legal proceedings. The employer is required to withhold 10% from the employee's salary in order to satisfy the employee's creditor.
A proceeding to obtain property, wages or money owed to the judgment debtor by a third person and apply it to the amount owed the judgment creditor.
A proceeding whereby property, money or credits of a debtor in possession of another (garnishee), are applied to the debts of the debtor.
A legal proceeding whereby money or property due a debtor but in the possession of another is applied to the payment of the debt owed to the plaintiff. Generally carried out as a garnishment of wages to collect an outstanding debt.
We may require anyone who owes the payor money to pay it directly to the FMEP. This is called "attaching" (also known as "garnishing") income, and may be applied to virtually any income, including wages, pensions, workers' compensation benefits, bank accounts, rental income or other assets. If a payor falls into arrears, and does not contact us to make payment arrangements, we will review the payor's file and may decide to send the payor's employer – or any other source of income – a Notice of Attachment. (We will also send a copy of the notice to payor. The Notice of Attachment requires the "attachee" to deduct a specific amount from the payor's wages or other income, and send that amount – either in a lump sum or in regular payments, depending on the source – directly to us within five days of making the deduction. We will then forward the payment(s) to the recipient.
A legal process whereby a creditor has obtained judgement on a debt allowing him to receive full or partial payment by seizure of a portion of the debtor's assets (wages, bank account, etc.).
a court order to an employer to withhold all or part of an employee's wages and to send the money to the court or to the person who won a lawsuit against the employee
a court action initiated by a creditor in an effort to obtain a part of an employee's earnings before the earnings are turned over to the employee
a court order allowing for creditors to collect part of an employee's pay directly from the County
a court order letting you know that a legal claim has been made against an employee's wages
a court order requiring your employer to withold from your net pay to pay another creditor (not them)
a court order that directs the university to withhold money or property that is to be paid to a debtor from your paycheck, and to forward that money or property to the court for payment of a debt you owe
a good method to use when you are sure that the Debtor has money in a certain location
a legal notice sent to a third party attaching property (usually wages or bank accounts) belonging to the taxpayer to satisfy a tax debt
a legal order that authorizes Full Website
a legal process executed through a court order in favor of the creditor (plaintiff)
a means of collecting a judgment for money in which
an order directing the non-custodial parent's employer to withhold child support from that parent's pay check and have it forwarded to court for payment to the custodial parent
an order issued by a court requiring that the earnings of a worker be withheld from the worker's paycheck and paid to a third party to whom the worker owes a debt
an order of the court directing a garnishee (one who owes money to the debtor) to pay all or part of the money as stated in the instructions to garnishee
a proceeding whereby the judgment creditor seeks to obtain funds which are property of the judgment debtor but which are being held by a third party
a statutory process that allows a judgment creditor to attach money or property that belongs to the debtor but held by a third person
a way for someone who has a judgment against you to collect
A legal proceeding whereby property, money or credits of a debtor are applied to payment of the debt, by means of an order of a court.
A legal process whereby a creditor requires a third party to turn over a debtor's property, such as wages or bank accounts, to a creditor.
A legal process where a successful plaintiff with a claim against a defendant may lay claim to the money of a third party that is owed to the defendant owing the debt to the plaintiff.
When you fail to pay creditors the money you owe them, they may seek a "garnishment" against you. This legally allows them to seize your salary, money in your bank account, or other money you own to repay your debt.
Withholding a specific sum from wages to satisfy debt.
A notice ordering a third party , such as an employer, to forward money to satisfy a child support obligation.
1. A court action in which a portion of an employee's wages is set aside to pay a debt owed a creditor; 2. A preceding by which a plaintiff seeks to reach the credits of the defendant that are in the hands of a third party.
A legal proceeding whereby a portion of a person's wages or other assets is withheld and applied to payment of a debt. Also called wage withholding.
A legal process whereby a lender who has obtained a judgment on a debt can receive full or partial payment by seizure of a portion of the debtor's assets (wages, bank account, etc.). Back to Glossary Index
a warning, usually in the form of a court order, requiring that a payment be diverted from the original payee and made directly to a court. Part II - 7.3.9
A statutory proceeding whereby person's property, money, credits in possession or under the control of, or owing by, another are applied to payment of the former's debt to third person by proper statutory process against debtor and garnishee.
When the Court orders a third person to hold money or property of the debtor when the property is in the third person's possession as a means of satisfying the debtor's debt.
A legal process where a debtor's property under another persons control can be taken and applied as payment towards a debt.
A court order process that takes property from a person to satisfy a debt. Wages may be garnished.
A legal proceeding obligating involuntary transfer of an employee's earnings to a creditor to satisfy an order.
A process under law where a debtor's property, money or credits under another party's control are applied as payment of a debt to a creditor.
A statutory post-judgment proceeding in which a third party who holds property, money or credits belonging to the judgment debtor is required to surrender such property, money or credits (to the extent of the judgment) to the court or sheriff for application against the judgment awarded against the judgment debtor.
A legal process in which a debtor's money or other property (such as wages, salary, or savings) in the possession of another person is applied to a debt owed to another third party. Due process requires that the debtor be given notice and an opportunity to be heard in court, which may order the employer, banker, or other holder of the property to remit such funds to an agent of the court or to the person whom the money is owed until the obligation has been fulfilled.
The automatic withholding of a specific amount of a borrower's wages or income to pay a delinquent or defaulted loan.
The court process used by a creditor to collect a judgment from a debtor's wages.
A notice to an employer or other asset holder that moneys, wages, or property of a debtor must be applied to a specific debt or creditor.
A directive from a court or other related authority directed to a third party who owes money or property to a judgment debtor not to pay or surrender the property to the judgment debtor but to deliver it to the judgment creditor for use in either satisfying a judgment (post judgment garnishment) or to be held as security for a debt (prejudgment garnishment). Typically garnishment is used in aid of execution or attachment. A writ of garnishment is issued pursuant to state law. The requirements vary from state to state.
a procedure, usually resulting from court action, whereby a portion of an employee's wages is deducted and paid directly to a creditor.
Satisfaction of a judgment out of property of a debtor in possession of a third party, e.g., a wage garnishment.
Legal process whereas a creditor has obtained judgment on a debt may obtain full or partial payment by seizure of a portion of a debtor's assets (wages, bank account, etc...).
A legal process whereby a creditor requires a third party to turn over to the creditor, a debtor's property such as wages or bank accounts.
A legal proceeding in which a debtor's money, in the possession of another (called the garnishee), is applied to the debts of the debtor, such as when an employer garnishes a debtor's wages.
A court procedure allowing someone to collect their judgment directly from the defendant's wages, bank account, or other source such as income tax refunds.
a legal proceeding under which part of a person's wages and/or assets is withheld for payment of a debt
A legal proceeding in which money that would normally be paid to you (such as your paycheck) is applied directly to the payment of a debt instead.
BOND TO DISCHARGE OR RELEASE: When money or property belonging to a defendant has been attached while in the hands of a third party, the proceeding is called a garnishment and the third party is called the garnishee. The bond is similar to a release of attachment bond.
Proceedings that require someone who owes money to a debtor, (q.v.) for example, his or her employer or bank, to pay that money to a creditor (called a garnishee order). See DEBT.
A court order directing a third party who holds money or property belonging to a defendant to withhold it and appear in court to answer inquiries.
A legal process designed to provide a means for creditors to safeguard for themselves the personal property of a debtor which is in the hands of a third party ("garnishee").
An order requiring either a part of ones wages or money in a bank account be given to a creditor.
A proceeding whereby a debtor's money, or other property, which is under the control of another is given to a third person to whom the debtor owes a debt. In family law this often applies to child support or alimony. One spouse may have their wages garnished to assure that a debt to the other spouse is paid.
Statutory proceeding whereby a debtor's personal property, in possession of a third party, is seized and applied to payment of the debt.
A court order to a debtor's employer to deduct a certain percentage from an employee's wages to be paid to a creditor for payment owed. Percentages will vary from state to state.
A court ordered method of debt collection after a judgment is entered against the debtor.
a legal proceeding whereby money or property due to or belonging to one person but in the possession of another person, is used to pay a debt which the first person owes to the plaintiff in the garnishment proceeding.
A legal proceeding authorizing an involuntary transfer of an employee's wages to a creditor to satisfy a debt.
Legal proceeding in which a debtor's money is applied to the debts of the debtor, such as when one's wages are garnished.
The attachment or seizure of personal wages through a court-assisted process.
Wage Attachment. If an account is severely delinquent a portion of the debtor's income is deducted from his paycheck and sent directly to the creditor as payment.
A legal proceeding whereby part (up to 50%) of a person's wages are withheld and applied to payment of a child support debt.
A legal action that allows the state to attach a portion of an obligor’s salary (after mandatory deductions) and apply it to his or her obligation.
A Statutory Proceeding whereby property, money, or credits of a Debtor in possession of another are seized and applied to payment of the debt.
A court ordered seizure of a debtor's assets to satisfy a creditor, often by attachment of wages.
When a set dollar amount is withheld from a person's pay cheque and given to another party, such as a creditor or ex-spouse. Any amount garnished from a pay cheque must be included as taxable income because the full pay cheque is considered to be received by the person even though some was withheld to pay debts.
Deductions made by an employer from an employee's wages and rendered to a creditor of the employee.
A legal process to seize a debtor's property or money in the possession of a third party. Back to the Top
A court-ordered method of debt collection in which a portion of a person's salary is paid to a creditor. The process by which a judgment creditor seizes money, which is owed to his judgment debtor, from a third party known as a garnishee.
A remedy used to enforce payment of a judgment. It is a means of reaching money owed to a judgment debtor by third parties. In practice, a garnishment is a separate proceeding commenced by issuing a ‘Notice of Garnishment’ that is then served on the debtor and the third party garnishee. The Notice of Garnishment requires the garnishee to pay to the judgment creditor any amounts owing to the judgment debtor up to the amount of the judgment.
A legal summons or warning concerning the attachment of property to satisfy a debt, or a stoppage of a specified sum from wages to satisfy a creditor.
when a creditor who has obtained a judgment seizes money from a bank account or paycheck to satisfy a debt.
To seize a person's property, credit or salary, on the basis of a law which allows it, for the purposes of paying off a debt. The person who owes the debt and is the subject of the seizure is called a "garnishee". This is frequently used in the enforcement of child support where delinquent debtors will be subjected to salary garnishment. A percentage of their wages is subtracted directly off their pay-check and directed to the person in need of support (the employer being the garnishee). Many states have a law making garnishment illegal.
An amount of money withheld from a debtor's paycheck in order to pay a loan to a third party.
A notice warning a defendant that a third party has been instructed to apply the defendant's property or money to a debt owed to the plaintiff.
Garnishment is a legal process that grants a creditor a judgment on a debt, providing for full or partial payment by seizure of a portion of a debtor's assets, like their wages, bank account, etc.
Legal seizure of a portion of assets (such as wages, bank accounts, etc.) in order to repay a debt.
A legal notice obtained by a plaintiff (creditor) warning a third party not to pay money (or deliver goods) to the defendant (debtor).
a proceeding whereby property, money or credits of a debtor that are being held by another, third party may be seized and applied to the debts of the debtor; garnishment of a debtor's wages that are held by the employer, for example.
A procedure allowing debt to be paid off by deductions from the debtor's wages.
A legal proceeding whereby a part of the obligor parent's earnings are withheld and applied to payment of support or a support arrearage.
like attachment, a device used to bring property in the form of a debt under the court's jurisdiction. It is also used to collect unpaid judgments and other obligations, for example, by taking money out of the debtor's paycheck.
A legal proceeding in which a debtor's money that is in the possession of another is applied to the debts of the debtor. A common example of this is when an employer garnishes a debtor's wages for child support.
A court order directing a third party who holds money or property apposite to a defendant to withhold it and come to light in court to profit inquiries.
to attach (seize) a portion of the wages or other property of a debtor to repay the debt. The garnishing party notifies a third party, such as a bank or an employer, to retain something it has belonging to the defendant-debtor, to make disclosure to the court concerning it, and to dispose of it as the court shall direct.
A court-ordered process that takes property from a person to satisfy a debt. For example, a person who owes money to a creditor may have her wages garnished if she loses a lawsuit filed by the creditor. Up to 25% of a person's wages can be deducted.
legal process where a creditor has obtained judgement on a debt may obtain full or partial payment by seizure of a protion of a debtor's assests (wages, bank accounts, etc.).
A proceeding that applies specified monies, wages, or property to a debt or creditor by proper statutory process against a debtor.
Process whereby the winning party is paid by a third party who owed that money to the losing party. Wages owed by an employer or deposits held by a bank are most commonly used.
A notice to an employer or other asset holder requiring that monies, wages, or property due a debtor be withheld and given a creditor to be applied to a specific debt in arrears.
A legal proceeding in which money or property that is owed to you is applied to the payment of the debt.
A legal proceeding under which a person’s money is in control of another and is taken for payment of a debt. The amount that may be taken is set by statute and, in most states, a judgment is necessary before garnishment.
Money withheld from an individual's paycheck and remitted to another party, usually a creditor.
A creditor's seizure, to satisfy a debt, of property belonging to the debtor that is in possession of a third party. An example would be the seizure of money from your bank account, or your wages.
A legal proceeding under which a person's money in control of another, such as salary, is taken for payment of a debt. The amount taken is set by stature, and in most states, a judgment is necessary before garnishment.
To commence or the act of commencing a legal proceeding whereby a creditor directs a third party who has property (e.g. money), of the creditor's debtor to transfer the property to the creditor.
The seizing of a person's property, credit or salary, on the basis of a law which allows it, and for the purposes of paying off a debt. The person who possesses the assets of the debtor and is the subject of the seizure is called a "garnishee". This is frequently used in the enforcement of child support where delinquent debtors will be subjected to salary garnishment. A percentages of their wages is subtracted directly off their pay-check and directed to the person in need of support (the employer being the garnishee).
a legal attachment to one's wages as directed by a court 'ÊAo'ì–1/2—ßA¢Š«'ÊAÂŒ ·‰Ÿ'
A garnishment is a means of collecting a monetary judgment against a defendant by ordering a third party (the garnishee) to pay money, otherwise owed to the defendant, directly to the plaintiff.