Ginger root pickled with sweet vinegar and colored red. Often served with sushi in thin slices. Also known as beni shoga.
pickled ginger typically served with sushi and eaten between dining on different types of sushi to help clean your mouth and enhance the flavors of the sushi.
pickled ginger (the pink or off-white stuff) that comes along with sushi.
A sushi-bar term for pickled ginger
Gari is a type of tsukemono (pickled vegetables). It is sweet, thinly sliced young ginger that has been marinated inside a solution of sugar and vinegar. Gari is often served and eaten with sushi. Although many brands of commercially produced gari are colored to promote sales, the actual pickle is naturally pink in colour. This is likely the result of chemical compounds inside the ginger reacting or denaturing due to the added vinegar, thus creating a red color.
Gari is a type of tsukemono (pickled vegetables). It is sweet, thinly sliced young ginger that has been marinated inside a solution of sugar and vinegar. Gari is often served and eaten after sushi, and is sometimes called sushi ginger.