Dishes typical of cuisine from the Nice, France, region, where garlic, black olives, anchovies and tomatoes are nearly always part of the mix.
in the style of Nice, France; salad niçoise often includes olives, anchovies, tuna, onions, hard-cooked eggs and tomatoes
A French phrase that means "as prepared in Nice,” This cooking style is identified with hot and cold dishes that include the ingredients of tomatoes, black olives, garlic and anchovies.
Italian dishes made with tomatoes; Nicoise olives, garlic, beans, anchovies, etc, prepared "Nice" style. Salad Nicoise is made with potatoes, olives, beans, and a vinaigrette dressing.
(1) Foods cooked in the style of Nice. These dishes may include garlic, Niçoise olives, anchovies, tomatoes, and green beans.
Foods cooked in the style of Nice. These dishes may include garlic, Nicoise olives, anchovies, tomatoes, and green beans. Salad Nicoise is the most famous of all these dishes, consisting of potatoes, olives, green beans, and vinaigrette dressing.