Mason is a tool that interactively builds a firewall using Linux' ipfwadm or ipchains firewalling. You leave mason running on the firewall machine while you are making all the kinds of connections that you want the firewall to support . Mason gives you a list of firewall rules that exactly allow and block those connections.
One whose occupation is to build with stone or brick; also, one who prepares stone for building purposes.
To build stonework or brickwork about, under, in, over, etc.; to construct by masons; -- with a prepositional suffix; as, to mason up a well or terrace; to mason in a kettle or boiler.
One who builds or works with stone or brick.
a craftsman who works with stone or brick
a highly skilled craftsperson who uses brick, concrete block and stone to construct buildings of all kinds, from the smallest house to the tallest skyscraper
an extremely skilled builder
a person who is skilled at making things or building things with stone
a skilled craftsman who works with brick, concrete and stone
worker or installer of stone.
to the French maçon (Latin matio or machio), "a builder of walls" or "a stone-cutter" masonry Brick, stone, concrete, hollow-tile, concrete-block, gypsum block, or other building units, bonded together with mortar (usually).
A craftsman who cuts and builds with stone
Someone who works and builds with brick, concrete blocks, stone, etc.
One who builds with brick, stones, concrete masonry units, or concrete. See concrete masonry units and concrete.