an official pardon for people convicted of political offences; an undertaking by the authorities to take no action against specified offences during a fixed period
a period during which offenders are exempt from punishment
grant a pardon to (a group of people)
a general pardon granted by a government for a past offense
a giveaway or forgiving of a debt
a grant given through law to a class of persons in relation to a particular set of actions or events
an official "forgetting" (the word has the same root as amnesia) of actions against the state by a class of people
an unconditional pardon for a breach of law," Flake said
A general pardon of past offences granted by government
A pardon, or legal forgiveness, granted for an offense such as entering a country illegally.
a governmental pardon granted to a number of offenders, esp. for political offenses
Am excuse granted to individuals or groups to free them from being tried or punished for criminal offenses.
The granting of a pardon for past offenses--especially political offenses--including, for example, human rights violations and war crimes.
(1) a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense, (2) A general pardon granted by a government.
Grant of pardon or exemption from prosecution to political importance.
Granting of permission to reside in the United States to people who once entered illegally or overstayed a temporary visa. Also called "LEGALIZATION."
Not punishing a person for an offence they have committed and removing details of the offence from the court's records is giving the person an amnesty.
Amnesty is a general pardon for a past offense. In 1865, President Johnson issued an amnesty proclamation for most former Confederates who would take a general loyalty oath to the United States.