A rubber-surfaced fabric which is stretched around a cylinder, onto which the image is transferred from the plate and from which the image transfers to the paper.
A rubber coated pad mounted onto a cylinder of an offset printing press. The blanket transfers ink from the plate to the sheet.
The thick rubber pad applied to a cylinder of an offset printing press that receives and transfers ink from the plate onto paper
In offset litho printing, the rubber-coater sheet that transfers the inked impression from printing plate to paper. In gravure printing, a similar rubber sheet covers the impression cylinder of a printing press.
A sheet made of rexine or rubber that covers the impression cylinder of a press.
In offset lithography. A rubber surfaced fabric which is clamped around a cylinder, to which the image is transferred from the plate and from there onto the substrate being printed.
On offset presses, a fabric-reinforced sheet of rubber that transfers an impression from the plate onto the paper.
On a printing press, the synthetic rubber mat used to transfer (or "offset") an image from a metal plate to the paper. It is the use of a blanket that gives offset printing its name.
A rubber material that is clamped around the cylinder on a printing press, to which the image is transferred from the printing plate, and from which the image is transferred to the paper.
a bolt of fabric, off which we need to make color decisions
a sheet used on the printing press to carry the image
A rubber surfaced fabric that is used to transfer ink from a printing plate to the paper.
A thick rubber-like mat held on a clyinder of a printing machine that transfers the printing image from the plate to paper
A rubber-surfaced material wrapped around a printing cylinder on a printing press that accepts the image from the printing plate and transfers that same image to the paper being printed. The higher the line-screen being printed, the higher the quality of the blanket surface needs to be. BOPI uses premium blankets on all presses and prints up to 200 - line screen.
A covering on the printing cylinder of an offset press. The blanket receives the impression from the plate and transfers it to the paper. Since the blanket acts as a transfer agent, it will have a "mirror" image of the images on the plate and substrate.
in offset printing, a rubber-surfaced fabric clamped around a cylinder, to which the image is transferred from the plate. It then transfers the image to paper.
A synthetic rubber mat used in offset lithography to transfer-- or “offset”--an image from a metal plate to the paper.
In offset printing, the covering on a rotating cylinder that places the printed image on the paper.
Sheet of rubber-coated fabric placed on the offset cylinder to receive ink from the plate and offset it to the sheet on the impression cylinder. Used in dry offset and lithography.
In offset printing, a rubber-surfaced fabric clamped around the cylinder which transfers the image from plate to paper.
In offset printing, a rubber-surfaced fabric clamped around a cylinder. The image is transferred to the blanket from the cylinder, and from there to paper.
Woven felt used on press to push paper into inked lines of metal plate.
A fabric-reinforced rubber pad applied to a cylinder of an offset printing press that transfers the image from plate onto paper
A rubber surfaced cylinder on offset presses that receives and transfers the inked image from plate to paper.
Preliminary woven sample used by fabrication stylists to show new combinations of pattern and color
A rubber surface fabric, which is clamped around a cylinder, to which the image is transferred from the printing plate, and from which it is transferred to the paper on the press.
In offset lithography, the rubber-coated fabric clamped around the blanket cylinder, which transfers the image from plate to paper.
The rubberized surfaced material secured onto a cylinder onto which the ink is transferred from the plate and then to the paper.
Rubber-coated pad, mounted on a cylinder of an offset press, that receives the inked image from the plate and transfers it to the surface to be printed.
A rubber-faced sheet onto which ink is transferred prior to that ink being transferred to the sheet to be printed. The process "offset" is so called because the ink is picked up by the blanket from the inked plate and then "offset" or transferred onto the paper.
In offset printing, a rubber-surfaced fabric that is clamped around a cylinder, to which the image is transferred from the plate and from which it is transferred to the paper.
The thick rubber mat on a printing press that transfers ink from the plate to paper.
A rubber-surfaced mat used in Offset Lithography to transfer the image from the plate to the printing surface.
a rubber surface material covering the printing cylinder that transfers the ink from the plate to the paper.
In offset lithography, the rubber-surfaced roller which transfers the image from plate to paper.
A sheet made from rubber or rexine that is clamped around a blanket or impression cylinder on an offset press, it receives the image from the plate and transfers it to the paper.
a fabric coated or laminated with a rubber or synthetic compound of an appropriate shore-hardness on the blanket cylinder of an offset press.
The blanket is a rubber printing pad which is fixed to the cylinder of an offset printing press. The printing plate transfers ink onto the blanket which, in turn, applies the image to the substrate.
The cylinder on a lithographic printing press which is covered with a rubber blanket that conveys the image from a plate to a sheet of paper.
rubber-surfaced material clamped around blanket cylinder of offset press that transfers image from plate to paper.
On offset presses a fabric-reinforced sheet of rubber to transfer the impression from the plate onto the paper.
In offset printing, a rubber surfaced fabric that is clamped around a plate cylinder to transfer the image from the impression cylinder to the substrate.
Sheet of rubber-coated fabric which is placed on the cylinder of an offset press to receive ink from the plate so it may offset image to sheet of paper or the impression cylinder.
a covering on the printing cylinder on a printing press. The blanket transfers the ink from the printing plate to the paper.
A fabric-reinforced sheet of rubber used on offset presses to transfer the impression from the plate onto the paper.
Thick rubber sheet that transfers ink from plate to paper on an offset press.
A fabric coated with natural or synthetic rubber which is clamped around the blanket cylinder and which transfers the ink from the press plate to the paper.