To be over due on one or more payments on a loan.
Status of a borrower who has overdue materials or owes fines exceeding $5.00.
A person who has fallen behind in their payments for a product or service.
The status of a loan resulting from the failure to make consistent and timely monthly installment loan payments.
A subscriber who has fallen behind or defaulted on payment.
On a credit report means the person has not paid the minimum amount on time.
Failure to make a scheduled payment on a loan. Continued delinquent payments may lead to default.
A payment that is overdue and unpaid.
failing in what duty requires; "derelict (or delinquent) in his duty"; "neglectful of his duties"; "remiss of you not to pay your bills"
past due; not paid at the scheduled time; "an overdue installment"; "a delinquent account"
Delinquency status indicates that borrowers' accounts have become past due on payment. This occurs when borrowers' loan payments are not received by the due dates. Accounts remain delinquent until borrowers bring their accounts current with payments, deferments, or forbearances. If borrowers' accounts have become delinquent and the borrowers are unable to make payments, deferments or forbearances should be considered.
Overdue, not paid on the due date agreed to.
When the borrower does not make a payment on time. Late payments are reported to credit bureaus monthly.
Failing to pay an obligation or debt when it is due.
A failure to deliver even the minimum payment on a loan or debt payment on or before the time agreed. Accounts are often referred to as 30, 60, 90 or 120 days delinquent because most lenders have monthly payment cycles.
A credit account which is past due.
Failure to make an installment payment when due, or to meet other terms of the Promissory Note.
When the borrower fails to make a loan payment when due (subject to certain "grace" periods the lender may provide).
Overdue, not pain on the agreed due date.
Failure to pay an obligation in a specified period of time. The period prior to default.
In a monetary context, something that has been made payable and is overdue and unpaid
The status of a loan or credit card account resulting from failure to make consistent and timely monthly payments.
A status that suggests to a lender that you are late in paying your debts. Being delinquent on your debts often means being more than 30 days late twice or 60 days late once. Being delinquent often means your account is handed over to a collection agency for collecting payment. This step not only results in you being called at home for payment, but also undermines your credit history.
When a loan payment is late or missed according to the terms of the promissory note. Delinquency for 270 consecutive days will result in default.
Failure of the borrower to make an on-time payment. Late fees may be charged, and if several consecutive payments are missed, the loan will go into default.
Delinquent: Delinquent is the term used when a borrower is late in making their student loan payments as defined in the promissory note. Delinquencies have an adverse effect on the borrower(s)' credit rating.
Your account is considered delinquent when one or more of your payments is either late or missed.
When the borrower fails to make a payment when due, or to meet other terms of the promissory note.
Mortgage A mortgage involving a borrower who is behind on payments. If the borrower cannot bring the payments current within a specified number of days and terms, foreclosure could occur as a last resort.
A loan becomes delinquent when payments are not made on time. When delinquency occurs, the lender can add late fees to the loan payments.
if a payment is not received by the due date, it is considered delinquent. Delinquencies greater than 30 days are generally reported to national credit bureaus.
Failure to pay a scheduled payment when due.
If the borrower fails to make a payment on time, the borrower is considered delinquent and late fees will be charged. If the borrower misses several payments, the loan goes into default.
Accounts that are past due for payments are called delinquent accounts. Common classifications of delinquent accounts are 30, 60, 90, and 120 days past due.
When at least one loan payment is late or missed. Serious delinquency results in default.
The failure to make a loan payment by a borrower at a scheduled time.
failure of a borrower to make timely payments under a loan agreement: status of being behind in payment. (generally refers to a loan 30 days or more overdue)
Any account that is not paid in accordance with the payment guidelines stipulated by the creditor, and agreed to by the debtor.
A loan payment that has not been received 30 days after its due date.
A borrower who fails to make a loan payment on time is considered to be delinquent. Lenders are required to follow due diligence procedures when payments are late. Any loan that is 59 days or less delinquent is reported to the credit bureaus as current. Any loan that is 59 or more days delinquent is reported as delinquent. Loans that are 270 days(or more) delinquent are considered to be in default.
The state of being one or more months behind the loan payment schedule.
A designation on a credit report that a person hasn't made the minimum payment on a loan or a credit card on time. On credit reports, delinquencies are usually shown as being 30, 60, 90 or 120 days delinquent. Delinquencies are a serious negative item on a credit report.
The failure to make a loan payment on time.
A negative term indicating that a person is overdue on a timely minimum payment for a loan or credit card. A credit report may show a payment as being 30, 60, 90 or 120 days delinquent.
A past-due obligation or overdue account.
When you don't make a loan payment on time or you don't file your deferment form on time, you are considered delinquent. You can be charged late fees for being delinquent. If you miss a number of payments in a row, you can go into default.
When a borrower is late making a payment (i.e., pays after the due date). Late fees can be charged when borrowers are delinquent. After 180 days of delinquency, a student loan borrower is considered to be "in default."
Overdue payments or late payments.
Accounts classified into categories according to the time past due. Common classifications are 30, 60, 90 and 120 days past due. Special classifications also include charge-off, repossession, transferred, etc.
The failure to make scheduled monthly loan payments before the due date. If several payments are missed, the loan goes into default.
When a payment is more that 30 days late, generally the borrower is delinquent and remains delinquent until payments are back on schedule or other arrangements have been made.
In default, not on time, past due on obligation, note, invoice or other accounts receivable.
The status of a financial obligation, such as a mortgage loan, when it is past-due.
If a payment isn't received by the due date, it's considered delinquent.