Length, width, and/or height of a plane or solid shape
The size of a pallet or a skid. Width, stringer length, is quoted first, followed by the length.
As used in describing the inside or outside size of a sheet or container, generally stated as length, width, and depth in that sequence.
NEMA has standard frame sizes and dimensions designating the height of the shaft, the distance between mounting bolt holes and various other measurements. The integral AC motor NEMA sizes run from 143T- 445T, and the center of the shaft height in inches can be figured by taking the first two digits of the frame number and dividing it by 4. The fractional horsepower motors, for which NEMA spells out dimensions, utilize 42, 48 and 56 frames whose shaft height in inches is figured by dividing the frame number by 16.
Length – The larger of the two dimensions of the open face. Width – The lesser of the two dimensions of the open face. Depth – The distance between the innermost surfaces of the box measured perpendicular to the length and width.
A product's overall size, calculated by its width, depth and height (WxDxH).
The actual size, or "footprint," of a projector.
A diamond's width and height as they appear in the setting.
the measurements that indicate the actual size of an object
Within each domain, the different concepts of essential knowledge, skills and behaviours are organised into dimensions. Standards by which student achievement and progress is measured are written for each dimension.
These dimensions are a number of measurements that you need to know to accurately determine load weight distribution, mounting of special bodies, etc.
Here is a diagram explaining what the Height, Width, and Length fields are referring to. If there is no Height included you can get a pretty good idea of what it is from the Objective Diameter. Just add on about 10mm to account for the binocular body and convert to inches, 25.4mm = 1 inch. Image courtesy of Canon
Units of measure used to express the magnitude of mass, distance, force, and time.
the actual size of the item
The physical size of a magnet including any plating or coating.
Measurements of passenger accommodations are our own. Exterior dimensions and trunk space are those provided by the manufacturer.
measurements of the size or extent of an object, including such measurements as length, width and depth.
The width, length, and depth measurements of a gemstone.
Measurements that define the size of the inside of a box. Exterior measurements of a box are usually not provided. See Length, Width, and Depth.
Any of the three linear measurements, length, breadth and depth.
The three measurements of a box, given in the sequence of length, width and depth. Inside dimensions are used to ensure proper fit around a product. Outside dimensions are used in the carrier classifications and in determining pallet patterns/ Length: The larger of the two dimensions of the open face of a box as it is set up to receive product (after closing the joint.) Width: The smaller of the two dimensions of the open face. Depth: The distance measured perpendicular to the length and width.
any measurable quantity where the numerical result depends on the units chosen for measurement
the height and width of an image
Sometimes it is important to know just how big a product is. (Who knows — maybe you have a small mailbox!) DavidGregory.biz gives you the measurements down to the closest 1/8th of an inch.
The physical size, length, width, and height of a projector.
Desired knowledge or skills measured in an assessment and usually represented in a scoring rubric. For example, a measurement of student teamwork skills on a performance assessment might include 6 dimensions: adaptability (recognizing problems and responding appropriately), coordination (organizing team activities to complete a task on time), decision making (using available information to make decisions), interpersonal (interacting cooperatively with other team members), leadership (providing direction for the team), and communication (clearly and accurately exchanging information between team members).
Measurements of a figure. Examples include the length, width, and height of a prism.