Antenna or antenna element consisting of transmitters, receivers, and control electronics.
An array is a collection of data that is associated with a single variable name. Each piece of data is considered a value and is indexed numerically within the array.
A data structure that has one single name of fixed number of elements. An array contains elements of the same type. Elements are stored in contiguous memory locations. In Pascal arrays could be one-dimensional (list), two-dimensional (table), ..., up to 7-dimensional. Elements inside an array can be reached using subscripts (indices).
An array is a single programming variable with multiple "compartments". Each compartment can hold a value.
An array is a zero-based array of indexed slots. The slots can be of different types. There is no limit in the number of elements.!-- if (navigator.appName=="Netscape") { document.write("img src='separation.bmp' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' height='14' width='687' border='0'");} else { document.write("img src='separation.bmp' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border-style: none; height: 14px; float: none; width: 687px;' height='14' width='687' border='0'");
DX stores all of its data as a list of data items, arrays can be regulary or irregular.
Arrays are the basic data structure used in one, two and three dimensional phase retrieval. In one dimension, an object is represented by the array {A} = {A0 , ... , AN-1 }; in two dimensions, {A} = { {A0 0 , ... , A0 N-1 } , ... , {AN-1 0 , ... , AN-1 N-1 } } , etc. The different dimensions of a multidimensional array may have different sizes.
A precisely ordered arrangement of elements, allowing them to be displayed and examined in parallel; a systematically gridded pattern of DNA or protein on a solid surface to facilitate mass screening. When miniaturised, also known as 'microarrays' or 'chips'.
A data structure that defines a fixed-length series of items or values. See also list.
An ordered, named set of values, indexed by number.
a basic type of container, but there are others
a better way to store large amounts of data
a big variable that can store many values
a block of memory cells that is assigned a name just as a single memory word is assigned a variable name
a block of values that is referenced by name and index
a built-in data structure, that comes automatically with Java
a certain kind of linear collection of things
a collection of data, all of the same type, whose individual elements are arranged in a regular pattern
a collection of data storage locations, each having the same data type and the same name
a collection of data storage locations, each of which holds the same type of data
a collection of data values, just as an object is
a collection of data values, organized as an ordered collection of key-value pairs
a collection of data values referenced by a single name and whose values are accessed via an index (apartment mailbox metaphore)
a collection of elements accessed through a zero-based integer index
a collection of elements, all of the same data type, given a single name, and stored in adjacent memory locations
a collection of elements which can be accessed by an index
a collection of like elements organized into a n-dimensional data object
a collection of like objects
a collection of like variables that share a single name
a collection of members that are all created as members of the collection at the same time
a collection of memory locations which can be addressed through an index stored in some other memory location
a collection of miniaturized test sites arranged in a manner that permits many tests to be performed simultaneously, or in parallel, in order to achieve higher throughput
a collection of objects, and is represented in the database as a many-to-many relationship
a collection of pieces of data all of the same type (typically, but the compiler doesn't check for that) that are accessible by a numeric index
a collection of related instances, which can either be a value type or a reference type
a collection of scalar values
a collection of several things
a collection of similar data types stored in adjacent memory locations
a collection of values, like a structure
a collection of values of same data type
a collection of values stored in a numbered list
a collection of values that are indexed by numeric keys
a collective name given to a group of similar quantities
a complex variable that allows you to store multiple values in a single variable (which is handy when you need to store and represent related information)
a composite data type that stores a collection of values
a compound data type that can contain multiple data values, indexed either numerically or with strings
a container object that stores an indexed sequence of the same types of data
a container of variables, all those variables hold one name and are referred using a number called an index
a container that can hold multiple values, a unique numeric index is used to refer to (access) each value
a container that holds multiple values, each distinct from the rest
a container that holds variable containers
a contiguous block of elements of a particular type
a contiguous region of memory assigned to a variable name
a continuous line of elements that we have used to represent data in the form of sound and text
a convenient method of storing data to be used for processing in code
a convenient way to store and sort many instances of similar data, or in other words, many variables of the same type
a data representation that can store several variables
a data structure -- a component that holds data
a data structure consisting of a numbered list of items, where all the items are of the same type
a data structure consisting of one of more elements sharing a common type and name (an identifier)
a data structure consisting of related data items of the same type
a data structure containing a group of values of the same data type
a data structure containing many variables that may be accessed by a index
a data-structure for storing LISP objects
a data structure in which many values are associated with the same variable name, but each value has its own 'subscript' or 'index value' to distinguish it from the others
a data structure that allows storage of a sequence of values
a data structure that can encompass multiple individual data values, just like a building is a physical structure encompassing multiple floors
a data structure that combines several elements of the same base type
a data structure that contains a number of variables, which are accessed through computed indices
a data structure that enables you to store many related values under one variable name
a data-structure that holds objects
a data structure that stores a set of variables
a data structure that stores one or more values in a single value
a data structure that stores several values of the same type sequentially in memory
a data structure which stores elements of same data type in contiguous memory location
a data structure whose elements can be any valid object
a datatype that can hold multiple instances of other datatypes
a data type that contains or stores numbered pieces of data
a data type used to create a group of values of the same type
a fixed-length data structure that can contain multiple objects of the same type
a fixed length data structure that stores multiple values of the same data type
a fixed-size collection that is indexable
a fundamental data structure that enables us to store and manipulate potentially huge quantities of data
a fundamental data structure used to store objects of a particular type in contiguous memory locations
a group of contiguous items of the same kind or the same data type
a group of elements which are all of the same type, size and name
a group of like-typed variables that are referred to by a common name
a group of memory variables maintained as a unit
a group of several related variables
a group of things of one type
a group of two or more elements that are all of the same type
a highly versatile instrument, able to collect a wide variety of information from cold, dark regions of the cosmos
a homogenous structure, whereas classes are heterogeneous structures
a kind of aggregate data type
a linear collection of data elements, each element directly accessible via its index
a linear collection of scalar data
a linear sequence of objects of the same type The type (class) of a variable or a pointer specifies the type of objects that they can be associated with
a list holding a series of values
a list of more than one variable with the same name
a list of scalar variables
a list of variables of the same type grouped together in one block of memory
a list of variables that are all referenced by the same variable name
a list of variables that are referred to with the same variable name (identifier
a list (sometimes called a table) of variables
a map that has an non-negative integers as its key, and an element of its basetype as its value
a method of storing a group of objects of the same type in an indexed form
a method of storing pieces of similar data in the computer for later use
an aggregate data type that's a collection of individual data types
an aggregate of a single type
an aggregate of data of a common type, which can be accessed with one or more nonnegative indices
a name assigned to a series of values stored in memory
a named container that can hold several identical data types
an area in the computer's memory seperated into smaller parts for different variables
an example of a class implemented using indexed instance variables
an example of a data structure whose elements are related implicitly by their relative addresses
an ideal way to store all the items in a shopping cart
an indexed collection of items all of which have the same underlying type
an indexed collection of objects of one particular type
an indexed group of data storage locations that have the same name and are distinguished from each other by a subscript, or index --a number following the variable name, enclosed in brackets
an indexed series of other values of a fixed size
an Object by itself and hence is created on the heap
an object containing items that share some commonality
an object or data structure that holds multiple elements of the same type
an object that can have multiple indexed entities
an object which stores multiple values and has various properties
an object whose properties are called elements , which are each identified by a number called an index
an object whose properties are identified by numbers representing their positions in the structure
an object with indexed components of the same type
a nonempty sequence of data
an ordered collection of values
an ordered group of memory variables called elements
an ordered sequence of data elements of a single data type
an ordered series of variables of the same type
an ordered set of built-in types or objects, called elements
an ordered set of data elements
an simple type of collection
a particular method of storing elements of indexed data
a piece of data that has more than one value contained in it
a pointer to its first element (which is a sort of reference)
a powerful complex data type of LPC which allows you to access multiple values through a single variable
a powerful datatype that InterBase can use as a market differentiator, but it's virtually impossible for users to use it in the popular developer tools
a powerful tool given its ability to store multiple pieces of information all together in sequence
a primordial JScript object
a programmer's term for something which can hold many objects of the same type
a quintessential data structure for storing information that provides direct access to an element given its index
a related data structure that also stores its entries sequentially
a repeated transformation that results in a repeated object
a row of some predetermined number of variables of a given data type
a sequence of elements, each with an index number associated with it
a series of data elements of mixed data types
a series of data elements of the same type, in which the elements are identified by the order (place) within the series
a series of elements of the same type placed in contiguous memory locations that can be individually referenced by adding an index to a unique identifier
a series of enumerated variables, e
a series of homogeneous pieces of data that are all identical in type, but the type can be quite complex as we will see when we get to the chapter of this tutorial discussing structures
a series of memory locations that holds data sequentially in elements
a series of objects all of which are the same size and type
a series of objects or values stored under one name
a series of variables all with the same name, but with different index numbers
a series of variables referred to by the same name
a set of numbered memory variables grouped under a common name
a set of related variables that have the same name and are of the same type (REAL, INTEGER, CHARACTER)
a set of values of the same type that can be indexed directly
a set of values where each value is identified by an index
a set of variables all of the same type
a set of variables of one type all having the same name but with different index numbers
a set of variables of the same type addressed by the single variable name
a set of variables of the same type which we can access with a single name, and position index
a set of variables that are saved under the same name
a simple type of aggregate data
a single, pre-allocated chunk of contiguous elements (all of the same type), fixed in size and location
a single primitive object that has a slot for each elements
a special kind of object that contains values called elements
a special kind of variable
a special type of object that can hold an ordered collection of elements
a special type of object, where the properties are dynamic and are referred to by indexes, which are integers instead of identifiers
a structure consisting of a fixed number of elements that are all of the same type, called the element type
a structured variable that is capable of holding more than one value or item
a structure for storing and manipulating a group of elements
a structure that holds multiple values of the same type
a structure which may be extended
a table of values, called elements
a technique of storing information of different items in a common variable of one name
a type of object that contains
a type of set , which means you can't have multiple entries with the same key
a type of variable that holds a list
a type of variable that ties together a series of data items and places them in a single variable
a type parameterized over some other type
a type which stores one scalar data per task, message, buffer or shared resource
a variable, a list is a value
a variable containing multiple values
a variable name that is associated with a number of adjacent locations in RAM
a variable-sized collection of data elements that are all the same type, as opposed to a cluster, which is a fixed-sized collection of data elements of mixed types
a variable that can be used to store a set of values
a variable that can contain multiple values
a variable that can contain several distinct values
a variable that can hold more than one value
a variable that can store many variables
a variable that can store more than one value
a variable that can store multiple values
a variable that contains a list
a variable that has many values
a variable that has multiple 'buckets' associated with it
a variable that holds a bunch of variables
a variable that may contain many values
a variable type in PHP that allows the programmer to associate one value directly to another value or simply take a set of data and organize it into a list format (much like a table)
a variable type that can store and index a set of values
a variable which can contain more than one value
a way of grouping objects and variables together so that they are easy to work with
a way of putting a set of data into a single container
a way of storing data so that it can be accessed with a row and column
a way to assign a single variable name to like data types
a way to store multiple values of the same type
Line of sensors that collect a whole line, or swath, or data at one time.
Multiple rows of data items, usually used in conjuction with database data input and output.
An array is an indexed collection of data values. If an array is named monkey and i is an integer, then monkey[i] is one element of the array; monkey[2] is the third element in the array, since arrays always begin counting on zero. An array's value in JavaScript can refer to other arrays, objects, or functions. Arrays that are indexed by strings instead of integers (for example, monkey[matt] as opposed to monkey[2]) are called associative arrays.
An entity that contains an ordered group of scalar data. All objects in an array have the same data type and type parameters.
A sequence of elements, where each element associates with at least one index.
mathematical term denoting a multi dimensional table of values . An Array Variable can have a simple name and represent an array of values. e.g. a 3 by 4, two dimensional array is a three row by four column table.
information arranged item by item in a list, for later reference by index number. By convention, the first element in an array is at index 0.
An ordered set of continuous elements of the same type. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) A widely used coding scheme where 1-byte numeric values represent letters, numbers, symbols, and special characters. There are 256 possible codes. The first 128 codes are standardized; the remaining 128 are special characters defined by the computer manufacturer.
A set of sequentially indexed elements having the same type of data. Each element of an array has a unique identifying index number. Changes made to one element of an array do not affect the other elements.
An ordered set of data items identified by a single name.
An array is a data structure that allows random access by index number without any overhead. Arrays are usually stored sequentially in memory in order to achieve this effect, and are supported as a built in datatype in C++. Arrays can also be multi-dimensional, meaning that each position in the array is accessed by using several index numbers, as though specifying a location on a grid.
Multiple interconnected stages in series.
A grouping of similar types of data, referenced as sequential locations. The absolute locations of items in an array may not truely be sequential in a managed memory enviroment. Some different types are strings and multidimensional arrays.
any rectangular array of data, usually of numbers.
An array refers to the Python object type defined by the NumPy extensions to store and manipulate numbers efficiently.
A collection of probes on glass encased in a plastic cartridge.
An array is an ordered set of variables. The members of a DODS array must all be of the same data type. Array members may be accessed with the [] operator. That is, array[4] specifies the fifth member of array. Note that the index of the first array member is zero. Arrays with multiple dimensions are defined as single-dimensional arrays of arrays. For example, a two-dimensional array is an array of arrays.
a homogeneous collection of data items stored by a sequential ordinal index
A group of elements, such as pads or pins, or circuits arranged in rows and columns on one substrate.
A series of variables tied together and listed under one name. The individual variables inside the array are referred to using numbers, starting at 0, so the first element of the array is referred to as number 0, the next as number 1, the next as number 2 etc. These are explained in their own special section.
A collection of data items, all of the same type, in which each item's position is uniquely designated by an integer.
An array is a container object that can hold a fixed number of other Yacas objects in it. Individual elements of an array can be accessed using the [] operation. Most list operations also work on arrays. Arrays are faster than lists but the array size cannot be changed. See also: ArrayCreate .
a group of related items; an orderly structure of items or values
a lead consisting of three electronically common elements joined at a yoke. The SQ array is used as part of an AICD system.
A collection of objects of the same type which can be selected by an index belonging to the index subtype of the array.
A set of similar variables referenced, in a program, by a name and a numerical index into the set.
An array allows a programmer to store more than one value under the same variable name. To the top
(n.) a set of scalar data, all of the same type and type parameters, whose individual elements are arranged in a rectangular pattern. It may be a named array, the target of an array pointer, an array section structure component function value or an expresion. Its rank is at least one. In Fortran 77, arrays are always named and always variables.
This is the name for the assortment of images that is displayed when playing MouseTrial. Varying the number of objects displayed in the array is one of the main ways of adjusting the level of difficulty of the trials.
A series of variables (or objects) that are of the same type and size. Each of these variables (objects) are indexed; individual elements are called array elements. Arrays can be used in SQL and PL/SQL programs to reduce programming time and improve performance.
An array is a collection of values stored as a unit. I think of an array in the same way that I think of a list because both are composed of many things. An array can be composed of numbers, strings, hashes, or even other arrays. A basic array assignment looks like this: @array = (1, 2, 'Three', 4);.
In the most general sense, an explicit display of a set of observations. Usually, the term denotes some special arrangement of the observations; i.e., in order of magnitude. A frequency array is an array of frequencies according to variable values, that is to say, a frequency distribution.
An ordered collection of data items. An array has a single overall name; each item in it is called an element or member. For instance, the C shell stores its command search path in an array ( 47.5) named path ( 6.5). The first array member is named $path[1], the second is $path[2], and so on.
An organized collection of data in which the argument is positioned before the function. A group of items or elements in which the position of each item or element is significant. A multiplication table is a good example of an array.
field that has one or more occurrences. The number of onscreen occurrences is specified in the Array Size property under Geometry. Each occurrence can contain data. The onscreen portion of an array contains one or more elements, where each element is identified by a field number that is unique on the screen. An array can contain more occurrences than it has onscreen elements; then it is called a scrolling array and the number of offscreen occurrences is specified in the # of Occurrences property.
A collection of data items, all of the same type, in which the position of each item is uniquely designated by a discrete type.
A container of elements of the same type (and length) organized in a regular N-dimensional grid.
A variable that contains a finite number of elements that have a common name and data type. Each element of an array is identified by a unique index number. Changes made to one element of an array don't affect the other elements. An array range shares a c ድáˆá‹µáˆ View
data object consisting of an ordered series of elements that can be accessed by number index.
A sequence of values. An array is an Array object. Sometimes, the term "array" is used to refer to an object that has array-like qualities, namely it has numerical property names and a length property.
A group of variables that share the same name and store the same kind of information. Each variable in the group is called an element, and elements are numbered so that they can be distinguished from each other.
A data type capable of storing multiple items. Array types are produced by aggregation and are used by the visualizers to store data which animates over time. MineSet supports one-dimensional arrays (also known as vectors), and two-dimensional arrays (also known as matrices).
An indexed group of related data. Elements within an array must be of the same data type (such as all integers or all strings), and each element has a unique, sequential index number.
A data-storage structure in which a series of related constants or variables are stored in consecutive memory locations. Each constant or variable contained in an array is referred to as an element. An element is accessed using a subscript. See subscript.
A group of storage devices controlled in such a way as to provide higher data transfer rates, higher availability, or both. The array is treated as a single volume by the operating system.
A data structure in which consecutive memory locations contain data items of the same type.
A grouping of elements such as sensors.
A grouping of multiple values under the same name. Most languages just provide sequential arrays. awk provides associative arrays.
A list of data values, all of the same type, any element of which can be referenced by an expression consisting of the array name followed by an indexing expression. Arrays are part of the fundamentals of data structures, which, in turn, are a major fundamental of computer programming.
A rectangular pattern of element s of the same data type. The properties of an array include its rank, shape, extent, and data type. See also bounds and dimension.
A series of characters and/or numbers defined in order in memory. Used in programming to store data, create matrices, and other. C++ Example: char array[12]="Hello world";
An array is a numbered list of objects in which each object is specified by an index value. To create an array in a formula, use the array syntax which is: [First_Value,Second_Value,…,Last_Value]. To retrieve a value from an array, use its index to specify it: Array[index
A set of scalar data that all have the same type and kind type parameters. An array can be referenced by element (using a subscript), by section (using a section subscript list), or as a whole. An array has a rank (up to 7), bounds, size, and a shape. An individual array element is a scalar object. An array section, which is itself an array, is a subset of the entire array. Contrast with scalar. See also bounds, conformable, shape, size, whole array, and zero-sized array.
In computer programming, a group of elements of a specific data type is known as an array, one of the simplest data structures. An array is similar to, but different from, a vector or list (for one-dimensional arrays) or a matrix (for two-dimensional arrays). Arrays hold a sequence of data elements, usually of the same size and data type.