A computer program which examines a computer program written in some source language and carries out the actions required by that program more or less directly, without translating it into some other language. May well be slower than a compiled program, especially if there is a lot of calculation.[ edit] J to R
a language translator that converts higher-level programs into machine language by translating and executing one statement at a time; the translated code is not retained.
A software program that reads source code from a programming language every time it is run, to interpret the instruction it contains. The alternative is to use a compiler, which translates source code into a binary form only once and which is executed thereafter instead.
A trained professional, fluent in both English and American Sign Language, who is bound by a code of ethics to facilitate communication between deaf and hearing persons.
a program that translates a program in an interpreted language into executable machine code.
A person who has been certified as having the ability to translate, orally or in writing, spoken or sign language to the common language of the court.
One who translates material culture and human or natural phenomenon to the public in a meaningful, provocative, and interesting way. The term is usually applied to those who work in historic sites, parks, natural areas, zoos, etc.
A translator for high-level programming languages that translates and runs the program at the same time.
Individuals who are bilingual and who provide verbal translation services by telephone or face-to-face or who provide sign language interpretation services to members who do not speak English or who use American Sign Language.
A program that executes high level source code without translating it into object code first.
The process of changing a message from one language to another, making appropriate grammatical and cultural adjustments to maintain message equivalence, in order to convey the message from one person to another through an intermediary, the interpreter.
(IEEE) A computer program that translates and executes each statement or construct of a computer program before translating and executing the next. The interpreter must be resident in the computer each time a program [source code file] written in an interpreted language is executed. Contrast with assembler, compiler.
A program that reads source code and interprets it line by line. It does not create an executable file.
A program that reads, translates and executes a user's program, such as one written in the BASIC language, one line at a time. A compiler, on the other hand, reads and translates the entire user's program before executing it.
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
An interpreter is a program that processes a script or other program expression and carries out the requested action, in accordance with the language definition.
Person with training in areas such as sign language, fingerspelling, and speech, who can transmit verbal or written messages to the hearing-impaired person.
A set of software functions that converts PostScript language commands into a raster image. EPSON Stylus RIP Professional 2.0 uses the CPSI interpreter.
someone who mediates between speakers of different languages
(computer science) a program that translates and executes source language statements one line at a time
a bicultural, bilingual professional who interprets (works between languages) while being sensitive to the environmental factors which impede or foster the message and conducts him/herself in a professional, ethical manner
a bilingual person who uses two languages fluently and who is trained to receive a message in one language and to relay it in the other
a compiler that translates and executes one source program statement at a time
a computer language that execute instructions that are written in the form of a program
a computer program that makes a real cpu, such as an Intel Pentium, simulate the idealised Java CPU
a computer program which executes a source program more or less directly, instead of translating it into another language
a high level language that is closer to natural language
a meta-program, in the sense that it evaluates a program at another level, called the object-program (link to example of meta-code )
a necessity, if just to dot the i's and cross the t's, but English is widely spoken in the major cities
an entity that assigns meaning to program expressions by a series of machine state transitions
an evaluator equipped with a language, which is then capable of doing things with expressions in that language
an individual who translates the words of a speaker in real time
a person who aids a communication when at least one party to the communication has a hearing or speaking impairment or a language difficulty
a person who is fluent in two or more languages and can render a message from one language to another, conveying the meaning and intent of the speaker
a person who is responsible for active communication between all project participants, independent from what language they are speaking
a person who orally transfers from one language to another
a person who provides interpretation services, which is the process of conveying information between American Sign Language (ASL) and English
a person who speaks languages other than English or a sign language
a person with special skills and knowledge to transfer spoken messages from one language into another
a piece of software that can convert a program into machine language as it is being written
a process that knows how to perform the commands specified in the formal language in which the program is written
a professional whose job is to make communication possible between individuals who do not share a common language
a program that accepts as input another program written in some language, and executes that program (or simulates its execution, depending on your viewpoint)
a program that acts much like a CPU, with a kind of fetch-and-execute cycle
a program that executes either source code or bytecode by converting each instruction into machine code and then executing it immediately, in contrast to a compiler which converts the entire source program into machine code before any of it is executed
a program that implements the evaluation relation of a language
a program that looks at each line of the "english" program, decides what the "english" on that line means, and does what it says to do
a program that reads a high-level program and does what it says
a program that reads in as input a source program, along with data for the program, and translates the source program instruction by instruction
a program that translates and executes another program
a program that translates high-level instructions into machine code, line by line, as the program is running
a program which reads source code, and executes the commands in it while it is reading it
a program which stays in control all the while the program is running
a program which will play an Infocom game file, whether bought from Activision (who currently sell the Infocom back catalogue at very low prices) or compiled by Inform
a realization of the abstract machine
a special kind of compiler that avoids storage of the ML translation
a specially trained professional who renders a message spoken in one language into a second language with consistency and accuracy, and who abides by a code of professional ethics
a tower of machines, some software and some hardware, running at different times, all working together to execute your program
a type of compiler that executes individual statements as soon as a they are generated by the parser
A person who translates spoken language orally, as opposed to a translator, who translates written language
A program expressed in one language which executes programs expressed in another language.
Provides oral (spoken) translation of a speaker's words from one language into another. (cf. translator)
A person who can translate a conversation for people who do not speak the same language. An interpreter explains what each person says to the other, without changing the meaning.
Contacted to translate court proceedings when needed.
means a person trained to translate orally or in sign language in matters pertaining to special education identification, evaluation, placement, the provision of FAPE, or assurance of procedural safeguards for parents and students who converse in a language other than spoken English. Each student's IEP team determines the level of interpreter skill necessary for the provision of FAPE. (A.A.C. R7-2-401)
A program which executes source code written in a high level language (C, Pascal, Ada). An interpreter does not produce object code or an executable file. It may generate intermediate code and execute that. Interpreters are desirable because they can offer debugging techniques superior to compilers. They have the source code readily available in memory. The translation time is less because they usually don't do much optimization on the code.
A language translator that converts program statements line-by-line into machine language, immediately executing each one.
An interpreter converts bytecodes into run time programs in Java. Java enabled browsers have a built in Java interpreter. To the Top J Section Java: A programming language adapted to the needs of the Internet and World Wide Web. Java programs for the Web are called Applets.
Software enabling a computer to run programs statement by statement.
A module that alternately decodes and executes every statement in some body of code. The Java interpreter decodes and executes bytecode for the Java virtual machine. See also compiler, runtime system.
A person who translates between two people speaking different languages.
A tool that allows a program to be run immediately, without recompiling or relinking.
A language service provider who mediates between speakers of different languages. (Compare with "translator".)
a person sworn at a trial to interpret the evidence of a foreign language, speaking or deaf person
programming: A program like HyperCard or BASIC that takes a program written in a high-level language and translates it "on the fly" to machine code that the processor can carry out. Interpreters are very convenient to work with since you can interrupt the process at any point to make changes or debug. However, since the translation takes substantial time, your program runs much more slowly under an interpreter.
An interpreter executes your program without first creating an executable file. It interprets your program into the language of the CPU, on-the-fly. Compilers and interpreters do a lot of the same work. However, since interpreters can't create executable files, the source code must always be available to users. See also Compiler.
A program that transforms statements into machine code a statement at a time. The the Python executable is an interpreter of the Python language.
A person who speaks english and another language fluently. Fluency includes an understanding of non verbal and cultural patterns to effectively communicate in that language. An interpreter enables clients and staff to communicate with each other. See: Rights & Responsibilities; Interview Requirements
A system program that converts and executes each instruction of a high-level language program into machine code as it runs, before going onto the next instruction.
When a program of BASIC statements is running, the BASIC interpreter converts each line, one at a time, into machine instructions for execution on the CPU. The interpreter performs the conversion from BASIC language statements which make sense to a human into machine instructions which are used by the hardware.
A person who facilitates communication between hearing and deaf or hard of hearing persons through interpretation into a signed language, or transliteration of a language into a visual and/or phonemic code by an oral interpreter, a signed language interpreter or cued speech interpreter.
A program that turns a source file into a computer program by interpreting each line one at a time. An interpreted language runs programs more slowly than a compiled language does, but it is easier to debug.
A computer program that translates a high-level instruction to machine language, line by line, and then executes it before considering the next instruction.
A program that can interpret the code of a program not written in the native machine code of the computer. Due to the fact that it has to perform a translation, the run time of the foreign code can take longer than if the code was compiled into native machine code. Examples of languages that produce generic code that are computer independent are:- Pascal, BASIC etc. See also Program, Compiler, Pascal and BASIC.
The module that decodes and executes Java bytecode.
A professional person who assists a deaf person in communicating with hearing people. The following certifications are awarded by the Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf (RID) National Certification Board: Expressive Translating, the ability to simultaneously translate from spoken to manual English (verbatim); Expressive Interpreting, the ability to use sign language with hearing impaired persons who possess various levels of language competence; Reverse Skills, the ability to render (manually, orally or written) a hearing impaired person's message; Comprehensive Skills, which includes all of the above skills; Legal Specialist Certificate, which includes Comprehensive Skills plus specialized evaluation to qualify for interpreting in a variety of legal settings.
a program that interactively reads and processes commands. WWWebfx Home Page
A program that reads human-readable source code directly, and uses the instructions in it to process data and produce results. awk is typically (but not always) implemented as an interpreter. See also “Compiler.
A piece of software that evaluates and executes line by line instructions written in a high-level language that humans can understand (source code).
1. someone who translates between foreign languages, such as at the UN. See C3PO. 2. a computer program which interprets and executes programming code. See compiler, CLI.
a person sworn at a judicial proceeding to translate oral or written language
A software utility that executes source code from a high-level language such as Basic, C or Pascal, by reading one line at a time and executing the specified operation.
Program that translates and executes one 3GL program code statement at a time, by reading a code statement, converting it to one or more machine language instructions, then executing the instructions before moving to the next code statement in the program. 15.18
In computer science the term interpreter is sometimes used instead of the term emulator. It can also refer to a program that performs compilation as well as emulation. Interpreters that compile source code usually do so when the code is first encountered during program execution, rather than in a separate phase prior to execution.