The computer language in which the vast majority of mainframe applications have been written.
Acronym for COmmon Business Oriented Language. A high-level programming language intended for use in the solution of problems in business data processing.
acronym for COmmon Business Oriented Language; a procedural programming language (see listing).
Common Business Oriented Language. A programming language developed in the 1960s and still used in business applications.
Common Business Oriented Language Written about 1960 with business applications in mind. It has a very English-like structure, using sentences and paragraphs.
A older but still very powerful and popular high-level programming language designed for business data processing.
Developed in the 1960s, COBOL is widely used for mini and mainframe programming. It is also available for personal computers. To the top
Acronym for COmmon Business-Oriented Language, a computer language suitable for writing complicated business applications programs. It was developed by CODASYL, a committee representing the U. S. Department of Defense, certain computer manufacturers, and major users of data processing equipment. COBOL is designed to express data manipulations and processing problems in English narrative form, in a precise and standard manner.
Used in the 70-ies for programming financial software and almost died a few years back. In the financial world there is a minor comeback of this language because all the old applications are written in Cobol.
A data processing computer language, the de facto standard for business programming. It makes use of statements very similar to business English and was first used in 1960.
Programming language popular for financial applications.
A high-level programming language developed for transaction processing applications.
q¥Î°Ó·~3/4ɦV»y¨¥(Common Business Oriented Language)
( CO mmon usiness- riented anguage): Widely used procedural programming language for business applications developed in the early 1960s. 15.24 Codd, E.F., 13.22 Code Java, 15.34-35 program, 15.8, 9 schemes, 4.14-15 spaghetti, 15.9, 16
Acronym for Common Business-Oriented Language. COBOL is a computer programming language used extensively in mainframes and minicomputers for business applications.
Common Business Oriented Language is a programming language commonly used for data processing.
COBOL is a third-generation programming language. Its name is an acronym, for COmmon Business Oriented Language, defining its primary domain in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments.
Stands for Common Business Oriented Language.
A computer programming language invented during the second generation of computers and designed to meet the needs of business. Although less often used today, it was well-suited for writing programs that process large files and generate reports.
Stands for Co mmon usiness riented anguage.
CO mmon usiness riented anguage. A computer programming language designed to facilitate the development of business-oriented programs.
Contraction of Common Business Oriented Language, a computer programming language particularly designed to express business data proceessing problems in a recognizable language.
COmmon Business Oriented Language. A high-level computer language primarily used for business applications.
Common Business-Oriented Language. A programming language that is used for business programs.
Is the Common Business Oriented Language.
Acronym for ommon usiness riented anguage. Developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s, COBOL is the second-oldest high-level programming language (FORTRAN is the oldest). It is particularly popular for business applications that run on large computers.
COmmon Business Oriented Language.A high-level programming language for business data processing, designed by the CODASYL Committee in 1960.
Acronym for "Considered Obsolete By Other Languages".
(Common Business Oriented Language): An old-fashioned programming language invented by Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, still in use for many legacy business applications today.