a high-level computer programming language in which statements and data are in the form of lists, enclosed in parentheses; -- used especially for rapid development of prototype programs in artificial intelligence applications .
a high level computer language often associated with artificial intelligence programming
A computer language often used for text processing. Used as the internal language in emacs.
A computer language known for its very flexible expression syntax. Popular with artificial intelligence researchers due to its inherent ability to interchange data and code dynamically.
Lis rocessing. An interpreted programming language, first designed by John McCarthy at MIT. LISP is different from most programming languages in that programs and data structures are equivalent, and recursion is the principal control structure. It is widely used for artificial intelligence programming.
A programming language (LIST Processing) designed specifically to manipulate symbols rather than numeric data. A LISP data element is a list of symbols that may represent any object, including its own list processing functions. [DEC].
a speech defect that involves pronouncing s like voiceless th and z like voiced th
a flexible procedure-oriented programing language that manipulates symbols in the form of lists
a (Click link for more info and facts about speech impediment) speech impediment
a Functional Speech Disorder (FSD)
a mispronunciation or distortion of the /s/ and /z/ phonemes ( speech sounds)
a speech defect or mannerism and not what you've stated
An interpretive computer language developed for manipulating symbolic strings of instructions and data. The principal data structure is the list, a finite ordered sequence of symbols. Because the programs themselves are expressed as lists, LISP lends itself to sophisticated recursion, symbol manipulation, and self-modifying code. It is widely used for AI programming.
Lisp stands for lis rocessing and is the second oldest computer language in the world. Being developed in 1959, it lost the title to FORTRAN by only a few months. It is typically interpreted, but compilers are available for some platforms. Attempts were made to standardize the language, and the standard version is called "Common Lisp". There have also been efforts to simplify the language, and the results of these efforts is another language called Scheme. Lisp is a fairly portable language, but is not particularly fast. Today, Lisp is most widely used with AI software.
LISP, an acronym for list processing, is a programming language that was designed for easy manipulation of data strings.
A programming language used in artificial intelligence. The name stands for LISt Processing. It is the programming language that Emacs is written in and also refers to three major modes within it.
Lisp is a reflective, functional programming language family with a long history. Originally developed as a practical computation model (in comparison to Alan Turing's), it later became the favored artificial intelligence research language during the field's heyday in the 1970s and 1980s. The language pioneered the use of tree structures, (S-expressions), automatic storage management, interpreters, and functional programming. Today, Lisp languages are used in many fields, from web development to finance [1], and are also common in computer science education.
Lisp is a programming language. Most of Emacs is written in a dialect of Lisp, called Emacs Lisp, that is extended with special features which make it especially suitable for text editing tasks.
An object-oriented programming language.
LISt Processing language. A programming language originally developed for Artificial Intelligence (AI) but now used mainly in the speech synthesis field.
List Processing Language -- A high-level computer language invented by Professor John McCarthy in 1961 to support research into computer based logic, logical reasoning, and artificial intelligence. It was the first symbolic (as opposed to numeric) computer processing language.
A programming language that uses the list as its primary data object. The most widely used language for artificial intelligence.
A language used primarily by artificial intelligence programmers for general string handling and list processing.
Refers to the List Processing language.
A programming language designed to manipulate lists that was inspired by Lambda Calculus and was the inspiration for Stutter.
LISt Processor: A high level, list processing language commonly used in artificial intelligence and computer research. LISP is different from most other programming languages in several ways; a major difference is that recursion is used as a control structure rather than iteration (looping) which is common in most programming languages.
List Processor. A programming language designed to manipulate lists, inspired by lambda calculus.
A programming language based on predicate logic and is the one most commonly used in artificial intelligence applications.
Family of computer programming languages, second oldest high level language in widespread use today
(LISt Processing language): A functional, self-modifying programming language commonly used for artificial intelligence applications and other complex programming tasks.
A programming language designed for list processing and used extensively for artificial intelligence problems .
n. Acronym for List Processing. A list-oriented programming language developed in 1959-60 by John McCarthy and used primarily to manipulate lists of data. LISP is heavily used in research and academic circles and is considered the standard language for artificial-intelligence research. See also artificial intelligence. Compare Prolog.
A lisp (O E wlisp, stammering)Concise English Dictionary Wordsworth Editions Ltd. 1994, ISBN 1-85326-328-1 is a speech impediment, historically also known as sigmatism. Stereotypically, people with a lisp are unable to pronounce sibilants (like the sound [s]}}), and replace them with interdentals (like the sound [θ]}}), though there are actually several kinds of lisp. "Interdental" lisping is produced when the tip of the tongue protrudes between the front teeth and "dentalised" lisping is produced when the tip of the tongue just touches the front teeth.