The instruction written in the basic computer language. It is represented in 0's and 1's.
Machine language consists of the raw numbers that can be directly understood by a particular processor. Each processor's machine language will be different from other processors' machine language. Although called "machine language", it is not usually what people think of when talking about computer languages. Machine language dressed up with mnemonics to make it a bit more human-readable is called assembly language.
Binary code instructions to a computer.
the set of binary encoded instructions that actually are executed by the hardware of the computer.
the only programming language that can be understood and executed directly by a computer, consisting of various combinations of 0s and 1s; considered a first-generation programming language.
The language that computers can "understand," machine language is entirely numerical. Programs written by human beings must be translated by a computer into machine language before they can be used.
A language that can be used directly by the computer without intermediate processing. See native language.
The set of commands that a computer's processor uses to carry out functions.
The language that a computer uses to process commands. Machine languages are built from numbers only and are specific to each computer platform.
The binary language of 1's and 0's that is the only language the computer understands. All other programming languages, like BASIC, have to be translated into this binary code before the computer can understand them.
The native binary language recognized and executed by a computer's central processing unit and consisting of 0s and 1s.
Instructions coded so that the computer can recognize and execute them.
Binary code. Machine language is the only language a CPU understands. High-level programming languages (, Perl, Java etc) must be translated to machine language, before they can be executed.
The programming language that is interpreted and executed directly by the computer.
a programming language designed for use on a specific class of computers
a set of instructions coded so that the computer can use it directly without further translation
a mere pattern of instructions consisting of bits that can be read directly by a computer's processor
a programming language that consists of instructions encoded as binary numbers which can be executed directly by a given type of CPU
The written representation of machine code, which is the operation code understood directly by a computer. More generally, it is the language used by a computer for communicating internally with its own subsystems.
Binary code instructions which can be "understood" by a specific CPU. More pedantically, binary numbers which, when represented as voltage signals within a microcontroller, drive the internal circuitry to perform further state changes. Compare with assembly language.
A programming language which can be directly executed by a machine.
A binary-based language for representing computer programs that the computer can execute directly.
Binary instructions that can be read directly by a computer without translation. Also know as machine code. See C, C+, C++, compiler, high-level language, programming language.
Any programming language that consists of 1's and 0's (called binary) representing instructions. A typical machine instruction could be 110100, meaning, "add two numbers together". It is the only language understood by the processor and is completely incomprehensible to most people.
The set of instructions understood by elementary processors.
a computer language that is directly executable by a computer without the need for translation by a compiler or an assembler. Although the computer works on binary patterns, the program can usually be entered in octal or hexadecimal.
The instructions, typically expressed in hexadecimal or binary notation, that are understood by a particular processor. For example, 00000100 (04 16) is the instruction that tells an Intel 80¥ 86 processor to add the following byte to the accumulator register.
(n.) The basic set of instructions for a given computer. A binary code represents these instructions internally.
A low-level programming language in which the program code consists of 0s and 1s.
The native language of the computer. In order for a program to run, it must be presented to the computer as binary-coded machine instructions that are specific to that CPU model or family. Machine language is created by assemblers and compilers, which convert the lines of programming code a human writes into the machine language the computer understands.
The codes and formats used by different machine manufacturers within the embroidery industry. Common formats include Barudan, Brother, Fortran, Happy, Marco, Meistergram, Melco, Pfaff, Stellar, Tajima, Toyota, Ultramatic and ZSK. Most digitizing systems can save designs in these languages so the computer disk can be read by the embroidery machine.
A program in the form of a series of binary codes that are understandable by the CPU. 99.9% of the time programmers write their code in another "higher level" programming language which in turn translates their code into machine language.
This is a computer language that are commands that can be carried out by a piece of computer hardware without any further compilation.
Instructions that are written in binary form that a computer can execute directly. Also called object code and object language.
The basic set of binary operations, specific to each computer brand, that constitute its main power.
The lowest level language the computer understands. The computer converts all high-level languages, such as BASIC, into machine language before executing any statements. Machine language is written in binary form that a computer can execute directly. Also called machine code or object code.
a processor specific set of binary codes that correspond to actions to be taken by the processor of a machine.
Machine language is a way of talking directly to the 6502 chip. Other languages like BASIC have to be translated into machine language before the 6502 can understand them. That takes time, which is why machine language programs run so much faster than BASIC ones. In case you're wondering what the difference is between machine language and assembly language, not much. Machine language is just a bunch of numbers. Assembly language gives these numbers names so that they make more sense.
The language of the CPU. The lowest level language. Composed of 0's and 1's
Binary language, the language of 0 and 1 that all computers finally work on.
Computer programming language in groups of 1s and 0s are used to represent instructions. Machine language is also the only language a computer actually understands.
programming: Computer instructions at the lowest level - the language of the processor itself. Serious 0's and 1's. This code is almost always the end result of a program written in a mid or high-level language, then turned into machine language by an interpreter, or the duet of a compiler or assembler and then a linker.
A language that can be used directly by a computer without intermediate processing. The final output of the compilation process is a load module containing machine language instructions.
The first generation of programming languages that only the computer directly understands, producing instructions that use a series of binary digits (1s and 0s) that correspond to the on and off electrical states of a computer; machine-dependent. 15.16