programming: Specific and detailed instructions for manipulating pieces of information in a computer. These instructions are "low level", that is, very close to machine language. Assembly language programming is difficult but produces very speedy and compact programs (or portions of programs). Unlike compiled languages, assembly language programs are written for a specific processor, which makes moving them to another platform with a different processor very difficiult.
A low-level programming language that uses mnemonics to represent machine language instructions. Each computer might have different assembly language instruction set.
While machine languages consist entirely of numbers and are almost impossible for humans to read and write. Assembly languages have the same structure and set of commands as machine languages, but they enable a programmer to use names instead of numbers.
A symbolic language that is converted by a computer into executable machine-language programs. Assembly language is easier to manipulate and remember than machine language.
a programming language based on machine language but using character symbols to substitute for combinations of 0s and 1s; considered a second-generation programming language.
A programming language very close to the language of electrical impulses that is the Apple IIgs's native tongue. Because assembly-language programs require very little translation, they can be very fast.
A symbolic language that is machine-oriented rather than problem-oriented. A program in an assembly language is converted by an assembler to a machine-language program. Symbols representing storage locations are converted to numerical storage locations; symbolic operation codes are converted to numeric operation codes.
Grouped alphabet characters, called mnemonics, that replace the numeric instructions of machine language. A computer language that has one-to-one correspondence with an assembly program.
The language used for writing programs for the PCs in ECE 291. Assembly language is a low level language, just one step up from the computer's native language, machine code.
a low-level programing language; close approximation to machine language
a human readable form of machine code
a human-readable notation for machine language for a specific processor
a low-level computer language whose instructions correspond directly to the machine language instructions of a specific processor type
a set of simpler instructions (or mnemonics) which correspond to the machine code instructions that a computer understands
a small translation step up from the raw machine language
Mnemonic (abbreviation) form of a specific machine language.
A symbolic language closely related to a machine language.
Assembly language is the textual way of describing a machine code program. Each individual machine code instruction is represented by a letter sequence called a mnemonic. A program called an assembler converts the assembly language into machine code. You can mix assembler and compiler output by linking together their object files. You write assembler programs when you need great speed, or want to talk to particular pieces of hardware. Assembly language is slow to write and non-portable.
A low-level language used to program microprocessors directly. Z80 assembly language can be used on the TI-83 to write programs that execute faster than programs written in TI-BASIC. See the Introduction to read about the advantages and disadvantages of ASM.
Assembly language is essentially machine language that has had some of the numbers replaced by somewhat easier to remember mnemonics in an attempt to make it more human-readable. The program that converts assembly language to machine language is called an assembler. While assembly language predates FORTRAN, it is not typically what people think of when they discuss computer languages.
A low-level programming language that uses names and other symbols to replace some of the 0s and 1s in machine language.
is the programming language that is closest to the computer, which is why it's called a "low level" programming language. Assembly has the advantage of speed since assembly programs are written in terms of processor instructions so little or no translation is needed when generating executables. Its main disadvantage is that it is processor (or architecture) dependent. Writing complex programs is very time-consuming as well. So, assembly is the fastest programming language, but it isn't portable between architectures.
A programming language in which each line of source code corresponds to a specific microprocessor instruction. Assembly language gives the programmer full access to the computer's hardware and produces the most compact, fastest executing code. See “high-level language.
Low-level programming language that nearly mimicks machine code, used to optimize important parts of computer programs.
One of the first programming languages. Considered a lower level language, assembly is actually closer to machine language than to other high level object oriented languages. While hard to learn, assembly has the advantage of increased execution speed. (See Lower Level Languages)
A programming language that is one step away from machine language. Each assembly language statement is translated into one machine instruction by the assembler. It is hardware-dependent; there is a different assembly language for each CPU series. Assembly language is turned into machine language.
A low-level computer programming language which uses symbolic code and produces machine instructions
A programming language specific to a microprocessor. It is a very low-level language, where you actually give the processor instructions like "MOV A,B",...
n. A low-level programming language using abbreviations or mnemonic codes in which each statement corresponds to a single machine instruction. An assembly language is translated to machine language by the assembler and is specific to a given processor. Advantages of using an assembly language include increased execution speed and direct programmer interaction with system hardware. See also assembler, compiler, high-level language, low-level language, machine code.
A machine oriented language in which mnemonics are used to represent each machine language instruction. Each CPU has its own specific assembly language.
A low level computer language in which each binary machine code instruction is replaced by a mnemonic/ symbolic code instruction.
A computer language of symbolic instructions and addresses that convert into binary machine language codes on a one-to-one basis.
Machine oriented programming language.
A programming language in which each operation performed by the Central Processing Unit (CPU) is written as a symbolic instruction. Assembly language is a convenient means of representing machine language. A program known as an assembler translates instructions written in assembly language into machine language.
A programming ( low level) language which operates directly on the microprocessor. Assembly language, while compact and powerful, often lacks the development tools found in a high level language such as Basic or ascal and is, therefore, more difficult to write and debug.
a set of instructions that a programmer can use to create a program for use on a specific processor. Assembly language is translated into machine language by a piece of software called an assembler
This is a programming language, just like BASIC, except it talks the computer's language instead of having to go through a translator. See machine language as well.
An assembly language is a low-level language used in the writing of computer programs. Assembly language uses mnemonics, abbreviations or words that make it easier to remember a complex instruction and make programming in assembler an easier task. The goal of using mnemonics in the writing of assembly language programs is to replace the more error prone, and time consuming, effort of directly programming in a target computer's numeric machine code that had been used with the very first computers.